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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

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Well we have being saying it for years on here, some of these city focused socialists, need to get out into suburbia and see the real world.

The reality is, unlike the Italians, pommies, Vietnamese etc, These recent economic refugees have no interest in integrating, working or assimilating.
It is the same reason, they are demanding to go to certain countries in Europe, welfare pure and simple.

Well thankfully, gen x and y can sort that one out.
Just wait till they get voted into political positions.....

That is what Belgium, and neighbouring countries, are worried about.

There was talk about dividing Belgium between France and Holland, I believe.

People are being very complacent, about differentiating between compassion and being taken advantage of.IMO

The people will eventually get very very angry then there might be some changes made to laws that allow a country to be invaded by stealth.
You guys really need to get your facts and your economics straight.

The Western democracies and economies, basically the entire world, but who cares for the poor countries... anyway, the Western economies was brought to the brink of collapse back in 2007-08 because of the geniuses on Wall Street and their friends in all the high places. The refugees didn't do it; nor were the Mexican illegals in American did it to the Americans.

The trillions in savings and pensions that were lost, then the trillion or more that were eventually used to bail out the banks and the big corporations... these were not caused by refugees or the poor people.

The current influx of refugees, estimated at 60 million in the Middle East [?]... they didn't plan on becoming refugees, leaving their home and country and beg for a living. When the bomb drops and the bullets flies around their heads for 15 years, that kind of nation-building liberation really doesn't as promised.

When you live in a desert-like area that's already poor, and some terrorist or liberator blew up the water wells or contaminate the water sources; or the power get cuts and the schools are out and the prices goes up and you might get blown up here there and everywhere... you'd run too.

And seriously, you think refugees know about the welfare system? Even if they heard it, do you seriously think they'd believe it? And even if they receive it once they're safe and sound, you seriously think they would rest on their laurels and enjoy welfare payments forever?

If you seriously want to stop the boats and stop the refugees stealing your welfare... well, first, maybe demand of politicians to make decent policies so that you, me and our children don't need to fight refugees over scraps... and if we have to fight over the few bucks that's "given" to us when we're poor and broke but we have to "owe" and payup when we were working... if we have to fight over that, then demand stopping wars and foreign adventures, don't buy into this bs about us vs them, good vs evil.

We're probably the only people in the history of the world that flew some 10,000 miles from our homeland, flatten cities and overthrow gov't at will... and at the same time, are in a panic at how evil and sick and scary these people are.. that they'll take over our country. Seriously, that's quite a brainwash man.

Anyway, Fear the Walking Dead time.
I think there is a silent majority that is sick and tired of being walked over by elected and non elected officials and politicians ( eg. the UN ) , the anger is slowly growing for sure. Meanwhile countries are flooded by immigrants and the general population can do nothing but sit back and watch it happen.
It's the United Nations Agenda 21 immigration policy at it's finest . :1zhelp:

I like your take on it.
We will go down to the lowest common denominator, eventually, it is just a matter of time.

The world has a population of 7 Billion give or take, studies say we can support 4 Billion, sooner or later balance has to be restored.

The good thing about the media is, they will explain the problem and the solution, then what will give them the best coverage.
Just wait till they get voted into political positions.....

We already have a Muslim in Federal Parliament under the Labor banner.

His name is Ed Kuseck and he took the oath on the Koran when he was sworn in by the Governor General Quintin Bryce.
We already have a Muslim in Federal Parliament under the Labor banner.

His name is Ed Kuseck and he took the oath on the Koran when he was sworn in by the Governor General Quintin Bryce.

I actually don't have a problem with that.

What I have a problem with, is why he isn't in politics in a muslim country, trying to stop the mass exodus?

Why get involved in politics in a christian country, when there is so many problems in muslim countries?

Give me a break, FFS

You forget Australia WILL be a Muslim country , that's the plan isn't it ?
The Chinese might help prevent it as they will own much of the place before long.
The Aussie is history in any case.
You forget Australia WILL be a Muslim country , that's the plan isn't it ?
The Chinese might help prevent it as they will own much of the place before long.
The Aussie is history in any case.

There are more Muslims in China than the entire population of Australian.....28,000,000. in China.php

At present, according to official statistics there are 28 million Muslim in China but in 1936 it was estimated that the Muslim population was 48 million. By this time total population has increased 3-4 fold. So we can conclude that the total Muslim population has increased minimum by that same proportion. Therefore, now the total Muslim population is at least 150 million.

Holy **** you people are actually nutjobs.

This is a secular nation, not a "christian country".

Outside of your feeble and easily led skulls there is no plan to turn Australia into a Muslim country.

As for the 28 million Muslims in China comment, just LOL. You guys actually really think those 28 million Muslims are out to get you...don't you. No clue that they're either an native ethnic minority oppressed by the Peoples Party or remnants of thousand+years of cross border pollination thanks to the Silk Road.

I bet that in your mind, every refugee and asylum seeker with brown skin is an evil terrorist Muslim out to rape your wifecand take your job. You couldn't tell the difference between a Kurd, Yazidi and Sunni to actually save your own life.

There's 1.3B Chinese............bit of a difference, they're not being challenged.
Holy **** you people are actually nutjobs.

This is a secular nation, not a "christian country".

If we are a secular nation, then maybe we should tolerate religions of any type less.

Throw away the silly superstitions and get some clear thinking in our governments and schools.

Don't publicly finance religious schools for a start.

Maybe that means showing disapproval of the things that some religious people do, like Halal certification, hiding their faces in public arranged marriages , female genital mutilation etc, just as we are holding Royal Commissions into child abuse.

I want this country to stay secular and pandering to religion of any sort won't keep it that way.

That you actually percieve Halal certification and women who wear the niqab as a threat to Australias secularity speaks only to your diminished and diminishing capacity for critical thought and nothing else.
That you actually percieve Halal certification and women who wear the niqab as a threat to Australias secularity speaks only to your diminished and diminishing capacity for critical thought and nothing else.

They are religious practises that are intruding into secular society.

I don't care if people want to wear all enclosing clothes as long as we can see their faces, I don't want to buy food where money goes to a religious organisation that promotes sexism or bad treatment of women.

What's wrong with that ?

Think about it for 10 seconds instead of letting fear and ignorance short circuit your brain. I'm sure the answer will come to you eventually.
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