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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

SBY is not up for re-election. Whoever replaces him is unlikely to be as friendly towards up as he has been. Former Indonesian leaders have been standoffish at the least and openly hostile at worst. It will take us a long time to dig ourselves out of this mess.

OMG ... now you understand what the sovereign borders policy is all about !

Sovereign borders is a lot of measures rolled into one. I agree with TPV's and offshore processing, but not with naval guerilla tactics.

Yes. we aren't flavour of the month over there with the Corby mess and the boats issue. If the navy stuffs up again we could be in real trouble. I am sure they are acting very carefully these days.

We and they will miss SBY, he has been their best leader ever imo.
I used to work there in Suharto's day.

SBY's PARTY is up for re-election and it has been plagued with corruption and scandal. This is his way of shoreing up a few more votes so at least his party is not made irrelevant when the new government takes over and I CAN ASSURE you it wont be his political lien taking the reigns. Indonesia has taken a quantum leap into the 21st century of politics of late. They now realise that they cannot go around sabre rattling their trading neighbors. Tried it on with Singapore who impolitely told them to go further down the road and to Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo OFF !

The naval guerilla tactics as you call it, are effective BECAUSE the Indonesian Naval ships are now WHERE THEY SHOULD BE which is South where the illegal boats are entering our waters.

Google this "SBY plagued with corruption" .. YEaaaaaaaaaahhhhh greatest ever leader ever eh?

Corby mess?? LOLOLOL ... hardly ... Did you hear about the 9 Japanese tourists that got killed over there before Christmas? Nup .... what about the busload of Koreans that fell to their deaths off a bridge? Nup ... what about the German who had 2 kgs of hash in his Villa? Nup?

Oh well ... Australians have always been full of their own self importance when it comes to international matters.

If I have the time and energy to plumb the depths of this thread, I'll look it up.

I don't know about energy but you obviously have plenty of time to waste. After lying dormant for 18 months you have bombarded the forum with 84 posts in 10 days with no evidence of any research at all.
I don't know about energy but you obviously have plenty of time to waste. After lying dormant for 18 months you have bombarded the forum with 84 posts in 10 days with no evidence of any research at all.

Has it really been 18 months ?

Thanks for the warm welcome home

You don't appear to appreciate the difference between people killed on the high seas and deaths in Australian custody.

Assigning all blame to Labor for drownings at sea and none to Morrison for a death in his custody is one eyed.

Give up have got no chance of winning this debate..

The asylum seekers were guaranteed safety if they played by the rules, however they decided to riot for media attention and they broke the rules and they paid the price of one death and 80 injuries, so how can Morrison live up to what you certainly like to shift the goal posts to suit your argument and it ain't gonna work.

You take out insurance on your car and then make modifications on that crash it and the insurance company won't pay because you made modifications without telling them....people get caught drink driving...they know the rules and when they caught breaking the rules they pay the price.

So rumpole are you now getting the picture on how things work?
People have said that John Howard "cleaned out" the detention centres. Did these people simply disappear ? Where did they go ? The fact is that the majority of them were allowed to stay in Australia. That's a pretty "open door" result.
Why do Labor supporters continue to perpetrate this myth? Less than 40% were settled in Australia.
Here's the most detailed set of numbers I can find:

Why do Labor supporters continue to perpetrate this myth? Less than 40% were settled in Australia.
Here's the most detailed set of numbers I can find:

If you prefer, a majority of asylum seekers were resettled in Australia and New Zealand, ie they were found to be genuine refugees.

I wonder why no governments (or oppositions) seem concerned about the 4,000 per annum asylum seekers who arrive here by air ?

People arriving by air have a paper trail. They have a passport that reveals their country of origin. Much easier to process than people arriving by boat with no paperwork.
People arriving by air have a paper trail. They have a passport that reveals their country of origin. Much easier to process than people arriving by boat with no paperwork.

I accept the bit about paper trail, but the sheer numbers must place a heavy burden on the taxpayer for processing.
I accept the bit about paper trail, but the sheer numbers must place a heavy burden on the taxpayer for processing.

Agreed. How many billions has this cost the taxpayer. The sooner the whole issue of asylum seekers is brought under control the better it will be for Australia.
I accept the bit about paper trail, but the sheer numbers must place a heavy burden on the taxpayer for processing.

The fact that they have arrived by plane with paper work (ID), it is impossible for them to claim any social security from the Governent so how can they be a burden on the tax payer?....... They would either have to find work illegally or be sponsered by a relative or friend and stay under cover for the rest of their lives.

If they tried to claim social security in the way of a pension or the dole they would have to provide their details and once they do that, "BINGO" they will be caught. They would have to provide to the government deatils of where they live and their bank you think the air arrivals who over stay their visa are likely to reveal all this?

So your argument in this case has been shot down in flames.

So what are you saying ? Boat arrivals =BAD, Air arrivals=GOOD ?

They fly here then apply for asylum. That's where the processing comes in. Presumably they get benefits while their case is assessed. Burden on taxpayer.

If I have the time and energy to plumb the depths of this thread, I'll look it up.
This thread covers many of the historical issues in some depth as they occurred.

Time spent reading is infinitely more rewarding than time spent to ultimately see this fellow when looking in the mirror.


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This thread covers many of the historical issues in some depth as they occurred.

Time spent reading is infinitely more rewarding than time spent to ultimately see this fellow when looking in the mirror.

He's a lot heavier than I am

There is a story in the Age today of a "15 year old boy detained in an Australian detention centre for years..." "...his older brother was kidnapped by the Taliban and used as a mine detector until he was killed. The boys parents, rather than see thier othervson meet this fate, sold everything they owned and smuggled him to Pakistan and arranged for him to travel from Indonesia by boat to Australia. This boy later attended high school here and was celebrated as a hero by the entire school..."

Diana Greentee, Hurstbridge adds, his story is onevof many tales of courage and heartbreak.
So what are you saying ? Boat arrivals =BAD, Air arrivals=GOOD ?

They fly here then apply for asylum. That's where the processing comes in. Presumably they get benefits while their case is assessed. Burden on taxpayer.

I did not say anything about being good or bad.....they are your words.

Do you have some proof of this? where did you get your information? many have been approved in the manner you state and over what time period.....if any have sought asylum , how many have been approved and how many have been sent back?

So they are not all evil terrorists or crims eh ? That may come as news to some
I accept the bit about paper trail, but the sheer numbers must place a heavy burden on the taxpayer for processing.

The cost to process, is a lot less than, the cost to have them on our welfare system for life.

Even Labor agreed most were economic refugees.
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