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Australian Politics General...

Woke is the new name for media shrills.

Or another way of putting it, when was the last time the colour of a persons skin was used, when describing an offender ?

Another one, when was the last time we heard a shrill say, just shut the power stations down, renewables are cheaper? The old saying empty vessels make the most sound, springs to mind.

IMO the media is responsible for portraying things in black and white, right and wrong, as they wish to present it, yet seldom are things as simplistic as the media paint it .

The public needs to get back to questioning things, not just taking things on face value, because they read it.
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The word "woke" has certainly been corrupted as to its meaning. No doubt about that.

To be balanced however there are two sides to every story and it must be said that those to whom the term "woke" is being applied themselves have corrupted other words or phrases in exactly the same manner, giving them an extremely narrow meaning very different to that normally applying.

"All lives matter" isn't an even slightly racist statement unless you are one of those to whom the term "woke" is being applied. It's a classic example of an innocent statement that someone decided to give an extremely narrow meaning to.

Likewise should you find anyone who's a "denier" or who is "pragmatic" then whilst not totally impossible, it would be a fluke if the thing they were denying or being pragmatic about happened to be climate change. Another example of words having been given an extremely narrow definition very different to that in the dictionary.

Both sides are throwing rocks at each other there and neither are helpful to advancing society. We'd be far better off without those who take a few words, or even a single word, and blow that up to some grand agenda.

All lives matter, I'm pragmatic and generally not keen on denial. I'm also firmly against racism and a long term advocate for renewable energy. There's no contradictions in any of those things - because words don't have a particular narrow meaning just because someone thinks they ought to.

Political debate really needs to shift to focusing on real issues not this tit for tat stuff which to be blunt is the ultimate example of privilege. The very idea that someone's got time to argue about such triviality means life's pretty damn good overall.

That comment being general and not aimed at anyone else here personally.
IMO the problem is today the underlying narrative has to be superimposed on every facet of our lives, which in turn feels as though people are being told what to think, rather than accepting that the logics of the issue will be accepted.
Kids are being told to say things at school, the media reinforce agendas, it is all becoming a wave of mass reinforcement that I think is beginning to wear thin.
We were watching a classic music show tonight on t.v, which was very good, then we cross over to the presenters who start going on about how the musicians identify sexually, I mean who gives a rats how they identify sexually we want to know about their musical background.
Just boils down to whether the journo has half a brain cell or a whole one, and is prepared to do the hard yards.

Anyhoo, this article seems to be a fair account of the history and evolution of the term:

But many terms have been bandied about so much that they have lost their original meaning, haven't they?

I could list then here, but I'm sure we all know what they are.
many terms have been bandied about so much that they have lost their original meaning
Some have even been given the opposite meaning.

The word "dropped" is one.

Not so long ago, if something was "dropped" then it was cancelled, finished, over. Eg "Channel 7 have dropped this TV show, the final episode will air next week".

The new meaning is the exact opposite. Eg "Channel 7 have dropped this new show, it starts tomorrow night".

I'm sure they do this just to confuse people.
Would that be because they are more confused then we are????
Would that be because they are more confused then we are????
Why wouldn't they be, I voted for Albo on the expectation things would change, for the better.
This article is December 2021 and I thought hallelujah at last, and now 1 1/2 years later where do we find ourselves?
To me it just re enforces my belief that Canberra is just a game of musical chairs.

From the article: December 12 2021

Albanese won't back government's plans to take on 160,000 new migrants each year​

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese says the government should instead focus on training millions of unemployed or underemployed Australians in areas where there are skill shortages.

16 months later April 29 2023
From the article:
Australia's migrant population is expected to have grown by more than 700,000 between the 2022 and 2024 financial years.

He's listening to business not the electorate. So where do we go from here, back to the do nothing Conservatives, Teals, Greens, Pauline ?

There is cr@p everywhere you look.
He's listening to business not the electorate. So where do we go from here, back to the do nothing Conservatives, Teals, Greens, Pauline ?

There is cr@p everywhere you look.
Like I've said over and over, it makes very little difference, you can only go with whichever BShter you feel comfortable with.
He's listening to business not the electorate. So where do we go from here, back to the do nothing Conservatives, Teals, Greens, Pauline ?

There is cr@p everywhere you look.
Before the last election we talked about this and I said we need a dose of Labor to get things done, that's because with a left wing media Labor can run amok and that really needs to happen occasionally (look at NDIS etc).
The Conservatives have to fight the media hammer and tong the whole way, which slows progress, it is just the way things roll.
How long before the media go "hang on this is getting out of control" is yet to be seen, but it eventually happens, then we have wash rinse repeat.
Nothing much changes.

I'd say we need someone like Mark McGowan with a huge majority and not afraid to use it in the right way.
WA's Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act was pushed thru on his watch? It's comin' into effect on 1 July and he's suddenly gone walkabout
He's listening to business not the electorate. So where do we go from here, back to the do nothing Conservatives, Teals, Greens, Pauline ?

There is cr@p everywhere you look.
Sir R I came to the conclusion so many moons ago that canberra is an over priveleged group of bum polishers lolling in their very expensive leather lounge chairs and just waiting for the day to "retire" on a fat cats salary.
Very few of the inhabitants of parliament House hold any respect from me.
Well it's good to see it isn't just a bloke thing.

The ICAC’s full report has now been released. The corruption watchdog found former premier Gladys Berejiklian and former Wagga Wagga MP Daryl Maguire both engaged in serious corrupt conduct.
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