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AMP - AMP Limited

When there's blood on the streets .......

I was caught by the falling knife about 2 years ago, hoping it would get better, but it didn't. Bailed about a year ago.

Seems to have made a double bottom, interesting to see if it gets up to clear $1.20.
It’s a tempting trade 20% gain or will it make a lower low?
12 months is a long time in the stock market,
and there's no reason to believe that this one won't shrug off the back lash like other financial institutions have.
Granted the PROFITS of all major financial/lending institutions have dropped considerably since getting caught by the regulator and while AMP isn't in the same league as the 4 major banks they are still reported $177M profit in 2021
compared to the Billions (the other major banks)
WP: $5.46B
ANZ: $6.16B
NAB: $6.36B
CBA: $8.65B
Plus, AMP has been investing in their banking and digital platforms. If AMP can deliver on "Our strategy" 2022 may indeed bear fruit and a higher SP.
Outside of the big four, would M&A of other banks also be an option for growing AMP?
AMP is one of my picks for the 2022 tipping competition.

In short, it's simply a gamble really.

The chart looks like it's plausibly running out of momentum to the downside and it's becoming a bit make or break really. If the company's not actually going broke, if it's going to remain a major player, then at some point it has to turn around.
Well, I guess the market wasn't expecting a divvy going by today's reaction.

Price and volume today perhaps indicating that the market is accepting the "transformation" blurb.

Heck, I'm even considering slotting 1000 shares away in the bottom drawer ?
I must be ill.
I won't pay more than $1 though...

They are pinning many hopes on the 2022 demerger.

AMP actually do a small selection of wealth creation things fairly well...Which they seem to be spinning off during mid-2022, into a separate entity.

The remaining base entity being mainly the banking, and i think superann./ platform advisory.

As a company, they've learnt some recent lessons. There's value to be unlocked here.

Yes they've destroyed shareholder value in recent times. But I'd keep an eye on them in 2022...And yes they could be a target..
A former financial, REIT and insurance behemoth.

It has fallen on hard times from over $15 to under $1.00 now.
Now that came as a shock !
Last Price (AUD) $0.945
Today's Change Down $0.015

All I can say is their attempts to become a 21stC entity were doomed

Now, this is going back a bit, but as an insurance outfit, they had the model down pat..... take in the money and contest it and shock horror if, heavens, they have to pay it out (to anyone but themselves). Reward the agents (first year's commission generally went to the agent on policies).
Then it all changed, but the corporate mentality didn't.
When the move came to financial services and that golden egg, superannuation, the old reward structure didn't, couldn't change. But these things only work if the 3 legs of the stool are equal; customers, employees, shareholders .... or mug investors/ commissioned agents/ management. But boy oh boy they had a good legal team.
And also, they sold off the wealth. All those premiums were cash on the books. That became a major holder of AUS corporate wealth, but they sold, sold, sold.
Try getting out of a Hillross setup. boy oh boy they had a good legal team.
Agree with you @Dona Ferentes absolute muppets, the only chance they have IMO, is to get completely out of super and work on their banking license options and whatever property assets they have left.
The superannuation space is going to get tougher not easier IMO, with ETF's having low management costs, LIC's with low management costs and Industry funds only paying managers and having political connections, it is going to be a highly competitive space.
So IMO, there may be opportunities, but I have already done dough with them.
So I wont be getting back on the horse and wish everyone luck who tries riding it.
If they had spent as much time on trying to improve the business, as was spent on working out rorts, they would still be a great company.
Just my opinion.
For super money, and this is valid as well for other for profit super, a switch to ALP is inevitable: (look how people like their dictators..if it was a Singapore or Russian style one, for the better of the country..or at least their belief, but we are talking Victoria,qld and now WA.)
So labor it will be and as a direct result, once we have a labour PM, industry funds will get a massive boost whereas i expect banks to become milking cows.
AMP could get its final stab then.
As always wait and see
Had my eye on this one for a long time. Last closed at $1.00. Tempted to 'ave a go, but haven't yet. Something innately appealing about owning part of 173 yr old Aussie business; but, jeez, this stock has been having a hard life this millennium. So far has found good support around 90 cents.
Forum title: 'Stocks O-H'. Come on Joe, you can correct this, 'A' before 'O'..

Three Year monthly AMP chart, it looks alright to me.. ok, it's much more complicated than that,
I get it, but I think that AMP management in 2022, now (at last) get's it too..


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I think the long term weekly chart view says it all, no need for comment. Even at its current price, there is still no takeover bid.

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