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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Most voters are very selfish and only think of there hip pockets rather than a flood of illegals.

Opps. Miss that

Unless it's the Greens in power, Labor or Liberal pretty much have the same agendas - just one like to beat up Unions more loudly than the other... that and ... naaa, I actually prefer Labor a bit more than Liberals... But I vote for none of them so the love ain't really there.
The people smugglers are still trying,
Papua New Guinea's Supreme Court has ruled Australia's detention of asylum seekers on Manus Island is illegal.

It hasn't taken long for the child senator to offer her predictable response,

Senator Hanson-Young tweeted her response to the ruling shortly after 3.30pm, saying "the PNG Supreme Court has ruled that the Manus Island Detention Camp is ILLEGAL".

"Time to bring those left there to Australia to be cared for," she said.
Peter Dutton's response,


12 months is yet another demonstration of the short sightedness of the Gillard government on its measures and Richard Marles in his response above is forgetting something,
The steady drum beat of illegality of Australia's offshore detention gulags booms on. PNG's decision is the latest to resound.
Should Australia fix this international inhumane smear on our modern day politic or continue to pay billions to advertise our salute to Authoritarian despotic dictatorships and their inglorious memory.
No one can work in these holes of despair without damaging their psychology.

The only minor things that Kevin and the LNP have left out of the equation on why the public were fedup with illegal boat entries = xenophobia and religism ....... an Australian tradition that predates George Augustus Robinson and his Southern Island solution.
What do you suggest is the alternative ?

The loss of control of our borders that happened under Labor with the illegal people smuggling trade flourishing and the deaths at sea ?

Don't forget that the issues we are dealing with today are the legacy of the above policy failure from Labor's time in government. They took something that was fixed and broke it.
Lets split Australia in half, let the leftist cultural vandals have their unlimited illegal immigration in their half, in our half immigration to the extent we see fit... Give it twenty years and see how it turnes out
Lets split Australia in half, let the leftist cultural vandals have their unlimited illegal immigration in their half, in our half immigration to the extent we see fit... Give it twenty years and see how it turnes out

Don't you guys already have a quarter of Australia already? QLD not big enough?
Lets split Australia in half, let the leftist cultural vandals have their unlimited illegal immigration in their half, in our half immigration to the extent we see fit... Give it twenty years and see how it turnes out
The problem with that is that we all know which half would ultimately be expected to pay for the social excesses.


Mr O'Neill has now released a statement said that his government "will immediately ask the Australian Government to make alternative arrangements for the asylum seekers".

The asylum seekers currently on Manus aren't interested in a 3'rd party country for resettlement, only Australia (ABC news).

I think there's a concern they might drown on the way over here, thus Dutton's stand. The last thing he wants is people profiting out of the misery of refugees which is why we don't pay Transfield anything but direct costs and the PNG government only peppercorn rental of land.

I wonder how much Transfields donated to politics last year?
Anything yet that makes in on your prevention index ?
Anything yet that makes in on your prevention index ?

Nup ... your question presupposes I share your entrenched hate values. I'll leave it up to the paid public service and politicians to come up with another patently cruel and illegal policy. As far as I'm concerned we have a sovereign right to keep undesirables out, but electioneering and points scoring has blurred that, with both sides culpable.

When I think how poor old Arthur Caldwell became the personified mirror of the majority white Oz back in the day ...... he ended up owning the feigned shame of the nation and we've managed to pass it on ever since. Some knucklehead decided that a bunch of relics would fit in nicely to a new world nation and here we are wondering who to blame.... I blame Bill Shorten
Nup ... your question presupposes I share your entrenched hate values.
I didn't expect you to have an answer to your own point but I'm also surprised to see you slip off that hollow moral pedestal with a personal slur.
I didn't expect you to have an answer to your own point but I'm also surprised to see you slip off that hollow moral pedestal with a personal slur.

We know its those who died at sea that keeps you up at night and keeps you fighting for stronger borders.
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