Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

My contacts in Washington tell me that ole Wheelchair has leaned on the Hollywood Democrats to make Robin Williams apologise to Rudd.

It seems to have worked.

One joker apologising to another.

It must be a first.

Mr. Williams offer to take Mr.Rudd to a strip club is exceedingly generous, given that drunks in clubs of that ilk often end up in trouble with the girls or the bouncers.

What a kind man Robin Williams is to make the offer.

This demands a longwinded answer from Mr.Rudd.


gg, I reckon a good dose of 'detailed programmatic specificity' should do the trick.
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

Yeah. :)

PS: re earlier comment, Rudd is an idiot... I'd call him a few things but not an idiot. He's a very astute political (psychological) operator. Never under estimate your enemy. ;)

Well 6 months ago I would have agreed, but to drag himself into something a comedian said doesn't really represent an intellectual figure.

Next thing he will be doing is trying to make a joke about this website,, or will he just get Conroy to block it under the filter :rolleyes:
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

I think what Williams said was a bit unfair. I mean, has he even been to Queensland? Lovely people, give you the shirt off their back (if own/wearing one etc.).

But KRudd dissing the people of Alabama is not on. Maybe KRudd is a bit, understandably, oversensitive on the issue.

Anyway ... in order to beat Gumby to it, here is Lynyrd Skynyrd:

Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

Fair shake of the b-double mate. I was about to commiserate with you on another thread about slow and bad drivers boxing you in the outside lane and now you dump on me.

I was in fact in the prison library at "The Creek" here at Stuart awaiting release for unpaid parking fines and not wearing a bicycle helmet and had just been allowed on by a fellow inmate "fingers" who is in for computer fraud and gbh, when I had a chance to sign in.

I was so taken by your tale of woe in your truck that I was going to give you the solution, but now I won't.

This thread is important as it goes to the heart of our democracy, whether or whether not our PM can or cannot make a complete dill of himself when being interviewed by a near complete dill like Eddie Maguire.

Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

"This thread is important as it goes to the heart of our democracy, whether or whether not our PM can or cannot make a complete dill of himself when being interviewed by a near complete dill like Eddie Maguire."

No ..No ..No..This thread goes to the heart of G G..Rudd bashing and Pot Stirring!!

You have done it again, maestro..April Fools day indeed!!

Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

"This thread is important as it goes to the heart of our democracy, whether or whether not our PM can or cannot make a complete dill of himself when being interviewed by a near complete dill like Eddie Maguire."

No ..No ..No..This thread goes to the heart of G G..Rudd bashing and Pot Stirring!!

You have done it again, maestro..April Fools day indeed!!


Boyou, I have absolutely nothing against Kevin Rudd. I actually once met him at a WOW Store when he was having a new battery fitted. He must be highly intelligent as there was not much room to fit an aa in to the front lobe of his brain.
And there was no blood.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Now that the ETS has become the modern TITANIC, our illustrious Prime Minister and Ms Wrong have shifted 154 useless ETS bureaurcrates to help sort out the HOME INSULATION DEBACLE, but wait for it, this number is to be increased to 300 + at a cost of some $300,000 + each. How they work out that costs is beyond me.

That's the tax payers money at work. What a DUDD of a Prime Minister this counrty has.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

What a DUDD of a Prime Minister this counrty has.

Happy to see more unhappy people about the way our country is run.

Have my fear that coming election will give benefit of the doubt to current leaders, but maybe just maybe not.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Isn't it amzing, Obama can't come to Australia because he had to finalize his health plan with the Senate. So Rudd takes it as a snub from Obama.

Rudd is invited to a high level Nuclear summit in Washington ( normally Rudd would be there come hell or high water) but decides to snub Obama with the lame excuse he has to finalize HIS Health Plan with the states at the COAG meeting.

What I mean to say is, is there a rift between Obama and Rudd. Are things not as rosie as we are led to believe. Has he out worn his welcome with other world leaders and can't face them or is TIT for TAT? Maybe he is tired of travelling.

I say give him a one way ticket Sibera or China. Not far enough away unfortunately.
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

Fair suck of the sav there fellas!

Ok... back to this mole hill, er mountain, in some people's minds.

Hahahah Williams wins by TKO.... brilliant. :D


For someone purportedly trained in conflict resolution, you sure can be:

  1. biased
  2. irritating
  3. ergo, conflict escalating

But what law says I have to 'resolve conflict' all the time. :cautious:

If you guys can have a bit of fun, so can I eh! :p:

Oh, and by the way, conflict resolution is a two way street. It helps if you can get emotionally detached from your opinion and try to stand in the other persons shoes.

I think what Williams said was a bit unfair. I mean, has he even been to Queensland? Lovely people, give you the shirt off their back (if own/wearing one etc.).

But KRudd dissing the people of Alabama is not on. Maybe KRudd is a bit, understandably, oversensitive on the issue.

Timmy was the only one to even touch on the point I was trying to make.

As I said earlier I'm not defending Rudd, just trying to get a bit of "proportion", (thanks for that word Julia) over why peopled reacted the way they did on this issue, starting with Rudd then why some here get so worked up trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Lucky some of you people don't have your finger on the nuke button, if Rudd or my critique of you opinion gets you worked up so much, heaven help us, err you! :rolleyes:

Just to repeat guys, fair suck of the sav, this one is a mole hill by any comparrison.


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Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

Ok... back to this mole hill, er mountain, in some people's minds.

But what law says I have to 'resolve conflict' all the time. :cautious:

If you guys can have a bit of fun, so can I eh! :p:
Refer to Clause 6,789, Section 678,098, subsection z of the Fabian Socialism by Gradualism Act 1922;

It states (in layman's terms) that anyone participating in the social pseudosciences hereby forfeits any right to a sense of humour and must invoke a ludicrous and humourless political correctness in all subsequent dealings with normal humans. Furthermore, any attempt at humour by the normal populace must be prosecuted to the full extent of, and inappropriately utilizing the anti vilification act of "19Hawke/Keating Fabian Socialism by stealth while tricking the plebs into thinking we're centrist Act".

Having a bit of fun is strictly against the rules.

Oh, and by the way, conflict resolution is a two way street. It helps if you can get emotionally detached from your opinion and try to stand in the other persons shoes.

Yeah, but a conflict resoluter is a ref, not a participant... and expected to follow their own advice. ;)
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

What a DUDD of a Prime Minister this counrty has.

Makes me wonder how much of Prime Minister Rudd's decision making is reactionary. Additionally, and not on any bashing bandwagon, my nostrils detect a hint of lemon in ol' Kevs ... um :rolleyes: personality.

Does anyone know when the next round of economic stimulus packages begin? :D
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The little t^*d flew in and out of Townsville yesterday trying to buy votes with his mate Mooney. Promised a PET scanner he says may take 1-2 years. The consenses of opinion is more like 4 years. The Mater Hospital, with Federal Government assistance would have had one here in 6 months.

He also tried to con us with his Solar energy base load power. States it will reduce our power bills by 40%. LOL. If that is not vote catching, you could have fooled me.
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

Refer to Clause 6,789, Section 678,098, subsection z of the Fabian Socialism by Gradualism Act 1922;

It states (in layman's terms) that anyone participating in the social pseudosciences hereby forfeits any right to a sense of humour and must invoke a ludicrous and humourless political correctness in all subsequent dealings with normal humans. Furthermore, any attempt at humour by the normal populace must be prosecuted to the full extent of, and inappropriately utilizing the anti vilification act of "19Hawke/Keating Fabian Socialism by stealth while tricking the plebs into thinking we're centrist Act".

Having a bit of fun is strictly against the rules.


lol, I'll take your word for that.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I just want to put my hand up & say i didn't vote for Rudd so it's not my fault!!
and for all that did SHAME SHAME SHAME.
I think the reason why we have such a large number of boat people entering in to Aust waters is that once processed they can vote for their beloved leader.
Based on his past performance i cant see anyone else voting for him except the asylum seekers so come next election and at the rate of in coming boat people i'd say it could be rather close call.:D
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I just want to put my hand up & say i didn't vote for Rudd so it's not my fault!!
and for all that did SHAME SHAME SHAME.
I think the reason why we have such a large number of boat people entering in to Aust waters is that once processed they can vote for their beloved leader.
Based on his past performance i cant see anyone else voting for him except the asylum seekers so come next election and at the rate of in coming boat people i'd say it could be rather close call.:D

The latest news from SKY NEWS this morning is there are 4000 asylum seekers ready to set sail from Indonesia to Australia.

Good onya Kevvie. Keepim comin and you will soon s^*t in your own nest.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The latest news from SKY NEWS this morning is there are 4000 asylum seekers ready to set sail from Indonesia to Australia.

Good onya Kevvie. Keepim comin and you will soon s^*t in your own nest.

Looks like more potential voters for the Rudd Government.
The way they're flocking here he'll have a landslide victory next election:cautious:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd says to Tony Abbott and the states, "work with me on the hospital system".

The Labor Premier of Victoria, John Brumby offers an alternative scheme and KRudd says, "no no no you will do it my way or will take it to a referendum".

What chance has Tony Abbott got of making any suggestion to this pig headed Prime MInister of ours? Answer--------- ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!