What has the world come to, to allow these barbarians to interpret a religious book to satisfy their own sexual needs with girls as young as 9 years old being raped and they interpret the Koran as being OK.
And that toothless tiger the United Nations sit on their hands and do nothing except ask for more money from the Western World.....Requets more money to put more strain om our finances
We really need our Kevvie to become the UN Secretary General....Go Kevviie to these ISIS an DASH radicals and say, I'm Kevin and I am here to help convert you back to Christianity.......I don't know what the answer is and I don't think Kevvie would either.
Think you may be right on this one noco.
RC's into child abuse in Christian schools, apparently the Muslims have escaped this time, but if you have a religious text endorsing child sex slavery you can bet it's happening in the real world.
Whilst I must confess I am agnostic, I do believe Christianity, with all its faults, is the lesser of two evils when it comes to radical Islamic.
What has the world come to, to allow these barbarians to interpret a religious book to satisfy their own sexual needs with girls as young as 9 years old being raped and they interpret the Koran as being OK.
And that toothless tiger the United Nations sit on their hands and do nothing except ask for more money from the Western World.....Requets more money to put more strain om our finances
We really need our Kevvie to become the UN Secretary General....Go Kevviie to these ISIS an DASH radicals and say, I'm Kevin and I am here to help convert you back to Christianity.......I don't know what the answer is and I don't think Kevvie would either.
What has the world come to, to allow these barbarians to interpret a religious book to satisfy their own sexual needs with girls as young as 9 years old being raped and they interpret the Koran as being OK.
And that toothless tiger the United Nations sit on their hands and do nothing except ask for more money from the Western World.....Requets more money to put more strain om our finances
We really need our Kevvie to become the UN Secretary General....Go Kevviie to these ISIS an DASH radicals and say, I'm Kevin and I am here to help convert you back to Christianity.......I don't know what the answer is and I don't think Kevvie would either.
The human rights group began the petition last week after 23-year-old Meenakshi Kumari, her 15-year-old sister and their family were forced to flee their northern India village in May after their brother eloped with a higher caste, married woman.
An un-elected village council, dominated by upper caste "Jat" men, in Uttar Pradesh state on July 30 allegedly ordered the two "Dalit" sisters be raped and paraded naked with their faces blackened as punishment for their brother's actions.
I'm sure most will agree that to give genuine asylum seekers a chance to carry on a normal, productive life is a moral responsibility, but it's a short step from the sublime to the ridiculous.
I moved to Brissy from London nearly 3 years ago because I didn't want to bring my kids up in a place that was rapidly being over-run by economic migrants, spongers and downright criminals who's first and last words of English are 'Asylum' and 'Benefit'.
London is rapidly going down the pan because of a combination of ridiculous European legislation that opened the floodgates, and the fact that it is just plain bloody difficult to tell who is genuine and who is a crook.
I'm proud to have become an Australian citizen last week, and I would hate to see this fantastic country fall into the same trap. Better to be conservative with the nations compassion and go to whatever lengths are necessary to ensure the right people are getting the help they need, than to risk the whole country suffering because a few politicians don't want to be criticised for being harsh.
Transit countries such as Greece and Indonesia are a few km away ?
People movement is determined by both push factors and pull factors. Push factors were Labor's first effort at denial when the boats started to come after softening the former Howard government's policy stance.
What is happening in Europe at the moment has a strong element of pull factors as it did in Australia under Labor. The example that Noco has highlighted illustrates this and the tragic consequences for that family.
Fully agree with your stance, Europe particularly London has shown that most of these groups are there for an easy ride on welfare and there is absolutely no attempt to integrate; rather the opposite, extremist religious views are being pushed on the country that showed its kind hand.
Europe has paid the price, now Australia will too
Professor Triggs urged the government to adopt a “practical” approach to resettling Syrian boat arrivals currently held in Australia, on Nauru and on Manus Island.
“They came, as the Australian government says, as unauthorised maritime arrivals but I think we have to simply move away from that thinking and accept that they are refugees asking our protection and they should be treated equally,” she said.
Turkey occupied a reasonable area when I last checked a map.Pretty sure was replying to fact that refugees weren't happy with staying in Turkey - a few Kms away from Syria and IS?
Saw some headline that Turkey might be heading towards civil war soon. And Greece... have you seen Greece? The ancient ruins and the modern economic ruins? They're refugees, they know ruins when they see one.
Anyway, point was... if you live in a flood prone or bushfire prone area and your house got washed or burnt down once... you'd probably want to build your new house somewhere higher and less bushwhacked if you're forced to rebuild and relocate.. It's what normal human being would do.
Turkey occupied a reasonable area when I last checked a map.
If they're not happy about staying in Turkey or Greece, how can they be happy transiting through these countries ?
Asylum is about seeking refuge from persecution, not an economic leg up.
Anyone logically would seek to advance their situation but as I said above, asylum is about seeking refuge from persecution, not an economic leg up.What would you do if you were them Smith?
Move to Turkey for a few years, wait til the bombs stopped, then move back home and dust off the house you were forced to abandon?
Turkey occupied a reasonable area when I last checked a map.
Asylum is about seeking refuge from persecution, .
Fully agree with your stance, Europe particularly London has shown that most of these groups are there for an easy ride on welfare and there is absolutely no attempt to integrate; rather the opposite, extremist religious views are being pushed on the country that showed its kind hand.
Europe has paid the price, now Australia will too
Where do you even begin with this 'pro forma' BNP tripe.... except to see it for what it is.
There are parts of London and Paris now where a non muslim is definitely not welcome.
It's perfectly natural that people from various races will tends to settle in certain areas of a city, make things a bit like home. You see this in cabramatta, or so many aussies used to congregate at earls court in London it was nick named Kangaroo valley.
Unfortunately the muslims seem to have annexed parts of London and Paris which is rather worrying. If someone welcomes you into your house you don't go and claim one of the bedrooms as your own.
Really? Do they take over or it appear that way because they're "everywhere"?
There are places in Sydney that's completely foreign to me and it's not because I or my kind aren't welcome. Just I don't go there because I don't know anyone there. Took the family a few years back on a ferry to some northern beaches and it's like I'm overseas... the shopfronts are different and there's a lot of white people
I think ethnic group live around each other more for business and cultural/language benefits than anything else. Imagine an Asian living in the Blue Mountains... where is he going to find rice? The 2kg bag from IGA won't do it.
Yep, just what they need.....
Saudi Arabia offers Germany 200 mosques - one for every 100 refugees who arrived last weekend
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