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Australian Defence Discussion

And calanen, as far as payment the dole should go a long way to cover this, given that they would be fed clothed and housed a reduced dole payment should be sufficient. Especially given that each course would only be at a max of 6 to 12 months to allow all those who are not going on to higher learning or even exclude those who obtain an apprenticeship.

Not completely - whatever regular recruits in boot get paid - these guys should get paid. No two tiered system. And if they are paid the same, they are expected to perform the same and be punished the same if they don't measure up. Paying the extra money wont break us, but ripping people off who don't want to be there anyway could do so. You might have seen in Bangladesh recently the border guards killing their officers over pay. Never mess with a man's pay.
Not completely - whatever regular recruits in boot get paid - these guys should get paid. No two tiered system. And if they are paid the same, they are expected to perform the same and be punished the same if they don't measure up. Paying the extra money wont break us, but ripping people off who don't want to be there anyway could do so. You might have seen in Bangladesh recently the border guards killing their officers over pay. Never mess with a man's pay.

But calanen these boot camp pers will not be doing the same training from what i can gather it is not full on military training like they do in say switzerland but a confidence/discipline/skilling course. While drill will be used to teach discipline i doubt the full extent of weapons training nor Cam & Concealment and now that navigation is no longer a kapooka recruit subject it wont be taught either.

In reality some large companies pay big money to ex SAS to run team building camps so why should youth be paid top dollar to attend. And for examples sake if you take into consideration the costs that a civvie pays to house feed and clothe thmselves say about $400 a week then add maybe an allowance of $100 a week cash for incidentals and they will be getting the equivalent of $500 a week not bad for a 17 or 18 yr old

Gillard is doing a surprise visit to Iraq TOMORROW.

Gillard to visit troops in Iraq
Jason Koutsoukis
June 27, 2009 - 9:17AM

Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard is about to embark on a surprise visit to the last Australian troops still stationed in Iraq.

Ms Gillard is currently spending the night in Kuwait City ahead of the visit.


I bet the troops don't sleep tonight awaiting her arrival. I'm sure she'll inspire.


Surprise visit!!!!!!!!!!!! :confused: :eek:
Gillard is doing a surprise visit to Iraq TOMORROW.

Gillard to visit troops in Iraq
Jason Koutsoukis
June 27, 2009 - 9:17AM

Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard is about to embark on a surprise visit to the last Australian troops still stationed in Iraq.

Ms Gillard is currently spending the night in Kuwait City ahead of the visit.


I bet the troops don't sleep tonight awaiting her arrival. I'm sure she'll inspire.


Surprise visit!!!!!!!!!!!! :confused: :eek:

It will be like waiting for Santa after a mate on the 24th December has told you he doesn't exist.

Seems Julia might have escaped Iraq after her surprise visit announced the day before the visit. :cautious:

Seems like it was extraordinarily tight security for her, with even some 'tank like light-armoured vehicles' there to keep her company. FFS! Coundn't The Australian send someone who actually knew what our LAVs were called. :banghead: Nice work John Lyons, you write like a girl! Go back to your fashion pages you goose. 'the only media outlet invited on the Iraq trip', what a loser!!!

And wow, she went though the red zone.


Gillard runs gauntlet on ground in Iraq
John Lyons, travelling with Julia Gillard | June 29, 2009

Article from: The Australian

FOR about 20 minutes on the weekend, Julia Gillard was one of the most protected people in the world.

The Deputy Prime Minister was leaving Iraq after a surprise visit to meet the 90 or so Australian soldiers who remain in the country to protect the embassy in Baghdad, and to sign a series of agreements with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Ms Gillard added the visit to Iraq on to the end of her trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories to meet Israeli and Palestinian leaders.

The extraordinary security on the weekend -- witnessed by The Australian, the only media outlet invited on the Iraq trip -- came as Ms Gillard was driven in an armoured four-wheel-drive to Landing Zone Washington, the helicopter base in Baghdad's Green Zone near the Australian embassy. To get into the base we had to pass through a team of armed Peruvian security contractors, prepared to do one of the most dangerous jobs of all -- the job most others do not want.

Waiting in the helicopter base were four tank-like Australian light-armoured vehicles, on standby in case there was a problem with the two Black Hawk helicopters and she had to be driven through the "red zone" to the military air base.
FOR about 20 minutes on the weekend, Julia Gillard was one of the most protected people in the world.

Waiting in the helicopter base were four tank-like Australian light-armoured vehicles

Lol, 'most protected'!! whos going to attempt any attacks on her or try to kidnap her?? she's not worth much to us :D

'tank-like' - why doesn't the reporter know what they are?:eek:
i agree, if the iraqi nutters blew her up it would likely do us a grt service.
they could throw her head around a bit while we celebrated too.
imagine all the hi paid hangers on it would sort out too.
too many of these women in power seem all rhetoric, and no real knowledge.
last month i had a senior council manager tell me/us with grt sincerity that a building had concrete cancer in a formal meeting so they were throwing 8 mill at it to replace it(despite being too broke to fix basics like footpaths and roads).
concrete cancer is very poor slang, for spalling of yr concrete as the reinforcing bars rust and more of yr covering concrete gets compromised. its a bad analogy that no engineer would use and demeaning to cancer sufferers also. she probably got the word from cosmo.
Dumbing down for the masses? I imagine they're IFVs or APCs, but I wouldn't have any clue if I was just stated a model name.
The point is that this person claimed to be the 'select' member of the Australian press following Julia around cleaning up her mess. And, he doesn't know the name of a very common military vehicle. My point is, he's a ********.
Here's a good career builder.

Nice work Lieutenant Commander Peter de Maskens. All the best to your family also.

:eek: :eek:

ADF man robbed of laptop by ladyboy
Andrew Drummond and Mark Dodd | July 11, 2009
Article from: The Australian

THE Australian Defence Force is investigating a potential breach of national security after a naval officer in Bangkok was robbed of his Defence Department computer by a ladyboy he had brought back to his hotel room late at night.

Defence last night played down the security implications of the theft, saying the data in the laptop was of a low classification and it was password-protected.

The officer -- named in a Thai police report as Lieutenant Commander Peter de Maskens, a qualified helicopter pilot who received the Order of Australia Medal in January -- was in Bangkok on official business and had gone out for the night to the city's Nana Plaza, an entertainment zone in the city full of go-go bars and where ladyboys also solicit in the streets.
Here's a good career builder.

Nice work Lieutenant Commander Peter de Maskens. All the best to your family also.

:eek: :eek:

ADF man robbed of laptop by ladyboy
Andrew Drummond and Mark Dodd | July 11, 2009
Article from: The Australian

THE Australian Defence Force is investigating a potential breach of national security after a naval officer in Bangkok was robbed of his Defence Department computer by a ladyboy he had brought back to his hotel room late at night.

Defence last night played down the security implications of the theft, saying the data in the laptop was of a low classification and it was password-protected.

The officer -- named in a Thai police report as Lieutenant Commander Peter de Maskens, a qualified helicopter pilot who received the Order of Australia Medal in January -- was in Bangkok on official business and had gone out for the night to the city's Nana Plaza, an entertainment zone in the city full of go-go bars and where ladyboys also solicit in the streets.

:eek: thats not very good to know that our national secrets are soo easy to take hold of...
This type of news reporting is really frustrating.

Protesters 'went undetected by military'
13:11 AEST Mon Jul 27
By Steve Gray

Two peace activists say they camped in a military exercise area in Queensland for 11 days without being detected by any of the troops involved in the training exercise.

Yulanji Bardon and Emily Nielsen finally surrendered themselves to the military at Shoalwater Bay as Exercise Talisman Sabre wound down.

They were handed over to Queensland police and charged with trespass.

Ms Bardon and Ms Neilsen say they lived on rations and slept in a tent during the joint US-Australian military training.

"If two young women with a compass and limited tactical experience can get away with sightseeing in a military base over the course of 11 days without detection, there may need to be an inquiry into just how effective these training exercises actually are," Ms Bardon said.

The pair say they dodged helicopters, military dogs and avoided thousands of military personnel, making a mockery of the military's control of the area.

"The ideas that the military offers protection and that terrorism can be overcome with military means are in glaring need of revision," Ms Bardon said.

The pair entered the base on July 16 with five other activists in two groups.

In all, nine peace activists were arrested for non-violent protests during the exercises.

"These exercises are not just a 10-day long game of laser tag as... the media would have us believe," Ms Neilsen said.

"They represent Australia joining the United States in the illegal invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan where thousands of civilians have been killed."

I mean, what is the point exactly? It's either clearly biased anti-defence reporting, or the reporter is showing a complete lack of knowledge of training exercises. The intent is not to patrol the training area looking for protestors...!!

Really embarrassing for Steve Gray actually.

Back to obituaries, you goose.
I remember reading about one of these klowns in the local paper here recently saying he was going up to do it.

What's the point of protesting the military while they train to defend the country? They don't want them to protect Australia?????

They should be in Canberra protesting the decision makers where they are - IN CANBERRA.

The ADF did not decide to go to Afghanistan and Iraq - the Federal Gummint did.

Is it just me...........??? :banghead:
I remember reading about one of these klowns in the local paper here recently saying he was going up to do it.

What's the point of protesting the military while they train to defend the country? They don't want them to protect Australia?????

They should be in Canberra protesting the decision makers where they are - IN CANBERRA.

The ADF did not decide to go to Afghanistan and Iraq - the Federal Gummint did.

Is it just me...........??? :banghead:
Maybe going and sitting on the lawn in front of the big dirt mound with a flag doesn't have the same effect and getting in the way of a tank.

The way they are talking, getting into SWBTA is like breaking into a prison and hiding there unseen. BS!!! SWBTA is MASSIVE. You could jump a fence anywhere and sit under some trees for months without being spotted. Years even.

Stupid reporting giving them airplay they do not deserve.
"They represent Australia joining the United States in the illegal invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan where thousands of civilians have been killed."

This type of news reporting is really frustrating.

I mean, what is the point exactly? It's either clearly biased anti-defence reporting, or the reporter is showing a complete lack of knowledge of training exercises. The intent is not to patrol the training area looking for protestors...!!

Really embarrassing for Steve Gray actually.

Back to obituaries, you goose.

I was talking to a Brigadier at a formal dinner on the weekend and I was amazed at what is now available to the foot soldier these days to minimise collateral damage to civilians.

Not only to appease the hearts and minds of the locals but also shut the dumb media up, he was posted to the joint command centre in Baghdad during 2006-2007 and was privy to lot of unreported incidents.

The use of over the horizon UAV's video feed to the command centre gave the commanders a true state of operations and if there were civilians located danger close to the target area of the weapon, the Secretary of State had to authorise the engagement of the target, was just one example.

He also explained that they use scalable munitions to minimise injury to the civilians, for example a 45kg 155mm HE artillery shell could "adjusted" to only have 5kg of explosive power which when coupled with a guided weapons system did the job with minimal damage.

There were a lot of other eye opening future improvements to the delivery of artillery discussed.

In closing he also said it was getting harder for the military to get the job done and also meet the political restraints put upon them.

Maybe going and sitting on the lawn in front of the big dirt mound with a flag doesn't have the same effect and getting in the way of a tank.

The way they are talking, getting into SWBTA is like breaking into a prison and hiding there unseen. BS!!! SWBTA is MASSIVE. You could jump a fence anywhere and sit under some trees for months without being spotted. Years even.

Stupid reporting giving them airplay they do not deserve.

Agreed, must have been a slow news day and they needed to fill some copy.
Agreed, must have been a slow news day and they needed to fill some copy.
Very slow. It was the lead item on ninemsn this morning.

This may be part of an overall plan by the powers at play to start to create enough negative opinion of the military and the war in Iraq and now Afghanistan to cause a shift in public opinion.

Who controls ninemsn and what is their policical agenda?

The way they are talking, getting into SWBTA is like breaking into a prison and hiding there unseen. BS!!! SWBTA is MASSIVE. You could jump a fence anywhere and sit under some trees for months without being spotted. Years even.

I was about to say the same thing after reading the article. SWBTA is friggen HUUUGE! They make it sound like camping just outside a CO's tent.

On the other hand, I wonder if they actually considered their own safety when conducting a stupid stunt like this. Imagine these idiots were asleep in the
scrub at 2am when a company or regiment was doing a night move - they could have easily been ran over...
Very slow. It was the lead item on ninemsn this morning.

You've got to be kidding.....:eek:

This may be part of an overall plan by the powers at play to start to create enough negative opinion of the military and the war in Iraq and now Afghanistan to cause a shift in public opinion.

Who controls ninemsn and what is their policical agenda?


Could well be, you only have to see FOX and CNN US newsmedia to know it happens.