Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

All the mischievous rumour mongering about Julia Gillard being about to replace Kevin Rudd (no doubt started by the Libs and happily carried on by the fourth estate) puzzles me in that no one ever brings up Stephen Smith as a contender for PM.

I'd much prefer him to Ms Gillard. He's always calm, measured in his responses, actually answers questions as distinct from trotting out the party line (something both Rudd and Gillard have down to an art form), speaks clearly and looks very presentable.

Wouldn't he be way preferable over either the PM or his Deputy?

I even prefer Lindsay Tanner over Gillard or Rudd.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

When the news strts to sufface about the wasteage from this govt in "special projects".The Batts in the ceilings was one but now the school buildings make it a complete disaster $8 Billion of wastage.
Then Rudd is on the outer and Big Red (Julia) is in the forefront.
Whitlam part2.. you bet.. as the unions are now starting to ask questions.

Big red was overseeing the school building I thought? I think Rudd will be secretly happy she would cop some negative limelight
There were a few guys wanting to talk out on the issue, but imo they would have a hard time working again in NSW. Some of those main contractors couldn't run a bath, let alone a work site. Their whole building process was backwards which caused delays and headaches and was run by a bunch of idiots that seemed to have no clue about how to go about building. God knows what industry they came from before becoming site/area managers because they had no clue with their heads firmly wedged up their ass.
There were some decent site managers but they were held down by incompetent area managers :mad:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Big red was overseeing the school building I thought? I think Rudd will be secretly happy she would cop some negative limelight
There were a few guys wanting to talk out on the issue, but imo they would have a hard time working again in NSW. Some of those main contractors couldn't run a bath, let alone a work site. Their whole building process was backwards which caused delays and headaches and was run by a bunch of idiots that seemed to have no clue about how to go about building. God knows what industry they came from before becoming site/area managers because they had no clue with their heads firmly wedged up their ass.
There were some decent site managers but they were held down by incompetent area managers :mad:

Especially one who still oversees the project and was found guilty by ICAC over the railcorp scandal.
Its all starting to fester and this could be damning for both state Labor Govts anas well as federal.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Govt dismisses reports of cost blowouts

Nationals MP Darren Chester said the schools overspend was as bad as the bungled insulation program.

"Julia Gillard is like Imelda Marcos in a shoe shop," he told reporters.

"She just keeps on spending and expects the peasants to pay the bill.

"Well, the Australian taxpayers are sick of being treated as peasants." for the full report.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

There's probably a more appropriate thread but I can't find it at present.

From an observation by commentator Ross Greenwood:

The six leading members of the government from Prime Minister Rudd down have 181 years of work experience but only 13 in the private sector.

Omitting the time spent as trade union lawyers the total shrinks to two years in the private sector.

The Prime Minister's wife has many more years experience in the private sector. Perhaps it is time to hand over the reins to Therese!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

So out of 181 years:

- no years spent running their own business
- no years spent starting their own business
- no years spent as a director of a family business or a company
- no years as a director of a public company
- no years in a senior position in a public company
- no years in a senior position in a private company
- no years working in corporate finance
- no years in corporate or business restructuring
- no years working in or with a bank
- no years of experience in the capital markets
- no years in a stock-broking firm
- no years in negotiating debt facilities with banks
- no years running a small business
- no years at the World Bank or IMF or OECD
- no years in Treasury or Finance.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

There's probably a more appropriate thread but I can't find it at present.

From an observation by commentator Ross Greenwood:

Rudd has the audacity to say none of the top Liberal Shadow Ministers has any credibility when it come to economic management. Barnaby Joyce at least was an accountant.

Check this out:-

LINSDAY TANNER before entering Parliament.

Article Clerk for Soliciter 1982-1985.
Electoral Assistant to Senator B.C.Cooney 1985- 1987.
Assistant Secretary Federated Clerks union 1987-1988.
State Secretary Federated Clerks union Victoria 1988-1993.

And he is our Finance Minister???????
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

with every day kev is looking like a muppet
my apologies to all i voted for him and all he has done is invent a new language - specicifity speaking
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

with every day kev is looking like a muppet
my apologies to all i voted for him and all he has done is invent a new language - specicifity speaking
Craig, I'm interested to know why you voted for him? Didn't like/approve of the previous government?
Just time for a change?

Or was there something you actually liked about Mr Rudd?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd has the audacity to say none of the top Liberal Shadow Ministers has any credibility when it come to economic management. Barnaby Joyce at least was an accountant.

Check this out:-

LINSDAY TANNER before entering Parliament.

Article Clerk for Soliciter 1982-1985.
Electoral Assistant to Senator B.C.Cooney 1985- 1987.
Assistant Secretary Federated Clerks union 1987-1988.
State Secretary Federated Clerks union Victoria 1988-1993.

And he is our Finance Minister???????
You could also note that our esteemed Treasurer, Mr Swan, possesses nothing more than a B.A. Hard to see how that qualifies him for running the country's finances.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

You could also note that our esteemed Treasurer, Mr Swan, possesses nothing more than a B.A. Hard to see how that qualifies him for running the country's finances.

Prior to entering parliament, Swan was a lecturer in public administration at the Queensland institute of Technology.

He also worked as an advser to former opposition leader Bill Hayden, Special Minister of State Mick Young and leader of the Opposition Kim Beazley. 1996-1998.

He is a former State Secretary of the Queensland branch of the ALP.

Not sure what his role was under Goss.

Swan was first elected to the seat of Lilley in 1993. He was defeated in the 1996 election, but was reelected in 1998.

Have not observed any connection to economics or money management.
He is Ken Hebry's puppet.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Robin WIlliams makes a funny about the Australian "rednecks" and the strange flora and fauna we have in our country. PM KRUDD leaps into the fray and chastises Robin for his target humour. HERR Rudd made his thoughts on the comments perfectly clear during a Melbourne radio show.

"First of all, I think Robin Williams should go and spend a bit of time in Alabama before he frames comments about anyone being particularly redneck," he said.

OH OH ! Should the Ruddmeister have made this statement? Afterall without the rednecks in the world we would not have had "Dukes of Hazzard" or should our illustrious PM be focussing more on getting Stern Hu a decent prison cell ? :eek:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Robin WIlliams makes a funny about the Australian "rednecks" and the strange flora and fauna we have in our country. PM KRUDD leaps into the fray and chastises Robin for his target humour. HERR Rudd made his thoughts on the comments perfectly clear during a Melbourne radio show.

"First of all, I think Robin Williams should go and spend a bit of time in Alabama before he frames comments about anyone being particularly redneck," he said.

OH OH ! Should the Ruddmeister have made this statement? Afterall without the rednecks in the world we would not have had "Dukes of Hazzard" or should our illustrious PM be focussing more on getting Stern Hu a decent prison cell ? :eek:

Now he's upset the Governor of Alabamy.
Same old, same old................
Firstly, may I say, Robin Williams should go to Alabamy
Secondy, let me say, Robin Williams is not funny saying Australians are English rednecks.
Thridly, I will say, I can joke at other people's expense but not at mine.

Man oh man, what a twit.
No wonder everyone he deals with hates him.
Sorry guys, this twit is a moron. We gotta get rid of him.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Agreed Buddy, he is a FWit, and obviously has no idea of the one thing that Aussies are renown for, that is being able to put $hit on themselves. Good on Robin Williams.

Krudd has never made me laugh, and the way he`s going I`ll be dead and buried before it happens. And his response is just another nail in HIS coffin.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Chairman Rudd announced today he is doing his best for Stern Hu and promised to get his prison cell insulated with pink batts to keep him cosy and warm. :eek: Mr Hu was heard to mutter "Give me the padded cell any day"


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Rudd Alabama Slur

When will Kevin Rudd learn to keep his big mouth shut. I do much business with the good people of Alabama and Georgia.

This from the Sydney Morning Herald.

Rudd responded to the Oscar-winning actor-comedian's joke during an interview on Eddie Maguire's Triple M radio show.

"First of all, I think Robin Williams should go and spend a bit of time in Alabama before he frames comments about anyone being particularly redneck," Mr Rudd told Maguire.

In response, the Alabama governor pointed to Australian company Austral's decision to invest heavily in Alabama.

"That's why Alabama is home to Australian companies like Austral which employs more than 1000 Alabamians at the world's largest aluminium shipyard," Mr Riley said.

I'd bet two shakes of a sauce bottle to a Maguire that he wouldn't be game to say it about China.

And where does he think the girls from Scores in New York come from, many from Alabama of course. He can't remember so wouldn't know if they had rednecks, not that he was looking at their necks.

What a dill

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Has anybody done any research as to EXACTLY what the PM has delivered in the way of guvmnt policies? Computers in schools - FAIL ... is one that springs to mind. I am sure there is a plethora of broken promises on nonfulfillment of policies floating around out there. Copenhagen ETS was "The great moral and economic challenge of our time" - FAIL .... Anyone got anymore ?
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

Rudd is a ****ing idiot! Why he felt the need to involve himself in something like this just goes to show what type of person he really is.

Hamish and Andy had Robin Williams on their program this afternoon and he is a very funny man. He was cracking jokes about Rudd traveling constantly, the food on the plane and a bunch of other stuff that I can't recall off the top of my head, but needless to say he was very well informed on the goings on of our leader.

You can listen to it here
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

I heard the interview with Robin Williams today and it was nothing but a light hearted roast of Oz. There was absolutely no reason for a PM:rolleyes: to get involved. Honestly, no wonder other countries keep Rudd at arms length. The man is making up his own reality.
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

What has happened to Australia? You have elected a man(?) with no sense of humour as leader. How un-Australian. :2twocents

As much as I hated the last Labour nation wrecker, at least he had a rapier like wit and a sense of humour.