I rarely log in at work to post, but since this is so deluded and inflammatory, I thought I'd answer before it slips by behind another dozen pages.
Care to quote any verses to back any of your beliefs about the bible? "Thou shalt not kill" is NOT one of the 10 commandments. Every english version, except the oldest has "You shall not murder".
You are criticising a fantasy version of Christianity, an illusion that you have created, to justify your attacks on Christianity.
"As if you'd follow those evolutionists, they believe you should kill the weak so the species will be stronger... How... distastefully unethical." I've never heard an Atheist say that, yet, taking the basic principles of what atheists believe, (and I am making an assumption that atheists actually believe in evolution - otherwise they'd be agnostics), it'd be pretty easy to ridicule something on a false assertion. Likewise, I have never met a Christian that beleives it's okay to blow people up, dash babies on rocks, or kill drunkards sons. Not that I see anywhere in the bible that any of that behaviour is advocated anyway.
If Christians did to Atheist beliefs what Atheists did to Christian beliefs, this is what we'd be hearing a lot more of.
Inflammatory? Only because some of you Christians become inflamed when people point out some of the less palatable truths about your Bible and your religion.
Deluded? How so? I'm telling you some of what's in the Bible, not what I think is in the Bible, what actually is in the Bible.
OK - it's some time since I studied the Bible and I'm no doubt a little hazy on the exact wording. It makes little difference whether it says 'Thou shalt not kill', or whether it's 'You shall not murder'.
As for dashing babies on rocks, I have no idea if that's in the Bible - I never claimed it was.
'Kill your son if he's a drunkard' - you have trouble believing that's in there? I'm not surprised - I found it difficult to believe myself until I read it. I first became aware of it after reading the 'Letters To The Editor' section of a newspaper. One of the letters was written by someone who was complaining about being frequently harassed by Jehovah's Witnesses knocking on his door. He told of how he challenged them by quoting the passage in the Bible that says "If your son is a drunkard, you should take him outside the city gates and stone him to death". (I'm working from memory here - I mightn't have it correct word for word, but that's close enough to what it says).
He quoted the chapter and verse etc, so I looked it up in my Bible to see if it really did say that. Sure enough, there it was.
Sorry I can't quote the chapter and verse numbers so you can look it up - they've long since left my memory. But I assure you, the words are there - no fantasy or illusion on my part. The words are there if you care to find them.
Like you, I've never met a Christian who believes it's okay to blow people up, dash babies on rocks, or kill drunkards sons. Most of the Christians I know, and there are many, are good people who are far too decent and intelligent to follow some of the more unsavoury advice and commands in the Bible.
Like all intelligent people, they choose the good of what they have to work with, and reject the bad.
I'm not attacking every aspect of Christianity, I'm simply challenging some of the beliefs and the more controversial issues in Christianity.
Which reminds me.....I'm still waiting for you to answer my earlier post in which I asked how you know God exists, and if he does exist, who or what created him?