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AMP - AMP Limited

AMP is in the process of an ongoing garage sale ( not that it is unique currently , even in banking/finance , sadly )

one might suggest the brand is so damaged that there is no point chasing the 'goodwill premium ' ( that comes with a full take-over ) , so they are selling what they can

now assuming you price a share ( partly ) on intrinsic value , AMP will most likely still slide simply because of the shrinking assets
Not interested myself but makes a strong picture as a chart that has completed a base. A couple of pro commentators have mentioned it favourably lately: Henry Jennings and Greg Canavan.

Not Held

I've entered AMP into the 2023 yearly comp. finicky's post above probably tells the story best.
I don't think it's going to double, but I've no problem thinking it could catch a 40% move up, which would add 10% to the comp return.
Of course, it could end up being a value trap going to zero!
well they announced first dividends and fell like a stone ...
I just had invested some coins there hoping for at least a revival
well they announced first dividends and fell like a stone ...
I just had invested some coins there hoping for at least a revival
I havent followed them since I bailed out a few years ago, some day I'm sure there will be a horror movie made about AMP.
I feel sorry for those who paid $24 for them.
By the way didnt they have a 1 for 8 consolidation recently?
13% fall in SP today. Reading their puff piece they say the bank will drive future growth. I would be worried about bad debts as interest rates keep rising.

Most other businesses they have are going backwards.

They are in competition against well run companies like Macquarie, Industry superannuation companies and there are new internationals entering markets.

Their customers are mostly leftovers from when they were a decent mutual but they are slowly dropping off the perch.

I valued them around 80c last time I looked. Maybe that is now looking stretched.
"I'm living in the 70's" ??
Recently, 2003/ 2004?
And I thought I was crazy...

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My apologies it must have been a proposal that didn't get up, I was only going from memory and that's why I phrased it as a question. ?
AMP 2022 AGM chairmans address:

Share consolidation Our announcements to sell the Collimate Capital businesses means our plan for a share consolidation will not proceed at this time. The board will consider the merits of undertaking a share consolidation following completion of the sale transactions. I want to assure shareholders that a share consolidation process alone would not change the value of the total shares held by each shareholder. It is simply a mechanism to reduce the number of shares on issue, improving efficiency and reducing the total number of shares to something more comparable to peers. At present AMP has one of the largest share registers in Australia with 3.26 billion shares on issue.
Not holding AMP

The mighty AMP has fallen badly over the years

Daily chart with Ichimoku indicating monthly support around 1.12 and daily block of support in the blue box



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Could someone convince me that AMP is not a dog.

It doesn't even trend much, to make it worth trading.

Said this below when recommending back in 2022 Nov 30.
He envisages a scenario where everything is flogged off except Australian Wealth Mgt which would be well capitalised and compares that arm with other such businesses - the subtlties I have not gone into. The 0ar5s being worth more than the whole he suggests. As already remarked his position is now Hold.

" .. since listing in a demutualisation in 1998 (at around $18.70 per share), the share price has declined around 85%.
AMP is now a vastly different company to what it was. More recently, it has sold its insurance operations and capital/asset management business.
Here’s how the business looks now…
It now has four separate divisions:
  1. AMP Bank
  2. Australian Wealth Management
  3. NZ Wealth Management
  4. AMP Capital
None of these businesses really belong together, which is one of the interesting things about this investment idea. That is, AMP is probably worth a lot more broken up than it is with these disparate businesses together.
IF they floated the NZ wealth management , i might be interested in that

i got out shortly before the Hayne Royal Commission , with a modest profit , my instinct is chalk that up to a 'dodged bullet '

but NZ wealth maybe depending how the numbers crunch ( otherwise i would rather add to the KSL holding )
I'm sorry but your posts signify what is wrong with AMP.

It is all too complicated, which is OK if you are a conglomerate which listed and hit $18 on opening. It should now be worth $180. This would make "being complicated" ok.

It has in recent times been a penny dreadful, broaching 80c. from memory.

I don't need complicated from a penny dreadful.

AMP is as likely to go bust as it is to rationalise its octopusian ( now there's an adjective ) business model.

I'm sorry but your posts signify what is wrong with AMP.
i am not sorry , i have an associate that is still having a battle with them over a claim 8 years back ( Comminsure paid in full within weeks )

they would need Hercules as CEO to make me consider a return to buying the carcass that is AMP
I don't need complicated from a penny dreadful.
but a nice simple wealth manager in NZ might be a not-so-dreadful penny stock , and actually have room to grow ( say the South Pacific Islands )

AMP choked on AXA and got desperate trying to cover up the damage , let's assume ( dangerous i know ) Hayne found all the unpleasantness , burnt clients, public shaming all they can do is change their name and HOPE ( everybody forgets )
AMP announced the Company to launch digital bank division built specifically for the transaction needs of sole traders and small business. The Company announced that it is progressing with the next phase of its Bank strategy with the launch of a new digital bank offer targeting the small business and consumer markets.

Strategic alliance with Engine by Starling, the SaaS subsidiary of UK digital bank, Starling Bank, to leverage its technology platform and digital expertise

damn ! i just took another big step .. further back
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