Your emotional reaction to my words are of no interest to me. If you choose to be offended that's your choice. I am interested in rational thought and argument but you haven't offered any. I see you resort to the usual platitudes about innocence. Unfortunately for Americans, the foreign policy pursued by their government and ruling elite makes them prime targets for acts of terrorism. American citizen's need to be aware that certain groups want to murder them. Innocence has nothing to do with it.
You seem to think I am singling out Americans but the same applied to Australians blown up Bali. As an Australian citizen you should be aware that if your government supports an illegal and unjustified war on a largely muslim population, that when in a muslim dominated country such as Indonesia there are certain groups that consider you a target. Incidentally a friend of mine was a casualty of the Bali bombing.
The above does not suggest that those killed in such incidents as 9/11 or Bali in any way deserved it but to demonstrate that innocence is irrelevant. However if you are so concerned about the innocent, how about innocent Iraqi civilians? Or is an Australian or American life more valuable? We know the US government's view on that particular question:
When children are delibratley put in harms way ( militrary sites in crowded areas, schools ) as shields.
You blame Bali on Iraq... Rudd may have you believe that 500 troops make us a target... we are a western non muslim nation... that makes us a target anyway... and noboby cares about or what Australia does o/s, Australia has a tiny international presence... but we are lucky to have such regular high level meetings with the US and enjoy such protection, if Rudd doesn't do to much damage to it. Name another country with a population of Australia that has such a relationship with the US.