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2. Fiscal policy is run by elected officials.
3. Monetary policy is run by independent central banks. Ours the RBA the USA Fed Reserve.
4. The central bank does NOT dictate or run fiscal policy,
4(a). nor does it implement it.
4(b). It has NO control over goverment deficits or taxes or spending. NONE. It also has little control over the issue of debt via the goverment to fund its activities. It can make recommendations to the goverment and what maturities to issue, but for say Australia its a different body that runs the issuance.
5. Fiscal policy cannot ... and does not set nor ever has set recently how much money is printed.
6. This is the role of the Monetary policy side. In this case of the USA the Federal reserve. It does not take orders from USA Treasury about issuing notes.
7. Printing cash or what levels to do so is NOT a fiscal policy.
8. Whilst the USA Treasury engraving department prints notes, it takes instruction from the Federal reserve NOT the president or any elected official.
9. Monetary policy is run by the central bank. Most have similar mandates, IGNORING at times totally the wishes of the goverment of the day. In the case of the Federal Reserve its actually not even owned by the goverment, its owned by its member banks. Its member banks appoint heads of the various branches and then, recommends board members to the President who then are approved by the Senate. Removing say a Fed Chair as Trump recently mumbled about is virtually impossible prior to their term expiring. Trump, was upset, the Fed was raising rates when he wanted them falling. This was PRE Covid19.
10. Central banks wear a few hats and some roles are often shared between other independent bodies.
Main role is to maintain LOW inflation.
11. Secondary main common role is full employment implying decent GDP growth.
Other is financial market liquidity and stability along with supervision
Another is currency stability.
Supervision of banks and their adequate provisions for capital and so on.
12. Different nations often share this with other similar totally Independent from the government bodies. APRA is Australia and so on.
13. That these TWO vastly different things, Fiscal policy and Monetary policy are not understood is clear.
I have divided your post into at least 2, possibly 3 answers simply as you seem unable to be concise.
2. Correct.
3. Correct.
4. Correct.
5. Incorrect. If the government runs a program of deficit spending (spending in excess of tax revenue) then the government must either (a) borrow the money (transfer lending) or (b) create new money via monetising debt, which is facilitated via the Central Bank (Fed.).
6. Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy, as already identified, are separate.
7. Your sentence lacks precision. If the government runs a deficit spending program and monetises debt to do so, money in circulation increases.
8. As stated, monetisation of debt is facilitated through the Central bank.
9. Monetary policy is. Correct. We are not however discussing 'Monetary Policy'. We are discussing Fiscal Policy.
10. Correct.
11. Correct.
12. Correct.
13. Sentence lacks coherence. Try again.
jog on