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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

It's always surprising to see how often the poor and the weak are being blame for the ills of the world.

One would have thought that if the poor were the ones stealing from the country or the people, they'd be a lot richer. Maybe the reason they're so poor and desperate is due to people stealing and taking advantage of them. Stole their opportunities for education; not paying them enough for the work they do; cheat them out of their land and home... nope, you poor because you lazy.

In law, apparently, if border patrol hear that the illegal is seeking asylum, they will have to be taken in and have their claim heard. A country cannot turn asylum seekers around because they "illegally enter the border". That's why our smart lawyers in Canberra order border patrol to not ask, and probably not hear either.

Refugees aren't terrorists. They're running away from terrorists.

That's not to say they're all saints and all of them are law abiding.. They're people, and no group of people are all "good".

True that we don't have help anyone. It's a tough world and we ourselves are not getting any richer etc.

But as Chomsky and Zinn will tell you, these are the kind of policies the Masters of Man dream about: That the people, united will never be defeated (stolen from some union)... So let's divide them.

Did you just wake up and write that orr?

Coffee and breakfast are the most important meals of the day

But if we allow those 900 refugees to come to Australia and they are given jobs, won't the unions being screaming from the roof tops that we have allowed foreign workers to take their jobs or will the unions turn a blind eye?
But if we allow those 900 refugees to come to Australia and they are given jobs, won't the unions being screaming from the roof tops that we have allowed foreign workers to take their jobs or will the unions turn a blind eye?

No, the jobs the refugees will work at will be cash on hand, tax free and union free.

But they will create 900 new places for English as a Second Language teachers. The ATO can tax the teachers for the additional income.

Then there will be benefits to retailers and also small tiny sole trader who need a cheap labour willing to work hard for $50 or $100 a day (i've seen this, recently too). The Australian could get a cheaper price on that reno, ATO can tax the sole trader a bit more.

What a great idea.
What a great idea.

Gotta use those emojis for sarcasm noco. I can't tell otherwise

Well it beats having to pay Broadspectrum (Transfields) a couple bucks, a couple more in under the table cash to more than a few foreign gov't officials, and the occasional trauma Counselor and surgeon for the treatable but delayed medical care resulting in death, that and the occasional hunger strikes, self harm... and setting themself on fire.

Anyway, I thought it's an Aussie thing to beat up the big dogs and tall poppies. Leave the beating up of refugees and illegals to the Americans and Europeans shall we.

I see by your response you have tunnel vision with the LNP at the end of it. Why not just reply to all threads "whatever the LNP do I agree with" , hang up your pinny, then have a Bex and laydown to sooth the congenital discomfort
Gotta use those emojis for sarcasm noco. I can't tell otherwise

Well it beats having to pay Broadspectrum (Transfields) a couple bucks, .

You do know that Transfields was a company set up by an Italian with subsequent strong ties to the Vatican? He ticked all the boxes for the recent new political power behind the LNP and ALP = diehard Roman Catholics. Jobs for the boys doesn't stop at the gates on the wharves.
If you want alternatives mine would be:

1. Uninvited arrivals (UAs) are processed onshore and get Temporary Protection Visas only and will never be eligible for citizenship. Same applies to their children born here.

2. those UAs not found to be genuine refugees are locked up permanently untill they decide to return to their country of origin or another country takes them.

3. UAs who are genuine refugees are released and can work (and may be required to do so in return for benefits).

4. UAs are returned to their country of origin when it's determined safe to do so.

It's always the Catholics, isn't it?

Gangs of New York; Northern Ireland; Italian Mafia... LNP.
I see by your response you have tunnel vision with the LNP at the end of it. Why not just reply to all threads "whatever the LNP do I agree with" , hang up your pinny, then have a Bex and laydown to sooth the congenital discomfort
You can offer as much personal reflection on me as you like.

It does not constitute an answer.
You can offer as much personal reflection on me as you like.

It does not constitute an answer.

You make it sound like "turn back the boat" and offshore gulag is some kind of an answer Doc. Are they?

Why did the Hebrew flee Egypt? Or the Jew flee Europe? Or the Irish and their potato famine? The Chinese from China every new dynasty; the Viets from their comrades...

What were the solutions that stop those illegal activities?

Who knows, maybe people are running from their dictators, from the crazy warlords and terrorists, running from the carpet bombing and constant drone presence and a tomahawk here and there now and then. Some may even run because the drought and non-existence climate change just kill all their crops and they kind of have family to feed.

Maybe trying to stop the "rationale" for their fleeing might help stem the invasion. What, we got nothing to do with it now?
You make it sound like "turn back the boat" and offshore gulag is some kind of an answer Doc. Are they?
The reasons you and other serial critics of the current government's policies struggle to offer a solution is that you conflate the movement of asylum seekers with broader social objectives.

A simple solution for example is for a deal between Australia and the UNHCR to take responsibility for those on Manus for a number of refugees to be accepted by Australia from the UNHCR. That closes Manus without encouraging the people smuggling trade.

Unfortunately, the UNHCR also seeks broader social objectives in the movement of asylum seekers with the human misery that results from illegal people smuggling an acceptable cost of achieving those objectives.

What we may fail to realise is that the people smugglers are not disheartened and discouraged if we do not accept refugees/illegals.

Are we serious that these people are honest dealers? They'd say to desperate people, ey... don't pay me money and go to Australia brother... they're nasty over there and you'll just be returned if you don't drown on your way. And if you make it, they'll imprison you to a much smaller island where there's no paradise.

I saw news doco where refugees on the Mediterranean said how the smugglers told them it's fine to be on a flimsy raft because the other coast is only 8 hours away etc. etc.

And these farkers have no issue with sending people to wherever as long as the cash are handed over. If it mean being rescued by some lefty or drown or suffocate... meehhh.

So if we're serious about stopping the boats and ending illegal smuggler's business, try to do something about people not having to risk at lives and flee.

Stopping wars is a very good start.

And how do you stop wars?

That was supposed to be the job of the useless UN .....THE TOOTHLESS TIGER...What have they done in the past 60 years?

There will always be wars.... religion and ethnics are the main causes....There will always be greed and jealousy.

Islamic.....Communism.....socialism....capitalism.....religion...they will always clash.

One will try to force their ideology on the others and that is when the trouble begins......Like if you don't go my way I will chop off your head......If you chop off the head of one of fellow men I will bomb the $hit out of you.
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