Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Resisting Climate Hysteria

So we're supposed to be having an ice age every 11 years.

And heat records top end of Australia this month and over the planet first five months (individually) hottest ever recorded.

It is snowing from southern Queensland to Victoria ATM.....Must be Global Warming BS.
It is snowing from southern Queensland to Victoria ATM.....Must be Global Warming BS.

Well established that the high temperatures at the poles creating huge weather volatility.

Hot air rises, learnt that as a kid watching the kettle.

And our ice cart only came twice a week. Guessed you came from a more priveledged background.
Well established that the high temperatures at the poles creating huge weather volatility.

Hot air rises, learnt that as a kid watching the kettle.

And our ice cart only came twice a week. Guessed you came from a more priveledged background.

No...The ice used to melt faster in the tropics than down south and that is why we received a block of ice every day. was just as hot then as it is today.

Didn't you learn about the effect of the Sun on Earth when you went to school?
Well established that the high temperatures at the poles creating huge weather volatility.

Hot air rises, learnt that as a kid watching the kettle.

And our ice cart only came twice a week. Guessed you came from a more priveledged background.

Yes we had a Coolgardie Safe and the iceman, with his leather apron and tongs, delivered twice a week at our seaside holiday house. Also had a giant bakehouse just few hundred yards away where we bought crusty hot bread and soft powdered rolls.

Adiabatic cooling in play
Didn't you learn about the effect of the Sun on Earth when you went to school?

Of course but it goes no where near being responsible for the extreme changes being witnessed and experienced of late.
Of course but it goes no where near being responsible for the extreme changes being witnessed and experienced of late.

Hi plod.....What a timely event published in the Courier Mail today.

I wonder if our CO2 emissions are causing the Sun to blink?

Enjoy the link my friend.

YOU may not have noticed but our sun has gone as blank as a cue ball. As in, it’s lost its spots.

According to scientists, this unsettling phenomenon is a sign we are heading for a mini ice age.

Meteorologist and renowned sun-watcher Paul Dorian raised the alarm in his latest report, which has sparked a mild panic about an impending Game of Thrones-style winter not seen since the 17th century.

“For the second time this month, the sun has gone completely blank,” Mr Dorian says.

“The blank sun is a sign that the next solar minimum is approaching and there will be an increasing number of spotless days over the next few years.

“At first, the blankness will stretch for just a few days at a time, then it’ll continue for weeks at a time, and finally it should last for months at a time when the sunspot cycle reaches its nadir. The next solar minimum phase is expected to take place around 2019 or 2020.”

If you’re confused about what a “blank” sun is, below is a picture of what it normally looks like, in all its solar flare-and-blemishes glory.

Please read the rest and do listen to the U-Tube.

I wonder if those scientists are a part of that 97%...Perhaps they have changed their minds on "MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING" and are now ready to join the majority of DENIERS.
"A number of independant measurements of solar activity indicate the sun has shown a slight cooling trend since 1960, over the same period that global temperatures have been warming. Over the last 35 years of global warming, sun and climate have been moving in opposite directions. An analysis of solar trends concluded that the sun actually contributed to a slight cooling in recent decades. (Lockwood 2008)

Another study (Foster and Ralmstar 2011) also found that from 1979 to 2010, solar activity had a very light cooling effect... "

And very many other studies confirm those above. See" Skeptical Science, Getting skeptical about global warming skepticism"

Just check out the last paras of a post I put up a week or so ago noco
The sunspots /solar flares theory of global temps has been around for a while. Might have to put off that move to Tas. Also that developing the North (of Australia) thing might gather momentum.

The sun has gone blank twice this month. This is what it means - 30 June 2016

YOU may not have noticed but our sun has gone as blank as a cue ball. As in, it’s lost its spots. According to scientists, this unsettling phenomenon is a sign we are heading for a mini ice age...

..Given that the sun is the main driver of all weather and climate, the sinister-sounding “blankness” to which Mr Dorian refers has some experts predicting a “Maunder Minimum” phase similar to one which began in 1645 and which is referred to as the “Little Ice Age”.

The Maunder Minimum, named after solar astronomer Edward Maunder, lasted for a brutal 70 years and was so cold the Thames froze over...

...“If history is any guide, it is safe to say that weak solar activity for a prolonged period of time can have a cooling impact on global temperatures in the troposphere which is the bottom-most layer of Earth’s atmosphere ”” and where we all live,” Mr Dorian says...
Where have all the alarmist gone on this thread in the past couple of days?

Have they gone into hiding?
Nah. Just uninterested in conversing with numpties whose nonsensical idea of talking about climate change is pointing to single weather events (and then totally ignoring any events they don't want to talk about)

Get back under the covers children.:D
Where have all the alarmist gone on this thread in the past couple of days?

Have they gone into hiding?

No alarmists on this thread noco. Plenty of sound observations, I put one on here yesterday.

For myself I have been working on pre-polling and there is a fast growing concern for the deteriorating enviorenment. It appears one in five going for the green card here in bendigo. It was one in eleven last time.

If you live in the bush it is clear to see what is wrong.
I think you are the one ignoring the true facts and you know it and don't like it.

Spoken as the true blue with head in sand.

Sun is cooler last 20 years (its in the posts you ignored) yet our planet still hitting record temperatures.
Leaked IPCC emails from 2009 might give you a hint basilio ...

* In 2009, an unknown individual(s) released more than 1,000 emails (many dealing with proxy studies) from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU). The materials were authored by some of the world’s leading climate scientists and accompanied by the following note:
We feel that climate science is too important to be kept under wraps. We hereby release a random selection of correspondence, code, and documents. Hopefully it will give some insight into the science and the people behind it.[129] [130]

* These emails (commonly referred to as the ClimateGate emails) show IPCC scientists and authors:
proposing to conduct an “honest” study about the “uncertainties” of proxies and then to “publish, retire, and don’t leave a forwarding address,” because “what I almost think I know to be the case, the results of this study will show” that we “honestly know f**k-all” (i.e., little or nothing[131]) about Northern Hemisphere temperature variability over periods of more than a hundred years.[132]

writing, “I know there is pressure to present a nice tidy story as regards ‘apparent unprecedented warming in a thousand years or more in the proxy data’ but in reality the situation is not quite so simple. … I believe that the recent warmth was probably matched about 1000 years ago. I do not believe that global mean annual temperatures have simply cooled progressively over thousands of years as Mike [Mann] appears to … and I contend that that there is strong evidence for major changes in climate over the Holocene [11,000 years ago to present] that require explanation and that could represent part of the current or future background variability of our climate.”[133]

writing, “I tried hard to balance the needs of the science and the IPCC, which were not always the same.”[134]

writing, “In my (perhaps too harsh) view, there have been a number of dishonest presentations of model results by individual authors and by IPCC.”[135]

planning to have the editor of a scientific journal “ousted” if he exhibits skepticism of global warming.[136]

instructing each other to delete emails relating to the 2007 IPCC report.[137]

planning to evade Britain’s Freedom of Information Act.[138]

planning to boycott scientific journals that require authors to release all data and calculations used in their published papers.[139]

writing, “I feel rather uncomfortable about using not only unpublished but also unreviewed material as the backbone of our conclusions (or any conclusions). … Essentially, I feel that at this point there are very little rules and almost anything goes. I think this will set a dangerous precedent which might mine the IPCC credibility, and I am a bit uncomfortable that now nearly everybody seems to think that it is just ok to do this.”[140]

writing, “it would be nice to try to ‘contain’ the putative ‘MWP’ [Medieval Warm period], even if we don’t yet have a hemispheric mean reconstruction available that far back.”[141]

planning to shorten the timeframe of a proxy data series so “it would do what we want.”[142]

burying one of their own studies, because it produced an outcome they did not want. (Click here for comprehensive facts about this email.)

writing, “I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e., from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”[143] (Click here for comprehensive facts about this email.)
Spoken as the true blue with head in sand.

Sun is cooler last 20 years (its in the posts you ignored) yet our planet still hitting record temperatures.

Australia is to feel the effects of the Indian Ocean Dipole which will bring heaps of rain across Australia from west to east in spring.....Yipee more rains to fill the dams....It is also going to get cooler.

UMBRELLAS at the ready — it’s about to get a whole lot wetter Australia. But this time it’s nothing to do with those pesky Pacific powerhouses of La Nina or El Niño.

If you want to blame a weather event you’re going to have to look west to a little known phenomenon called the Indian Ocean Dipole, or IOD.

In its three monthly climate forecast, released on Thursday, the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) broke the bad news that winter is not only likely to be cooler than average but in some parts of the east coast there could be up to 80 per cent more rainfall as we head towards September than is usual for this time of year.

“The Indian Ocean is shaping up to be the strongest influence on our weather this winter,” said Dr Paul Feikama, senior hydrologist with the BOM. “Expect the IOD to dominate the climate for many months.”

But what is a dipole anyway, why is one way off in the Indian Ocean expected to affect Australia’s east coast and how come it is little known outside of excitable discussions between meteorologists?

A dipole is a difference in surface temperatures within a large body of water, commonly an ocean. These differences can have a dramatic effect on the weather.

“It’s a bit like El Niño and La Nina in that the IOD is an oscillation of warm and cold sea surface temperatures between the west and east Indian Ocean,” Andrew King, a climate scientist at the University of Melbourne, told

A positive dipole in the Indian Ocean sees warmer seas around the African coast and cooler waters closer to Australia leading to less rainfall across the continent. This has been the case for the last few years.

Read the rest.