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Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) outbreak discussion

Will the "Corona Virus" turn into a worldwide epidemic or fizzle out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 49.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Bigger than SARS, but not worldwide epidemic (Black Death/bubonic plague)

    Votes: 25 33.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters

Frequent Boosters Spur Warning on Immune Response

European Union regulators warned that frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible.​

Repeat booster doses every four months could eventually weaken the immune response and tire out people, according to the European Medicines Agency. Instead, countries should leave more time between booster programs and tie them to the onset of the cold season in each hemisphere, following the blueprint set out by influenza vaccination strategies, the agency said.

The advice comes as some countries consider the possibility of offering people second booster shots in a bid to provide further protection against surging omicron infections. Earlier this month Israel became the first nation to start administering a second booster, or fourth shot, to those over 60. The U.K. has said that boosters are providing good levels of protection and there is no need for a second booster shot at the moment, but will review data as it evolves.

Boosters “can be done once, or maybe twice, but it’s not something that we can think should be repeated constantly,” Marco Cavaleri, the EMA head of biological health threats and vaccines strategy, said at a press briefing on Tuesday. “We need to think about how we can transition from the current pandemic setting to a more endemic setting.”

The EU regulator also said at the briefing that oral and intravenous antivirals, such as Paxlovid and Remdesivir, maintain their efficacy against omicron. The agency said that April is the soonest it could approve a new vaccine targeting a specific variant, as the process takes about three to four months. Some of the world’s largest vaccine-makers have said they are looking at producing vaccines that could target new variants.

Yeah I saw that "wart removal" story.
Roger Marshall is incompetent and a moron..
Fauci continues to deal with people who simply do not know what they are talking about.

I actually agree that Senator Marshall could have grilled Fauci way better.

Fauci did "deal" with the questions very well, no doubt ..... By evading the actual question as usual

Fauci is a pathological liar. Anyone who cant see that based on the known information is wearing blinkers.

DARPA rejected the ECO-Health request for grant money because they considered the "gain of function" research too risky etc

ECO-H had and did get their funding cash via the NIH (Fauci) to continue the same gain of function research in the Wuhan lab

The same g-o-f research which had already been carried out at Chapel Hill etc in the US but got shut down

The money trail and the paper trail continue to grow.

The only thing we don't know yet is the full extent of the lies and corruption. I suspect it will eventually come out.
At least the coppers are "keeping us safe" by arresting real villains. This person was obviously a danger to society' and truly warranted diverting police resources away from, domestic violence, street gangs, and organised crime.

In the debate about RATs it makes interesting reading to look at some of the 'debate" before the RATS became an essential item.
Ellume is an Australian company that has been producing RATS for some time.
From an article that was produced by The Australian back inOctober 8th 2020
So neither the Feds nor QLD state govt were interested, and the funding came from the US.
There was a bit of a snag however, when 2 million kits were recalled because of false positives.
The TGA in its enormous wisdom did not approve of ANY of the RAT testing until November 1st, and only put out a list of approved tests Yesterday (see TGA Approved tests ). There are 22 different tests approved, 16 of which come from China, 2 from the USA, one each from Korea, Singapore, Germany, and Australia. Was a bit surprised that the one Australian manufacturer was not Immune, but a company in Mulgrave Victoria, Innovation Scientific. So it seems that the connection to the liberal party was too much of a hurdle.
Perhaps they were scared off because of this article.

There is no doubt that the Feds have screwed up on this, but put all the blame on them is a bit rich, especially as every step of the way has been politicised.
Imagine the headlines if Hunt had decided to order 32 million kits before the ATAGI had approved them in the hope that they would pick the ones he ordered, and then got it wrong.
ATAGI, slower than Molasses, and nowhere near as useful.
Economic effect of COVID on business is now worse than during lockdown. Many businesses are just not viable with staff sick or isolating, customers staying home and supply chains in chaos.

I wonder when governments will revive business support payments ?

A link to Mr Pfizer with his foot in his mouth

I wonder when governments will revive business support payments ?

Hopefully never! but probably soon as the elites will need another booster shot of wealth transfer from the poor.

Everyone is getting covid, everyone is spreading covid. It cannot be stopped (except in WA) unless everyone is locked down for a month with the government issuing shoot to kill orders for anyone seen in public. Government really should completely give up. Everyone is going to have covid by the end of January.

These politicians have zero plan to ever let us go back to normal. They want this dictator power forever.
One of the outcomes of COVID is long COVID. People who pick up the virus but never recover properly.

The ongoing effects for these people range from debilitating to disastrous. Long COVID seems to be affecting between 10-30% of initial sufferers.

My wife had long Covid and killed herself. We must help others who are suffering

Nick Güthe

The medical community must find answers for those suffering from long Covid. They are running out of time and hope

Seen here with her husband Nick Güthe and the actor Jeff Goldblum, Heidi Ferrer was a screenwriter who worked on shows including Dawson’s Creek. Photograph: Dave Allocca/Starpix/Rex/Shutterstock
Wed 12 Jan 2022 22.17 AEDT
Last modified on Thu 13 Jan 2022 01.26 AEDT

My wife, Heidi, took her own life after a 13-month battle with long Covid that started as a mostly asymptomatic coronavirus infection. Long Covid took her from one of the healthiest, most vibrant people I’ve ever known to a person so debilitated that she could not bear another day on this planet.

I came home one day last May to find that she’d decided to end her pain. As our 13-year-old son waited outside for the paramedics, I tried desperately to revive her. I did a good enough job that by the time we got her to the hospital they could restart her heart, but she was brain dead on arrival. The emergency room doctor assumed that she died from depression. When I told him, “She wasn’t depressed, it was long Covid,” he looked at me with bewilderment and asked, “What’s long Covid?”

Late last night I got a desperate Twitter message from a man whose wife could be the next Heidi. She has long Covid and was threatening to end her life. She had already told their eight-year-old daughter her plan. I called him immediately. Heidi and his wife both suffered from unexplained neurological tremors and internal chest cavity vibrations so bad they lost the ability to sleep.

The pressure on ICU places caused by COVID is now overwhelming. What happens when push comes to shove ?

My bile rises as I’m asked to move my dying cancer patient out of ICU to make room for an unvaccinated man with Covid

Ranjana Srivastava

I understand that for a chance at survival, the Covid patient needs a ventilator, but in a career filled with ethical dilemmas, this one really tugs at me

At least the coppers are "keeping us safe" by arresting real villains. This person was obviously a danger to society' and truly warranted diverting police resources away from, domestic violence, street gangs, and organised crime.

Welcome to the Union of Soviet Socialist 'Strayan States where having a cup of tea with friends us a crime.

This country is disgraceful.

My wife, Heidi, took her own life after a 13-month battle with long Covid

That is 100% genuinely a terrible and sad event.

My bile rises as I’m asked to move my dying cancer patient out of ICU to make room for an unvaccinated man with Covid

This on the other hand,

is just plain gutter media at its worst. (Not directed at you at all @basilio just to confirm)

(I'm sorry for this patient and any other sick patient of course)

When the media goes down this "beat up the un-vaxxed" at every turn with ever diminishing Scientific reasoning

They show just how far scum journalists will go to create a headline that keeps their pay cheque at the end of the week.

Now my bile is rising, lol. I can't believe people actually get conned by all this polarizing agenda.

Has this "vaccine" ( that doesn't actually work very well) taken away everyone's ability to think rationally, or for themselves?!

For the record, and in my small world .... A high percentage of my good friends at the local Bowls Club have come down with Covid

Poor b@stards indeed is how I feel. They are my mates!

All fully vaxxed and/or boosted till the cows come home (rural area) with their Government approved/suggested "safety net"

When some (hopefully not all for God's sake) end up at the local Hospital and put some poor cancer patient out in the hall

Will the scum Journalists (I repeat my bolds for dramatic effect ) be any where to be found I ask?

And will they mention that 90% of the Covid cases in our local area are all fully vaxxed etc etc and taking up hospital space??

At the expense of real sick people? Of course they wont.

The unvaccinated started the pandemic and the unvaccinated have perpetuated the pandemic (Apparently)

And the unvaccinated (5-10% ) are causing all the "safe and effectively" vaccinated to get sick (Apparently)

Time to wake up to the true reality methinks.

Rant over (for now) My BILE is starting to bubble as well.
When are Australians going to say "no" to authoritarianism? We have less freedom today than those living in the Soviet Union had. Getting arrested while having a cup of tea because you didn't present the correct identity papers? If someone told us three years ago that this would be happening in Australia in 2022, what would we have said?
When the media goes down this "beat up the un-vaxxed" at every turn with ever diminishing Scientific reasoning
The scientific evidence is unequivocal: less chance of hospitalisation, severe illness and death.
Time to wake up to the true reality methinks.
There are hundreds of millions of data records confirming the disproportionate impact of the unvaxxed on hospitalisations etc.. Your reality differs from facts yet again.
Your reality differs from facts yet again.

Not where I live it doesn't! The vaccines have stopped being effective Red .... time to admit it .... or not

No doubt everyone will be waiting for the Pfizer Bosses new promise of an updated vaccine designed to actually stop Omicron

Next March wasn't it?

Fair dinkum ... They can have an upgraded Vax in 2 months to a variant that is (super transmissible, yes) (very nasty, not particularly)

But while everybody was dropping like flies with the far more deadly Delta variant for "an extended period"....

Crickets were singing with regard to any word on an upgraded vaccine that would work against that?? (Questions anyone?)

Oh thats right ... The media was still telling us how effective the original "vaccine" was against Delta (as people died and cases rose!)

Is anybody actually paying attention to what we are being fed? Seriously.
Its all fake news initiated by the un-vaxxed of course

To be honest, I don't care which news site it comes from, it seems to be "happening" (That is the second site that came up in my search)

My agenda is not to say I'm right. My agenda is to say, I suspect we have been "sold" a pack of lies.

More importantly:

People need to take precautions against getting sick (prophylaxis or early treatment protocols that actually help)

This links to the latest UK data and totally contradicts your link, which only shows infectiousness rather than severity:

As the above shows a disproportionate number of unvaxxed become severely ill, get hospitalised and, ultimately, die.
On the other hand, those boosted are much less likely than those double vaxxed to get ill etc..
So yet again the real world is very different to your poorly based beliefs.

How is it that the overseas players , particularly the Chinese ones were able to get their RATS approved ahead of the OZ orgs?
Especially when you consider that the TAG tightened the stakes half way through.
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