Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Such a naive view of that the Islamic religion in particular is somehow benign as long as laws are not infringed by its adherents totally misunderstands and downplays the goals of Islam. Islam does not value a pluralist secular society. Rather, Islam commands the imposition of Islamic law in a theocratic framework. Changing laws, society and your rights are very much on Muslim's agenda and you are a naive fool if you don't understand this.

Islam is not a race and once again you misunderstand it's goals and dictates. Belittling those who have legitimate concerns about Muslim migration and implying they are are exhibiting racist attitudes in such a patronizing fashion is offensive and obscene tripe.


I think you're wasting your time trying to reason with this bloke. If he’s so keen to sacrifice our freedoms and live under the dictatorship of Islam, and too stupid to see that this is what will eventually happen if we continue to bring in large numbers of immigrants from Islamic countries, then he should have just stayed in Vietnam where he had a dictatorship already established for him. He doesn't deserve Australia and Australia doesn't deserve him.
Somebody privately messaged me about this character a few weeks back and suggested that I dismiss any notions I had about him making sense about anything, because all he does is churn out crazy pro-Muslim stuff, and distort what other posters have said.
I can see now that it was good advice.
I’m seriously thinking of using the ‘ignore’ function to block him out.
So the allegation is that we are waging a religious war against Islam, ie that "we" are all "Christians" who hate an opposing faith ?

That's incorrect. We are a secular society who dislike people who promote their faith as though it should be a part of the law of the land, and those who come to sponge on our social welfare as though it's their right to receive our magnaminity without contributing anything in return. The invocation of a fictional crusade against old people or homosexuals as an ongoing example of intolerance is disingenuous.

If people are prepared to contribute to the nation, accept that we live in a secular society and that our laws outrank their religious ones, then they will be welcome, as you yourself have been and a lot of your countrymen as well.

I recognise and respect your feelings regarding the treatment of refugees and minority groups. Certainly, not every refugee is the same and some just want a decent life and are prepared to work for it.

If there was a good way of identifying those people from the rest who want a life of promotion of their religious cause funded by our welfare (as the recent Martin Place siege has shown), then I'm sure we would all support that principle. That is why we have a authorised annual refugee intake where people are vetted for genuine refugee status before they come here. This is the only sane and sensible way to run a refugee intake system that puts the merchants of death; ie people smugglers out of business.

I thought our constitution permit freedom of religion.

So how does Muslims, or any other religious group, break our law and ruin our society by practising their faith - peacefully? As just about all Muslims have?

I'm sure there are some religious zealots who prefers Australia to be one religion or another - that's not going to happen will it? Why? Because our constitution does not permit a state religion.

There are, right now, a bunch of foreign spies and double agents everywhere from just about every country you care to name.. and they're all working and living among us in Australia. I'm willing to bet that you got French, American, English, German, Russian, Chinese, Indian, Japanese etc... all spying on us. Just as we have our agents working overseas spying on them.

Are we going to demonize those Australians who share a common country of origin, or a common faith, as those foreign agents here to steal our secrets and using it to possibly harm us when they deem appropriate?

So just as there are spies and turned agents and radicalized traitorous citizens, there are also Islamic extremists among us. That's just part and parcel in politics and foreign policies.

Since we're not going to hunt down and ban the Chinese or the American or the Indian or the German Australians ... why are we thinking it's OK to do it to Muslim Australians? Are they not human? Are they all the same as the terrorists and double agents?

It's understandable, given the media coverage and political rhetorics, but it is not acceptable. We ought to find that unacceptable not because we are weak and are losing our national identity, but find it wrong because doing so is against our national identity and common law.

My great-great-grandfather was Chinese. He came to Vietnam not knowing a word of the language. He was probably a refugee, fleeing those civil wars China tend to have every couple of centuries.

Does my father or grandfather consider themselves Chinese? No. My uncle and grandfather defended VN, we consider ourselves VNese. My parents still consider themselves Vietnamese. But us kids, we see ourselves us Australians.. and so will our kids. Why or how do we and many others adopt that and the Muslims or the Arabs just will not? Islam?

If this idea of a united, homogeneous Islam is true... shouldn't we be seeing one big massive Islamic state in the Middle East? But how many Islamic states are there? A lot right? As many different countries and people as the Christian European states right?

How many Christian, or Anglo, Australian will go and join England in a war if she calls? We'd be thinking real hard about it and see if doing so serves our direct national interests... I'm pretty sure we will not be sending the troops like we did the ANZACS simply out of a common faith or a common country of origin - and the Queen is still our head of state.

Those who think all Muslims are united, are all brothers, are all one... they're giving too much credit to Islam and Muslims.

We all serve our own interests first, and probably last. And that is best served by being loyal, by abiding by the cultural norms, by following the rules and customs of the land you live in. All humans do this, those who do not will not survive or live comfortably.
So how does Muslims, or any other religious group, break our law and ruin our society by practising their faith - peacefully? As just about all Muslims have?

In small numbers you are correct, but experience has shown that when their population reaches a certain point, Muslims try and take over our laws by gradual insistence that Sharia law be introduced alongside secular laws.

Sharia law imposes penalties for "apostacy", ie renouncing ones religion. This is obviously in conflict with our stance of freedom of religion (and consequently freedom to have no religion) that a secular society enjoys. These sort of influences can only be successfully opposed by ensuring that the Muslim population remains below a critical mass whereby they cannot impose their beliefs on the wider society.

Muslims capacity to integrate cannot be compared to those of other ethnic groups because Muslims believe that their law should override other laws. It says so in the Koran. Their beliefs are fundamentally incompatible with a secular society, and any increase in their influence by way of an increasing Muslim population must be resisted.

If Muslims want to flee as refugees, there are plenty of Muslim countries around that they can go to. Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia etc who I'm sure will welcome their brothers with open arms. Not here thanks.

I think you're wasting your time trying to reason with this bloke. If he’s so keen to sacrifice our freedoms and live under the dictatorship of Islam, and too stupid to see that this is what will eventually happen if we continue to bring in large numbers of immigrants from Islamic countries, then he should have just stayed in Vietnam where he had a dictatorship already established for him. He doesn't deserve Australia and Australia doesn't deserve him.
Somebody privately messaged me about this character a few weeks back and suggested that I dismiss any notions I had about him making sense about anything, because all he does is churn out crazy pro-Muslim stuff.
I can see now that it was good advice.
I’m seriously thinking of using the ‘ignore’ function to block him out.

Confucius said, when I do wrong and a friend criticised me, I am happy and know I have a true friend.

The student ask, why would you be happy when someone criticise you Master?

Confucius replied: Only a true friend would take the time and effort to discuss my mistakes with me; only a good friend would take the chance of upsetting me when he see my errors. Good friend and good people are hard to find - so I am glad. I am also happy because I have a chance to think over my thoughts and actions, correct them if I come to believe them to be wrong; In correcting what is wrong I become a better person; in thinking over my actions but find no fault, I am more confident in its just pursuit.

If a person could abandon their faith, if they could quickly and easily throw away their cultural identity and heritage and wrap themselves completely in someone else's culture and habits for no reason than just to fit in... are you sure you want that kind of people as your fellow citizens?

People will adapt, will take in what is good and just and suitable for them, in their own time.

If you want false friends, sure why not. There's plenty of those around.
In small numbers you are correct, but experience has shown that when their population reaches a certain point, Muslims try and take over our laws by gradual insistence that Sharia law be introduced alongside secular laws.

Sharia law imposes penalties for "apostacy", ie renouncing ones religion. This is obviously in conflict with our stance of freedom of religion (and consequently freedom to have no religion) that a secular society enjoys. These sort of influences can only be successfully opposed by ensuring that the Muslim population remains below a critical mass whereby they cannot impose their beliefs on the wider society.

Muslims capacity to integrate cannot be compared to those of other ethnic groups because Muslims believe that their law should override other laws. It says so in the Koran. Their beliefs are fundamentally incompatible with a secular society, and any increase in their influence by way of an increasing Muslim population must be resisted.

If Muslims want to flee as refugees, there are plenty of Muslim countries around that they can go to. Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia etc who I'm sure will welcome their brothers with open arms. Not here thanks.

Australia and all Western democracies are predominantly Christians yea?

There are some laws still existing that are based on Christian values and cultural norms.

So why or how does Western democracies become secular? How do we advance our sciences and put law above Gods'?

It's not because Christianity does not call for conversion of lost sheeps or infidels.

If a predominantly Christian society could gradually turn towards secularism, you seriously think Muslims will one day supplant our law and turn it back towards religious fundamentalism - an Islamic one at that?

I've known a few Christians who tried to convert me; I know Buddhists who were nudged by their lover and convert to Christianity to get married... All religion and religious people will try to do that. Our law permit that, but it will not go further.
In small numbers you are correct, but experience has shown that when their population reaches a certain point, Muslims try and take over our laws by gradual insistence that Sharia law be introduced alongside secular laws.

Sharia law imposes penalties for "apostacy", ie renouncing ones religion. This is obviously in conflict with our stance of freedom of religion (and consequently freedom to have no religion) that a secular society enjoys. These sort of influences can only be successfully opposed by ensuring that the Muslim population remains below a critical mass whereby they cannot impose their beliefs on the wider society.

Muslims capacity to integrate cannot be compared to those of other ethnic groups because Muslims believe that their law should override other laws. It says so in the Koran. Their beliefs are fundamentally incompatible with a secular society, and any increase in their influence by way of an increasing Muslim population must be resisted.

If Muslims want to flee as refugees, there are plenty of Muslim countries around that they can go to. Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia etc who I'm sure will welcome their brothers with open arms. Not here thanks.

+1 Rumpy.....It is nice to be on the same wave link.....Put a chalk mark on the wall, lest we forget.

Muslims have taken over towns in the UK and have now installed Sharia law.

In Western Sydney Muslims have set up their ghetto with 20% of the population now Muslim in Tony Burke's seat of Watson.

4 or 5 years ago I posted my comments on what may happen with the Muslim community in Australia and around the world and the moderator deleted it.......Maybe then it was considered racist at the time.

Muslims are peaceful people in small numbers, but once their numbers increase is the time they start to show their muscle.......World domination is their ambition and they are doing it by infiltration and rapid breeding.
+1 Rumpy.....It is nice to be on the same wave link.....Put a chalk mark on the wall, lest we forget.

Muslims have taken over towns in the UK and have now installed Sharia law.

In Western Sydney Muslims have set up their ghetto with 20% of the population now Muslim in Tony Burke's seat of Watson.

4 or 5 years ago I posted my comments on what may happen with the Muslim community in Australia and around the world and the moderator deleted it.......Maybe then it was considered racist at the time.

Muslims are peaceful people in small numbers, but once their numbers increase is the time they start to show their muscle.......World domination is their ambition and they are doing it by infiltration and rapid breeding.

I live there so I'll let you know when they start to rename the streets and have road signs in Arabic.

ah man, the media did a real good number on some of us.

We, the West, so completely dominate the Middle East for the last 150 years, right up to now and into the foreseeable future... yet we're worried that a few of them will overturn our gov't here in our own backyard.

Heck, the Middle East is probably the only place in the world where we could freely send in the drones and the jets and do as we like, when we like. And we're afraid of a few of them imposing their law on our way of life?

I'm not belittling or making light of terrorism on our soil... but man, Sharia Law being imposed on our land? Seriously?
I live there so I'll let you know when they start to rename the streets and have road signs in Arabic.

ah man, the media did a real good number on some of us.

We, the West, so completely dominate the Middle East for the last 150 years, right up to now and into the foreseeable future... yet we're worried that a few of them will overturn our gov't here in our own backyard.

Heck, the Middle East is probably the only place in the world where we could freely send in the drones and the jets and do as we like, when we like. And we're afraid of a few of them imposing their law on our way of life?

I'm not belittling or making light of terrorism on our soil... but man, Sharia Law being imposed on our land? Seriously?

Ha man, they have already tried...keep your ear to the ground a bit more often.
Ha man, they have already tried...keep your ear to the ground a bit more often.


The problem is that when someone has his head buried in the sand like some of these characters obviously do, his eyes and ears are so full of sand that he sees and hears nothing.
Muslims are peaceful people in small numbers, but once their numbers increase is the time they start to show their muscle.......World domination is their ambition and they are doing it by infiltration and rapid breeding.

I don't know if that's true or not, but I do know subsets of religion are still part of that religion, so if violence is perpetrated by Islam it's Islam at fault and the whole tribe that belongs to it. I do not believe any of us are in a position to advocate small versus larges results in different's a lie govts use to subvert the unease we non muslims feel = appeasement.

My bet is that most Muslims get a sense of satisfaction(fleeting or otherwise) seeing non believers and agitators hurt and murdered and I reckon they are brain washed into a desensitising from an early age, using a book as a shield against responsibility for perpetuating the filth that percolates to the top and performs the atrocities.
Tisme said:
My bet is that most Muslims get a sense of satisfaction(fleeting or otherwise) seeing non believers and agitators hurt and murdered and I reckon they are brain washed into a desensitising from an early age, using a book as a shield against responsibility for perpetuating the filth that percolates to the top and performs the atrocities.

You may be right there (although I'm not claiming to be able to read anyone's mind), but I also suspect that if the Lakemba mosque was blown up tonight with Muslims killed, a lot of white Australians would say "serves them right".

That's the danger for a lot of peaceful Muslims in Western countries, the sins of some in the name of their religion could rebound on them.

Of course, there is nothing stopping them renouncing their religion, apart from the extremist enforcers who take apostacy seriously. Ask Salman Rushdie about that.

This religion really is held together by violence and coercion, and I'm starting to believe that it is "inherently evil".
You may be right there (although I'm not claiming to be able to read anyone's mind), but I also suspect that if the Lakemba mosque was blown up tonight with Muslims killed, a lot of white Australians would say "serves them right".

That's the danger for a lot of peaceful Muslims in Western countries, the sins of some in the name of their religion could rebound on them.

Of course, there is nothing stopping them renouncing their religion, apart from the extremist enforcers who take apostacy seriously. Ask Salman Rushdie about that.

This religion really is held together by violence and coercion, and I'm starting to believe that it is "inherently evil".

I just googled Islam and apostasy. While it is punished in many Muslim-majority countries, ranging from no punishment to imprisonment to death, many Islamic scholars have concluded that the Koran does not prescribe punishment for apostasy, unless it is done for sedition/treason.

I'm glad we live in a secular society where no idiots could seriously profess to know the will of god and could not legally implement it.

Heard from a doco that the 72 virgin thing is also a myth, made up by anti-Muslim.

Link and some conclusions from scholars below:

" ... Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error ..." [2:256]

This is Islam's unambiguous affirmation of freedom of faith, which also applies to changing of faith. The Qur'an illuminates before the humanity the two highways [90:10], one of which leads to salvation. Islam is an invitation to the highway toward salvation, but it is based on FREEDOM OF CHOICE.

Punishment of Apostasy in Hadith

...The following is an example of how the Prophet dealt with solely apostasy.

A bedouin gave the Pledge of allegiance to Allah's Apostle for Islam. Then the bedouin got fever at Medina, came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Cancel my Pledge," But Allah's Apostle refused. Then he came to him (again) and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Cancel my Pledge." But the Prophet refused Then he came to him (again) and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Cancel my Pledge." But the Prophet refused. The bedouin finally went out (of Medina) whereupon Allah's Apostle said, "Medina is like a pair of bellows (furnace): It expels its impurities and brightens and clears its good. [Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, #318]

Notably, as Dr. M. E. Subhani explained in his book:
“This was an open case of apostasy. But the Prophet neither punished the Bedouin nor asked anyone to do it. He allowed him to leave Madina. Nobody harmed him.” [Apostasy in Islam (New Delhi, India: Global Media Publications, 2005), pp. 23-24.]

Hadrat Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz [d. 97 AH/720 AD]
[popularly known as Umar II and regarded as part of the Khulafa-i-Rashidoon]

Some people accepted Islam during the period of Umar bin Abdul Aziz, who is called the fifth rightful caliph of Islam. All these people renounced Islam sometimes later. Maimoon bin Mahran the governor of the area wrote to the caliph about these people. In reply Umar bin Abdul Aziz ordered him to release those people and asked him to re-impose jizya on them. [Musannaf Abdur Razzaq, pp. 171-10, cited in M. E. Subhani,Apostasy in Islam (New Delhi, India: Global Media Publications, 2005), pp. 23-24. Abdur Razzaq ibn Humama (d. 211 AH). This is the earliest musannaf (a hadith collection arranged in topical chapters) work in existence.]

Sufyan al-Thawri [d. 161 AH]
[known as 'the prince of the believers concerning Hadith' (amir al-mu'minin fi'l-Hadith) and is the author of two important compilations of Hadith, namely al-Jami' al-Kabir, and al-Jami' al- Saghir]

According to al-Thawri, apostate should be re-invited to Islam, but should never be condemned to death. [He] maintained the view that the invitation should continue for as long as there is hope that the apostate might change his mind and repent. [cited in Kamali, as above]

Dr. Mohammad Hashim Kamali
[Professor of law at the International Islamic University of Malaysia; author of Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence, 2003 and Freedom of Expression in Islam, 1994]

"The controversy been exacerbated further by reliance on the provision in the Sunnah which authorizes the death penalty for apostasy without due consideration of other evidence in the Sunnah to the effect that punishment by death was meant only for apostasy accompanied by hostility and treason. ... The Prophet did not treat apostasy as a proscribed offense (hadd), but, on the contrary, pardoned many individuals who had embraced Islam, then renounced it, and then embraced it again. ... [T]he Qur'an is consistent in its affirmation of the freedom of belief and it fully supports the conclusion that the objectives of the Shari ah cannot be properly fulfilled without granting people the freedom of belief, and the liberty to express it." [Chapter: Freedom of Religion in Mohammad Hashim Kamali’s Freedom of Expression in Islam Islamic Text Society, 1997]
I just googled Islam and apostasy. While it is punished in many Muslim-majority countries, ranging from no punishment to imprisonment to death, many Islamic scholars have concluded that the Koran does not prescribe punishment for apostasy, unless it is done for sedition/treason.

The fact that a belief system is open to interpretation is a major concern in itself.

That 1 billion people don't have the luxury of spending their lives debating the vibe of a primitive social control rule book, but are willing to blindly carry out the same rituals, subjugate themselves to an aggressive paternal governance and bind together like a mob worshiping a Lord of the Flies is very unsettling to me.

And what is "radical Islam" if it isn't Islam? Are there places that have signs that proclaim "Radical Prayers Here on the Hours every Hour", or "Islam Lite Here. Please Leave Weapons at Door" ... it's just ridiculous we have to somehow know enough about an Astrogod Cult to distinguish between the good guys and the baddies, with our own govt (the one we pay for) making out we have nothing to worry about coz we are Team Oz......WTF!

Apparently it is OK for Islam to wage gutless harm on people because Christians have splinter groups that are just as bad, but ignores Islam itself shares the same God and Jesus is on equal footing to their own founder as a prophet. It ignores Islam is a ubiquitous cult whereas Christianity is a house of many houses. It ignores the small numbers of actual God Worshippers in places like Australia where the population aren't to fussed about having any religion interfering with the actual mechanics of society and freedoms.

And the twitter/facebook/discussion boards, mobile phones, televisions, media in general that the indolent mongrels use to spread the word is thanks to the cacoon of a strident Christian community that is armed to the teeth in preparedness for just such a situation that is arising now; forget about China and Russia flexing its might, when the USA sneezes the rest of us better take cover.
The fact that a belief system is open to interpretation is a major concern in itself.

That 1 billion people don't have the luxury of spending their lives debating the vibe of a primitive social control rule book, but are willing to blindly carry out the same rituals, subjugate themselves to an aggressive paternal governance and bind together like a mob worshiping a Lord of the Flies is very unsettling to me.

And what is "radical Islam" if it isn't Islam? Are there places that have signs that proclaim "Radical Prayers Here on the Hours every Hour", or "Islam Lite Here. Please Leave Weapons at Door" ... it's just ridiculous we have to somehow know enough about an Astrogod Cult to distinguish between the good guys and the baddies, with our own govt (the one we pay for) making out we have nothing to worry about coz we are Team Oz......WTF!

Apparently it is OK for Islam to wage gutless harm on people because Christians have splinter groups that are just as bad, but ignores Islam itself shares the same God and Jesus is on equal footing to their own founder as a prophet. It ignores Islam is a ubiquitous cult whereas Christianity is a house of many houses. It ignores the small numbers of actual God Worshippers in places like Australia where the population aren't to fussed about having any religion interfering with the actual mechanics of society and freedoms.

And the twitter/facebook/discussion boards, mobile phones, televisions, media in general that the indolent mongrels use to spread the word is thanks to the cacoon of a strident Christian community that is armed to the teeth in preparedness for just such a situation that is arising now; forget about China and Russia flexing its might, when the USA sneezes the rest of us better take cover.

All religion are open to interpretation. Preachers, like news media editors, can select and omit certain stories and passages that serves their purpose.

Religion is one of the tools use to unite the masses in society. And like all tools, it could then be use to build houses or break legs.

Our secular democratic society, despite some of the flaws, have progressed beyond using religion and god's representative as authorities to bind us... we govern by the rule of law based, progressively, on the values of its people, founded on more enlightened and rational principles - such as presumed innocent until proven guilty; all are created equal and thus must be equal before the law; permitting religious and political freedom of expression etc.

It'd be easy, much cheaper, and probably is safer - at least in the short term - to lump any "obviously" dangerous and violent group of people together. Lock them up or banish them. Not many other act could show our "strength" as well as frightened and make examples to our enemies than the ability and willingness to collectively punish at will. Heck, the First Emperor of China, whenever there's an attempt on his life anywhere he'd ordered the execution of every man, woman and child within a ten mile radius. His dynasty did not last very long.

That's not strength. Strength is to do the right thing, to think things clearly and carefully, to live up to your ideals in the face of potential danger. Doing the right thing was never meant to be easy.

All religion are open to interpretation...

I don't think of the non seculars here would have truck with that. But for some reason it's used as excuse to commit harm to others, as if no other option but religious servitude is available to man.

I put religious instruction way down the list of priorities, although I do give credit due for the influence in codifying our laws to embrace freedom of the human spirit and respect to our fellow (good) man. I would suspect our constitution may well have principled itself on the Anglican religion, but that doesn't mean clauses weren't included to make sure the voodoo bits were written out in favour of free will.
by an American and published in The New York Times Magazine. The Kabul-based journalist Luke Mogelson and a cameraman managed to disguise themselves as refugees from Georgia and joined a group of asylum-seekers travelling to Indonesia, who suffered dreadful privations there and managed, after several attempts, to board a leaking vessel bound for Christmas Island. Mogelson's account of the suffering endured by these people is among the most vivid and painful things I have read this year. And when, back in Kabul, Mogelson told a would-be refugee that he's likely to end up among the horrors of Nauru or Manus Island, the other shrugged: "At least there you have a chance. At least there is a possibility".

Read more:

Some know a little more of the Refugee experience than others.

Germany, I'm reliably informed, took in Two Hundred thousand. two... Hundred... Thousand refugee's in 2014 calendar year.
Germany, I'm reliably informed, took in Two Hundred thousand. two... Hundred... Thousand refugee's in 2014 calendar year.
If that’s correct, then more fool Germany!
Most of their refugee intake would have been from Islamic countries. Germany is already experiencing significant problems from Islam, and there’s a growing protest movement among Germans concerned about the ever increasing Islamisation of their country.
Germany will end up in the same boat as France unless they start being a lot more selective in their migrant intake – as will other countries including us.
Germany will end up in the same boat as France unless they start being a lot more selective in their migrant intake – as will other countries including us.

It's too late now bunyip. The enemy within is now firmly entrenched in Western Europe and here...and there are more coming.

600,000 migrants are lined up along North African coast and ready to enter Europe this summer warns Italy
Several hundred thousand migrants set to enter Europe, Italy warns
'Up to 600,000 ready to set sail' from North Africa this summer
Of the 40,000 who crossed into Europe last year, 20 per cent came to UK

Read more:
They are the people we want as new Australians.

I think a fundamental scalar attitude that pervaded Australia right up to the age of enlightenment (post Menzies) was the notion that anyone who came here better assimilate, don't talk yourself up, better have a not too dissimilar core value system we already had, better defend our nation in face of criticism.

The people I want here are the ones that value a fresh start and are open to allowing their kids the joys of a dogma free upbringing. The same people who allow luutzu the right to his own uncalibrated opinions :D
It's too late now bunyip. The enemy within is now firmly entrenched in Western Europe and here...and there are more coming.
Read more:

Unfortunately Calliope, what you say is correct. But maybe we can at least slow the Islamisation process down a little by being very selective in who we allow into our country from here on.
I’ve been saying for at least the last 15 years that we’ll live to regret allowing Islam to gain a foothold in our country. Regrettably I’m being proven right. It just about beggars belief that we still have many very naïve people including the left side of politics who want to substantially increase the number of Islamic immigrants to Australia.