Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

Fair suck of the sav there fellas!

Redneck is a derogatory slang term to refer to poor white Southern farmers in the United States.[1] It is similar in meaning to "cracker" (especially in Georgia and Florida), "hillbilly" (especially in Appalachia) and "white trash" (especially among blacks).

Our Macquarie Dictionary:

a southern US white farm labourer, esp. one who is illeducated or ignorant... any uneducated prejuceded person, usually a manual worker.

I say the letterman show and personally don't find Williams all that funny.

In the total scheme of things what do you expect the PM of Aus to say about that sort of comment, especially as Williams made his comments in the context of the entertainment and tourism industries!? Agree with it by default, no answer.

I think Williams and the yanks got off lightly by comparrison.

They can dish it out but can't take even a small dose back... hell it was they who invented the term redneck... and I for one don't wish to be associated with disparaging US culture in that way.

Anyway, I'm glad someone spoke out to refute/disassociate Aus and our tourism industry from the comments, jokingly or otherwise.
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

my understanding of the origins of the word 'redneck' was that it came from the dutch term 'roine-neck' (probly incorrect spelling sorry) which was the term the boers used for the british soldiers fighting in the boer war, as the harsh african sun on their un-aclimatised skin combined with the heavily starched collars of their uniform rubbed their necks red raw... correct me if i'm mistaken ;)
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

my understanding of the origins of the word 'redneck' was that it came from the dutch term 'roine-neck' (probly incorrect spelling sorry) which was the term the boers used for the british soldiers fighting in the boer war, as the harsh african sun on their un-aclimatised skin combined with the heavily starched collars of their uniform rubbed their necks red raw... correct me if i'm mistaken ;)

I doubt that was the meaning Williams was referring to.

Hell, most yanks don't even know all their own states let alone much of the rest of the world.

Do you really think they have any knowledge of the Boer war! ;)

Anyway, what does it say about the Alabama governor!? ...original redneck country, at least as far as the yanks are concerned. :rolleyes:

PS: And what about the Black and White Minstrel skit that THEY got all worked up about!!?

In a psychological sense Williams came across not as simple humour, but with a degree of sarcasm in a mocking tone, and to that extent our politically astute PM responded correctly.
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

In the total scheme of things what do you expect the PM of Aus to say about that sort of comment,.

Ummmm...... nothing, you expect the leader of the country not to concern himself with such things. What's Rudd going to do next? Pick a fight with Miley Cyrus?
And then to go and imply Alabama is full of rednecks, are we being run by a 2year old or what?
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

Ummmm...... nothing, you expect the leader of the country not to concern himself with such things.

Com'on fellas, it all started out as you say a joke, not a very good joke, but it got a response, that in all fairness it deserved.

So you critics are saying that our PM is not allowed to comment or have an opinion about comedy, entertainment or general social comments!

Didn't John Howard make a public comment/crititism of the infamous Big Brother show to name one that comes to mind. That was entertainment come comedy wasn't it!? I thought I better highlight that because political bias tends to be blind.
And then to go and imply Alabama is full of rednecks,

But according to American tradition and culture, they are!!!...certainly more so that Aus.

...are we being run by a 2year old or what?

No, but some of the crititism and commentry is 'child-like'.

Child-like as opposed to childish which is derogeratory to children.

Btw, I'm not in anyway supporting or defending Rudd, what I'm about is the underlying psychology of the behavior and the correct way to deal with it.
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

Fair suck of the sav there fellas!

Our Macquarie Dictionary:


So in other words he should have used the word bogan :)

Seems a more apt definition
The term bogan (pronounced /ˈboʊɡən/, rhyming with slogan) is Australian and New Zealand English slang, usually pejorative or self-deprecating, for a person who is, or is supposed to be, of a lower-class background and whose characteristics exemplify, often crudely, this background
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

In a psychological sense Williams came across not as simple humour, but with a degree of sarcasm in a mocking tone, and to that extent our politically astute PM responded correctly

I doubt that was the meaning Williams was referring to.

But according to American tradition and culture, they are!!!...certainly more so that Aus.


My God whiskers, were your feelings a little hurt when Williams called us rednecks:D

Don't you worry about those big bad seppos. They won't taunt us no more after Rudd's hissy fit;)
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

In a psychological sense Williams came across not as simple humour, but with a degree of sarcasm in a mocking tone, and to that extent our politically astute PM responded correctly.
Oh, for heaven's sake, Whiskers, get a sense of proportion!
I heard a replay of the comments in question on ABC Radio and found it funny and good humoured in a similar way to the frequent mocking of Australians by Kiwis and vice versa.

I'd have hoped Mr Rudd would have somewhat more pressing matters with which to occupy his thoughts.

If we are all going to become absorbed into the current obsession for political correctness there's no hope for us imo.
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

So in other words he should have used the word bogan :)

Seems a more apt definition

Yeah. :)

PS: re earlier comment, Rudd is an idiot... I'd call him a few things but not an idiot. He's a very astute political (psychological) operator. Never under estimate your enemy. ;)

My God whiskers, were your feelings a little hurt when Williams called us rednecks:D

A classic example of 'Teasing: Just Joking?' You should study the link.

Back to my original concern. Hostile teasing, picking, biting humor or sarcasm too often are insults poorly disguised as humor. They also are "double bind" communications which cause confusion, frustration, personal pain and anger in the recipient. The disguised message runs as follows. "I'm making fun of you and belittling you, but it's only humor. I don't really mean what I just said. There's something wrong with you when you don't accept my statements at face value as teasing even though my words are in fact critical and hostile."

What to do? Its difficult to just walk away from the person taunting you because more of the same comments will likely follow. You will have to learn to be assertive and stand up to this kind of derogatory communication. "Call a spade a spade." That is, try to unmask the negative undertone or hostile intent of the picking or hurtful teasing. You can give your tormentor a copy of this article. You can ask that the person examine his or her intent in making these kinds of comments.

Don't you worry about those big bad seppos. They won't taunt us no more after Rudd's hissy fit;)

It's not them that I'm concerned with... it's those agressive critics like you that can't take a bit of their own medicine back.

Aren't you going to comment on John Howards similar behaviour or that the Alabama gov responed in kind?

Do they deserve the same crititism?
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

A classic example of 'Teasing: Just Joking?' You should study the link.

I wasn't joking whiskers I think Williams did offend you

Aren't you going to comment on John Howards similar behaviour or that the Alabama gov responed in kind?

Do they deserve the same crititism

John Howard said Alabama was full of rednecks?

In response, the Alabama governor pointed to Australian company Austral's decision to invest heavily in Alabama.

"That's why Alabama is home to Australian companies like Austral which employs more than 1000 Alabamians at the world's largest aluminium shipyard," Riley said.
"I'm not sure if Prime Minister Rudd has ever been to Alabama," Riley responded in a statement.

"If he has, he would know that Alabamians are decent, hard working, creative people."
Wow Zing!!! from the Alabama governor, notice the difference in what they said:rolleyes:
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

Oh, for heaven's sake, Whiskers, get a sense of proportion!

Oh dear Julia, You sound cross. So, you don't respect my right to analyse this rationale! Proportion is exactly what I'm on about.

I heard a replay of the comments in question on ABC Radio and found it funny and good humoured in a similar way to the frequent mocking of Australians by Kiwis and vice versa.

I saw it on TV and also heard his (williams) response.

I'd have hoped Mr Rudd would have somewhat more pressing matters with which to occupy his thoughts.

As I understand it didn't occupy much of Rudds time at all, he simply responded to the press in passing.

If we are all going to become absorbed into the current obsession for political correctness there's no hope for us imo.

But is this thread about political correctness or political point scoring... bias!?

Apart from the 'Australians are basically English Rednecks' comment he also made a personal jive at Rudd that Mr Rudd had heckled him during a recent concert.

As I said earlier...

Btw, I'm not in anyway supporting or defending Rudd, what I'm about is the underlying psychology of the behavior and the correct way to deal with it.

As I pointed out earlier it's a wider behavioral issue, but apart from what I thought was a clever response as I explained above, doesn't Rudd have a 'personal' right to take offence at a joke aimed at him? Wouldn't you!?

Rudd's reply when asked in an interview "I think Robin Williams should go and spend a bit of time in Alabama before he frames comments about anyone being particularly redneck."

I'm curious how some people see that comment as a slur on Alabama especially since the US invented the term redneck in the context williams used and especially since the yanks used it regularly on each other.

Political bias aside, purely on a personal behavioral level, why isn't the same critism levelled at the Alabama Gov for as moXJO implies 'childish' behavior?
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

I wasn't joking whiskers I think Williams did offend you

I know you do moXJO. Shame you can't see my point.

John Howard said Alabama was full of rednecks?
Read my earlier post properly moXJO, show us where I said that.

You are just demonstrating your own stupidity by distorting the facts and trying to trivialise anyone who dissagrees with you.

Wow Zing!!! from the Alabama governor, notice the difference in what they said:rolleyes:

Yes indeed, he knew exactly how derogeratory the term is and tried to argue that it didn't apply to one of the very states that the Yankes originally and still do apply the word to ocassionally.

That's why I said Rudd was 'clever' in the way he responded and deflected the comment back to whence it came.
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

I know you do moXJO. Shame you can't see my point.

Read my earlier post properly moXJO, show us where I said that.

You are just demonstrating your own stupidity by distorting the facts and trying to trivialise anyone who dissagrees with you.

Yes indeed, he knew exactly how derogeratory the term is and tried to argue that it didn't apply to one of the very states that the Yankes originally and still do apply the word to ocassionally.

That's why I said Rudd was 'clever' in the way he responded and deflected the comment back to whence it came.

Ok whiskers my trades not doing much atm, lets talk about the John Howard incident. Was that the one in which a women had a penis slapped on her face on a TV show (not shown only a sound bite). Yes great context to the current situation there. Was there a reason for the PM to comment in that situation? Or are you talking about another situation?

That's why I said Rudd was 'clever' in the way he responded and deflected the comment back to whence it came.
So attacking someone else altogether is clever is it? How about play the man, ignore, or do what the governor in Alabama did and turn it into a positive spin reinforcing his people’s virtues. No let’s infer they are more redneck.
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

Ok whiskers my trades not doing much atm, lets talk about the John Howard incident. Was that the one in which a women had a penis slapped on her face on a TV show (not shown only a sound bite). Yes great context to the current situation there. Was there a reason for the PM to comment in that situation? Or are you talking about another situation?

Nice change of tone there moXJO, thank you.

That's one example where the PM of the day voiced his opinion about undesirable social behavior.

Another case for the tourism industry and poor reflection on Aus was the 'Where the bloody hell are you' thing that was dumped. Don't recall exactly what polies commented but it wasn't a good look and was canned prematurely after public crititism.

So attacking someone else altogether is clever is it? How about play the man, ignore, or do what the governor in Alabama did and turn it into a positive spin reinforcing his people’s virtues. No let’s infer they are more redneck.

But Williams started the attack on Rudd who as I said simply deflected it back to whence it came.

Have another look at his comment..."I think Robin Williams should go and spend a bit of time in Alabama before he frames comments about anyone being particularly redneck."

Rudd did play the man Williams by simply questioning the validity of the comment.

In any case Rudd didn't appreciate being called a redneck and nor did the Alabama governor... my point is that's their right... score even I suppose and the egg is all back on williams face for starting it.

I'm surprised you suggest ignore. That's something you don't practice what you preach.
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

Don't you people have anything better to do . or talk about.

This is a typical GG type of redneck thread about absolutely nothing !!

Have a safe Easter everyone ..........
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

Nice change of tone there moXJO, thank you.


Lets just understand it’s not because of your article or conditioning. I'm just too tired to link you to Dr Phil, or a tampon site.

"I'm making fun of you and belittling you, but it's only humor. I don't really mean what I just said. There's something wrong with you when you don't accept my statements at face value as teasing even though my words are in fact critical and hostile."

That's one example where the PM of the day voiced his opinion about undesirable social behavior.

Another case for the tourism industry and poor reflection on Aus was the 'Where the bloody hell are you' thing that was dumped. Don't recall exactly what polies commented but it wasn't a good look and was canned prematurely after public crititism.

He said
"Here's a great opportunity for Channel Ten to do a bit of self regulation and get this stupid program off the air,"
after the incident.
TV show is a bit different to a backhand sledge on a US state.
But Williams started the attack on Rudd who as I said simply deflected it back to whence it came.

Have another look at his comment..."I think Robin Williams should go and spend a bit of time in Alabama before he frames comments about anyone being particularly redneck."

Rudd did play the man Williams by simply questioning the validity of the comment.

In any case Rudd didn't appreciate being called a redneck and nor did the Alabama governor... my point is that's their right... score even I suppose and the egg is all back on williams face for starting it.

Lets look at the statements:

'In response, the Alabama governor pointed to Australian company Austral's decision to invest heavily in Alabama.

"That's why Alabama is home to Australian companies like Austral which employs more than 1000 Alabamians at the world's largest aluminium shipyard," Riley said.
"I'm not sure if Prime Minister Rudd has ever been to Alabama," Riley responded in a statement.

"If he has, he would know that Alabamians are decent, hard working, creative people."

Slightly rearranged. Governor points out that there is a common link between us. That an oz company (which was smart in pointing out) employees 1000 Alabamians. Then goes on to boost his people’s virtues. SO he obviously thought before he spoke as he knew it would end up in print. It's mainly positives through out for both sides.

Let's look at Rudds

"I think Robin Williams should go and spend a bit of time in Alabama before he frames comments about anyone being particularly redneck."

I disagree about this comment being smart. It's a backhanded comment and a bad attempt at humor, not that I care about alabama's feelings. But we do have Aussie companies over there and it probably helps when the PM isn't suggesting your workers chew a lot of corn and stare at their cousins with bedroom eyes.
Rudd is a man that needs prepared answers before he opens his mouth. (We saw an example on Q&A with the kids). The statement above does not really take in to account how it will be viewed once in print. Don't get me wrong it's a storm in a teacup. But Rudd comes out looking worse then anyone. It's not the one line though; it’s a series of things that start adding up. It's more the image our PM portrays that I get concerned about. He has already offsided the Chinese and had to try and make amends.

Williams is a comedian with a case of verbal diarrhea. He said the exact same thing over here while on tour to Aussie applause.
If the US president took any notice of what Aussie comedians say about them we would be nuked into the ground by now.

I'm surprised you suggest ignore. That's something you don't practice what you preach
How can you say that whiskers:eek: I ignored your article and your feelings didn't I:D

Yeah I defend opinions (which is useless really), but I never really cared that much about people taking the piss out of me. There is a program for it called HTFU to help brush off criticism.

namrog Don't you people have anything better to do . or talk about.

This is a typical GG type of redneck thread about absolutely nothing !!

Have a safe Easter everyone ..........

No trading is boring and I'm tired. I'm reduced to inane comments on stupid subjects to stay awake. Credit to all for keeping my eyes open to post on an issue I had a smidgen of interest in.
Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

My contacts in Washington tell me that ole Wheelchair has leaned on the Hollywood Democrats to make Robin Williams apologise to Rudd.

It seems to have worked.

One joker apologising to another.

It must be a first.

COMEDIAN Robin Williams has apologised to Kevin Rudd and offered to take him to a strip club next time the PM visits the US.

Williams yesterday laughed off the controversy after he dubbed Aussies "English rednecks" on US TV, but said he was sorry.

Mr. Williams offer to take Mr.Rudd to a strip club is exceedingly generous, given that drunks in clubs of that ilk often end up in trouble with the girls or the bouncers.

What a kind man Robin Williams is to make the offer.

This demands a longwinded answer from Mr.Rudd.

Re: Rudd Alabama Slur

Hahaha. On ya Robin. Funny, funny dude.

Hahahah Williams wins by TKO.... brilliant. :D


For someone purportedly trained in conflict resolution, you sure can be:

  1. biased
  2. irritating
  3. ergo, conflict escalating