Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I saw that. The brick .... house for 600k (??) too. Contractors have always loved government initiatives. ;)

One bloke called the BER scheme... Builders Early Retirement. It has always been so. Costs are inflated to match the taxpayer funds available. Gillard couldn't care less. She is quite pleased with herself that she has managed to waste so much money so quickly, and "created jobs" and "stopped a recession".
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd's $3.2bn health fix favours Labor seats

"According to figures from the federal Department of Health and Ageing, Labor electorates have been allocated $1.83bn, or 72.6 per cent, of the $2.52bn in health fund investments designated for a specific location."

Higher education fund favours ALP seats

"An analysis by The Australian of $1.5 billion in allocations from the Education Investment Fund shows Labor seats have received $1.276bn or 84 per cent of spending from the first two funding rounds of the "nation-building" program controlled by Education Minister Julia Gillard."

How the hell can this be allowed? :confused:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Pork Barrel - is a derogatory term referring to appropriation of government spending for localized projects secured solely or primarily to bring money to a representative's district and to gain votes at the next election. :banghead:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

One bloke called the BER scheme... Builders Early Retirement. It has always been so. Costs are inflated to match the taxpayer funds available. Gillard couldn't care less. She is quite pleased with herself that she has managed to waste so much money so quickly, and "created jobs" and "stopped a recession".

Julia Gillard is on Sky News ATM has stated she is about to spend $14,000,000 of tax payers money to look into the rorts in her BER debacle to sort out "MINOR PROBLEMS". Good onya Julia for admitting you have cocked up another Labor initiative.You should hang your head in shame.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I'm one of the many and not sorry. Howard had gone over the top and couldn't be trusted. Evidently a lot of people thought the same way. I may have voted for Turnbull next time but I think Abbot is a sleeze bag that I would not trust so it looks as though Rudd gets my vote again.:)

Shame shame shame!!
You should be sorry. I'd say there'd be many that are if they're honest with themselves.
Do you honestly believe that the Howard government could have stuffed up and wasted as much of tax payers money as Rudd?
How long was Howard in government? I would say a lot of people wanted a change (thought the grass was greener on the other side & hello hello when they got there grass had been eaten and it had turned to s...).
Obviously he handed you a lollie last election nioka.:D
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Shame shame shame!!
Obviously he handed you a lollie last election nioka.:D

I don't have a sweet tooth. Nor do I agree with everything that Rudd has done. However Australia has weathered the crisis better than most countries. I doubt that it would have done much better under Howard.

Howard did not inspire my confidence. What did he do?. I give him credit for handling the illegal migrants problem and I agree that Rudd has not been tough enough there. Apart from that his big achievements were;

1. The GST (after saying it was dead).
2. He disarmed the honest population and armed the criminals. (This made it unsafe in your own home.)
3. Failed to finance infrastructure in the good years.
4. Cashed in on the financial structure established by Keating.
5. Outstayed his welcome.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Shame shame shame!!
You should be sorry. I'd say there'd be many that are if they're honest with themselves.
Do you honestly believe that the Howard government could have stuffed up and wasted as much of tax payers money as Rudd?
How long was Howard in government? I would say a lot of people wanted a change (thought the grass was greener on the other side & hello hello when they got there grass had been eaten and it had turned to s...).
Obviously he handed you a lollie last election nioka.:D

I have a job still,earning real good dollars none of my friends are unemployed.
Work front in W.A looks good in my industry for the next 5 odd years at least.
Does anyone know how many of these school construction jobs are happening and what percentage are bungled and how much peoples ranting is over a couple of negative reports in rags and Mike Munroe style current affairs shows.
Anyone would think the world is going to end with the arrival of a couple of thousand Refos or illegals
The future looks good from here regardless of which clown show runs the country.
Besides banning guns what did John Winston Howard do in his first term i really cant remember.
Sorry for continued bad grammar.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I have a job still,earning real good dollars none of my friends are unemployed.
Work front in W.A looks good in my industry for the next 5 odd years at least.
Does anyone know how many of these school construction jobs are happening and what percentage are bungled and how much peoples ranting is over a couple of negative reports in rags and Mike Munroe style current affairs shows.
Anyone would think the world is going to end with the arrival of a couple of thousand Refos or illegals
The future looks good from here regardless of which clown show runs the country.
Besides banning guns what did John Winston Howard do in his first term i really cant remember.
Sorry for continued bad grammar.

Saying the future looks good is basically due to our Mineral wealth & demand for it.
To basically say that any clown can run the country is a silly statement to make.
Just because your fortunate enough to have funds doesn't mean you throw it around without giving thoughts to the consequences.
We're not talking about the world coming to an end or pacifically just boat people but just in general in what the present government has achieved without any major stuff ups and wasted funds.
I think most people know the answer to that.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

1. The GST (after saying it was dead).

Exactly what is wrong with a broad based consumption tax? this argument is dead. A GST is exactly what we need to pay for expenditure while allowing growth without more overly restrictive & growth killing income/business taxes.

What century have I just stumbled into? :eek:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Exactly what is wrong with a broad based consumption tax? this argument is dead. A GST is exactly what we need to pay for expenditure while allowing growth without more overly restrictive & growth enabling income/business taxes.

What century have I just stumbled into? :eek:

I never disputed the GST as a tax. It was a example of Howards trustworthiness. He said it was a dead duck, did he tell the truth or was it another case of "children overboard".:banghead::banghead:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I never disputed the GST as a tax. It was a example of Howards trustworthiness. He said it was a dead duck, did he tell the truth or was it another case of "children overboard".:banghead::banghead:

Fair enough. But to me I don't mind a pollie changing their mind from time to time. There is dishonesty, children overboard, then there is just good times to seize the moment and changes ones mind, GST .
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I never disputed the GST as a tax. It was a example of Howards trustworthiness. He said it was a dead duck, did he tell the truth or was it another case of "children overboard".:banghead::banghead:

Weapons of Mass Destruction
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Don't forget with the introduction of the GST sales tax went from 22% on some items to a flat 10%. Oh yeah ..... under the GST tax rates went from 43 cents in the dollar to 30 cents in the dollar for income 50k or less, CGT was reduced and the country was running at a SURPLUS under John Howard and the GST .... just terrible ! :eek:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I don't have a sweet tooth. Nor do I agree with everything that Rudd has done. However Australia has weathered the crisis better than most countries. I doubt that it would have done much better under Howard.

Howard did not inspire my confidence. What did he do?. I give him credit for handling the illegal migrants problem and I agree that Rudd has not been tough enough there. Apart from that his big achievements were;

1. The GST (after saying it was dead).
2. He disarmed the honest population and armed the criminals. (This made it unsafe in your own home.)
3. Failed to finance infrastructure in the good years.
4. Cashed in on the financial structure established by Keating.
5. Outstayed his welcome.

Nevermind about the GST and the rest of it.
Just honestly tell me do you think the Howard government or any other pass goverment could possible get so many things wrong & cost us so dearly for our generations to come?
Rudd has only been in office for a short period in comparison to Howard.
Look at what he's done so far.
I'd hate to see your list of stuff ups & dislikes for the same time period with the Rudd government. .:banghead:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Nevermind about the GST and the rest of it.
Just honestly tell me do you think the Howard government or any other pass goverment could possible get so many things wrong & cost us so dearly for our generations to come?
Rudd has only been in office for a short period in comparison to Howard.
Look at what he's done so far.
I'd hate to see your list of stuff ups & dislikes for the same time period with the Rudd government. .:banghead:

Do you think Rudd will lose his seat like John,funny old game politics
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

all politicians play havoc with the truth, they tell us what we want to hear or what they assume we'll feel warm and cozy with, but this mob of fools just wastes as much as they can find and then some, were in so much debt our great grandchildren will be paying just the interest on the debts, oh but wait if keving and his team just tax us a bit more it might make it easy on those generations, working families will definitely be working, working for the rest of thier lives to pay down his foolish spending, I dont mind schools getting new facilities, but at what cost?
without any real checks and balances?
anyone who would re vote this charlatan into office for another round of pork barreling and free gifting to anyone with a hand outstretched deserves what they will get.
watching him prance about in his hospital gown as though he's singlehandedly going to fix everything makes me feel ill, but god forbid if i got sick and someone like him were there i'd be a dead duck, I have no respect for him or his party, after what weve been subjected to since he was voted in, :2twocents
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

the country was running at a SURPLUS under John Howard and the GST

How much was "the country" running at a surplus. The government budget maybe but we sold the farm to get the illusionary surplus. Our overall debt increased under Howard and Costello more that at any other time in history.
We dug a big hole in the ground to fund the finances. We now make nothing, own nothing and will one day dig that hole so deep we will mirror Christmas Island and disappear in the hole.:banghead:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I don't have a sweet tooth. Nor do I agree with everything that Rudd has done. However Australia has weathered the crisis better than most countries. I doubt that it would have done much better under Howard.

Howard did not inspire my confidence. What did he do?. I give him credit for handling the illegal migrants problem and I agree that Rudd has not been tough enough there. Apart from that his big achievements were;

1. The GST (after saying it was dead).
2. He disarmed the honest population and armed the criminals. (This made it unsafe in your own home.)
3. Failed to finance infrastructure in the good years.
4. Cashed in on the financial structure established by Keating.
5. Outstayed his welcome.

You cannot deny the Labor Party were left a very healthy base to weather the financial crisis but have gone overboard with their stimulas package which has turned out, in many cases, to be a terrible over spend and waste.IMHO Howard/Costello could have implimented a package at half the cost with far more efficiency just as they did during the Asian crises without all the hoo ha and Rudd type spin.

If you go back on history, you will find Howard said no GST in that particular term. Keating wanted to introduce a GST and Hawke would not let him fearing a backlash from the public (no guts, no glory). Hansard will reveal the Labor were going to wind back the GST. Once again (no guts, no glory) and now Krudd wants to take away 30% for hospital reform which is going to be another gigantic stuff up like the BER, the Home Insulation Program, fuel watch, grogery watch and the ETS. Did I miss any?

What's wrong with the GST any way? You were once paying a hidden sales tax of 20% then raised by Keating to 25% on motor vehicles. 22.5% on a can of coco coala. 33.3% on toilet paper and stationary. 22.5 % on white goods.

When the GST was introduced at a flat rate of 10% all the hidden sales tax was removed. Lots of things became cheaper including motor vehicles. The Labor states were supposed to remove their state taxes like stamp duty etc. They did not play the game and some of them still maintain those taxes even today.

Most of the infrastucture was a state responsibilty and normally applied for Federal Government assistance. Howard did a lot of good without all the Rudd type spin and media help. we have had no new power stations and dams built in the past 25 years. How is Rudd going to cater for his big Austarlia of 36 million by 204O?

Keating, in his own admission almost turned Australia into a "BANANA REPUBLIC" and left a $90 billion debt for Howard/ Costello to pay back. During Howard's first couple of terms in Government he was hamstrung with such debt that many sacrifices had to be made and history will repeat it's self when Rudd eventually gets kicked out.

Hey nioka you missed the "children over board and the wheat scandal".
The Labor hacks generally throw that in for good measure. My oh my your memory is letting you down badly.

I'll bet many who voted for RUDD in 2007 wish in hind site, they had put Howard back in.