I am not a scientist, one cannot absorb the huge amount of science information. Like you I am an ordinary human being who has taken an interest in the land and the climate since a child.
I go by what I see and read in the everyday news and as an old tree huger speak to farmers in this Bendigo region.
No one can stop the ise melt, particularly now that the methane from underneath is escaping. One would hope that mankind can some how collectively develop a way to slow it down and one day stop it. But procrastinating on who's right and wrong is not going to get us anywhere.
From memory, unfortunately I lent the book "The Sixth Extinctiion" it was a huge ice sheet that blocked the cold air flow from the polar region that in fact warmed/sheltered Greenland at that time.
plod, it is a natural Phenomenon and will right it's self in time.......So take a Panadol, sit back and relax.
I may not live long enough to see the change but I am sure you will bare witness to it all in time.