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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Good to see the Abbott Govt's tough on smugglers is the reason the boats aren't arriving. Serves those smugglers right only getting $5000 each to take their fares back to the jetty they started from. I wonder how many of the turn back boat people are relatives of the smugglers looking for a piece of the action.

Here's and idea, let Tony pay out of his own pocket if he is so intent on being part of the smuggling trade ... fancy that, our own Prime Minister smuggling people into Indonesia
shh uncle tony doesn't want us to know about it.. he'll take away our citizenship or something else unconstitutional..
If they did pay them it will make Julie Bishop either a liar or terribly uninformed.
What planet do you come from Noco?

Have you heard of a "slush fund", Tony Abbott knows how to operate one, just ask Pauline Hanson.

Have you heard of FIFA?

Macquack, thanks for your factitious remarks about "being on another planet"....That is what I come to expect of you every time you just love to attack one's personality or perhaps you have tickets on yourself as being smarter than any one else..I do trust the moderator has taken note.

Having got that off my chest, I should ask you, does the navy or customs boats carry bucket loads of American dollars to pay these boat smugglers or do they have an ATM on board?
shh uncle tony doesn't want us to know about it.. he'll take away our citizenship or something else unconstitutional..

I'm wondering if the six crew members who each rec'd $5000 of our (including Noco's, Rumpole's and Dr Smith's) monies were also granted first dibs on citizenship and perhaps a knighthood.

Whatever it takes apparently, even pl$$ing off our nearest, traditionally antagonised and populace neighbour by sending illegals to their shores. Payback for killing the two Bali niners our own police dobbed in to a third world country perhaps?
Having got that off my chest, I should ask you, does the navy or customs boats carry bucket loads of American dollars to pay these boat smugglers or do they have an ATM on board?

EFT, Western Union, Cheque, petty cash, etc, .....seems our navy is diversifying into the ATM business.

I don't think you would accept the truth if it betrayed your unswerving faith in the LNP. No matter the truth, it will not be the LNP to blame, but Bill Shorten or Anastacia instead.

Hiding behind silence "operational matters" about something that a hand on heart denial would only cement the hardline on smugglers just smacks of guilt. Schoolyard logic is all that is needed to know something smells in Denmark on this one. Of course without the ABC telling the story, none of this would have made the light of day in the Murdoch press (my God I made the mistake of reading the Courier Mail the other day after nearly six months of abstinence = outright rubbish journalism and editorials)

Won't be long before Indo tour operators take day trippers out on a cruise and get paid for taking them back again.
I have very little doubt that the crew of that boat were paid to return to Indonesia.

While it's obviously wrong as a matter of principal to engage in such a way with what is a criminal activity, Indonesia has never done enough to prevent this criminal activity from its shores and Labor, the Greens and the UNHCR seem to think it's OK to encourage such criminal activity as a means of global wealth redistribution.

That's the reality of the playing field in which our government and its authorities have to operate.

As for the specific case itself, it was probably a bean counter in immigration and border protection that concluded it was the cheapest option.

The usual suspects can go through another round of hyperventilation as much as they like but like as has been in the past, that's not going to facilitate a return to Labor's marine taxi service any time soon.
I'm wondering if the six crew members who each rec'd $5000 of our (including Noco's, Rumpole's and Dr Smith's) monies were also granted first dibs on citizenship and perhaps a knighthood.
As you've considered me for special mention I'll again ask how that prevention index of yours is going ?
One hypothetical point I would like to make is, if the Government did pay out the alleged US$30,000, would it not encourage other people smugglers to do the same and why would the Government suddenly decide to make these payments when it has not been necessary in the past.

The other point is how much would it have cost the Australian taxpayer to have allowed those 65 illegals to enter Australia?...I once read it cost Australia $11,000 for each illegal immigrant and multiply that by 65and you get $715,000...That is what it would have cost under the Green/Labor socialist policy of open borders. ...So $30,000 sounds like peanuts to pay the monkeys.

The total tally under Labor's open border policy is now $16 billion and it still adding up every day while we have 80% of these bludgers on welfare and still some in detention who have to fed, clothed and given free medical treatment

The point I should also make is those 65 illegals were on their way to New Zealand and not Australia.....So why would Australia pay US$30,000 to stop them going to New Zealand?...Maybe it was New Zealand money...I said maybe.
As you've considered me for special mention I'll again ask how that prevention index of yours is going ?

So much for that olive branch .... still promoting lascivious exposure to minors? Had the internet police tagging your meta data because of it?

Prevention of illegals is easy = keep them out. Prevention of asylum seekers is easy = repeal UN agreement and treat them as illegals. It's gotta be easy because the LNP are incapable of extended thought, just like the Labs are incapable of not being the self appointed social conscience of the masses.

You got anything to offer as a real solution to a real problem, or are you just argumentative for the sake of it (as usual).

Taken any kids to promiscuous entertainment lately Dr? I'd rather be wrong about migration than being self labelled as you and you internet buddy did (and never recanted it either)!!
Come on Julie are you a liar or just misinformed:

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has denied claims by Indonesian police that Australian Customs officials paid thousands of dollars to people smugglers to take asylum seekers back to Indonesia.

A boat carrying 65 asylum seekers crashed onto a reef near the remote Rote Island, off West Papua, last week and those on board said Australian authorities had turned them back.

Rote Island's police chief said the captain of the boat, a man called Yohanis from North Sulawesi, told police an Australian Customs official paid each crew member $5,000 to bring asylum seekers back to Indonesia.
Keep the unsubstantiated personal stuff between your ears.

You're the one who isn't happy with the current situation. What then is your alternative or do you still have no answer to offer on that after all this time ?

Forget about roping in Labor and just consider this on it merits. Doing a CBA to justify human trafficking is not what's going here. We have our elected govt paying to smuggle people from and the Indo region into a south east Asian country. This is the insulting disregard for sovereign rights stuff that starts international conflicts, no matter how barbaric or inhumane the other nation is. We are supposed to be a first world country with and educated mature society that uses it's noodle.

Stop blaming Labor and the Greens for something the LNP is in charge weakens your arguments Noco.

So you would believe an asylum seeker who may have ditched ID to get into this country by hook or by crook over Julie Bishop? I find that extraordinary.

I heard Peter Costello on TV this morning say it is the right thing to say they neither confirm or deny when it comes to security operational matters which makes sense to me.
I heard Peter Costello on TV this morning say it is the right thing to say they neither confirm or deny when it comes to security operational matters which makes sense to me.

I agree Sails, that should be the policy. But unfortunately Abbott completely botched doing that.

IMO the way he answered, with reference to using "by hook or by crook" methods was confirming the story, even though he did say "he would not confirm or deny".

He has put both Dutton and Bishop in strife by his ambiguous response.

The proper response would have been: " We do not either confirm or deny operational matters. Next question please". Instead, by trying to capitalise on the popularity of his turn back the boats policy, he went on to waffle about a willingness to use even "crook" methods, which added credibility to the payment claims.

If it's not true I would have expected a direct denial from Abbott given the previous emphatic denial by Bishop.

Agree that Abbott didn't handle it well but there is still insufficient evidence to know what actually happened, imo.
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