Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

David Hicks leaves prison today

Sorry I haven't read any previous post.

I'm not just talkin about Hicks.

But it's the age old problem of diff religious beliefs.
You believe in Jesus,someone believes in Mohammed , someone believes green men from space,ect ect ect.

The (fanactic's) are going to fight for their beliefs.
What can you do about it? :banghead:

I don't know what he's problem was or is , or agender,or beliefs are,but he is out of goal now.

The biggest problem is Religion not Hicks.

Actually wars and conflicts generally use to start due to territorial expansionism much like Japan and Germany attempted , then of course the Helen of Troy sagas can be added in , Gold , Sugar , Oil or some other need .
Yet when it really boils down to it , we go to war because its in our interests to do so . The costs of the no-fly zone after the 1st Gulf war , look how long they kept that up , imagine the costs involved over and over , year after year . That money had to be replaced or made up for somehow , then abracadbra the invasion .
As compared to who Julia? CNN, ACA? Would you class the BBC as having a left bias?

The thing that I guess would swing most people's opinions, is that we simply aren't allowed to know anything. That in itself speaks volumes. What are the US and probably, more importantly, ex Australian governments and diplomats got to hide when it comes to this? Perhaps because they knew he was being tortured, and did nothing about it? Hmmm....

OK. So he is still on the run is he? Hmmm.... I guess we are all in "hiding" then aren't we?

Prawn... totally agree with you.

As far as Guantanamo is concerned. No longer can the Hicks types shout back to the US soldiers something like "see you in New York with my lawyer"... now they are shut down and out of circulation.

Hicks was part the security detachment guarding Kandahar airport. When the *hit hit the fan he ran for Pakistan and got turned in. Why people give this traitor the benefit of doubt goes to show how conplacent some have become.

Who can seriously say with a straight face that the ABC is not a left wing mouth piece...

The more that is known, the more the bad guys can train & be prepared to resist under stress...
This is typical of the dumbed down puerile crap you expect from our media.

The first sentence is enough to offend anyone with a modicum of intellect. The application of the word terrorism has reached farcical proportions. The generally accepted definition of a terrorist seems to be someone who opposes western hegemony as propagated by the United States and blindly supported until recently by the Australian Government.

Hands down the largest and most prolific terrorist organization of the 20th was the United States government. What was the invasion of Iraq if not an act of terrorism? It would be quite easy to assert that George Bush, Tony Blair, John Howard and the rest of so called 'coalition of the willing' are supporters of terrorism.

I don't condone what Hicks did, but he is no less guilty of terrorism than the publicly elected officials that knowingly sent Australian troops to fight in an illegal and unjustified war.

Your trying to land a job as a journalist with the ABC or CNN right ?
The amount of anti-Americanism on this thread is shameful...

If the traitor had been held by say "China" or any other but the US....wonder if there would have been such a storm drummed up by the left...
the publicly elected officials that knowingly sent Australian troops to fight in an illegal and unjustified war.

So 9/11 wasn't enough for you ? ..... do we have to wait until a dirty bomb is detonated inside the CBD of a western city, killing 10's of thousands before the west can take action....

Of course that would never happen.... would it...
Did anyone see the brilliant David E Kelly's episode last July of Boston Legal called Guantanamo By the Bay?
Love this show's social issue targets and exposure.

Alan Shore sues the United States on behalf of a client who was held and tortured at Guantanamo Bay for two years. This fictitious character was an innocent British doctor donating his time, helping out in Afganistan when he was hauled off with claims he had links with terrorism. The whole lack of human rights off-US-soil was the theme. The human rights that the US proclaims as its basic philosophy within and without the US were torn to shreds. Not all Americans are Bushed! David E Kelly supports the Democrats.

Alan: "I realize that jurisdiction barriers are prohibitive. We don't let little things like the law stand in our way in this great country. The law for example recognizes the Geneva Convention, but we say the hell with it. The law has very strict regulations on domestic wire-tapping, we say the hell with it. The law says if you shoot someone with a shotgun mistaking him for a quail, you should call the police."

Denny: "This is America. Human rights are so yesterday here".

I'd like to see an "post mortem" trial in Australia. Maybe the US saved face by coercing Hicks into pleading guilty and he clutched at the straw to end his hell. Human rights should allow him to contravene the prohibition of his talking about his detention. Would the Rudd government hand him back to the US if he did?
I still can't see why this man is being treated as a celebrity especially when he was fighting against coalition forces.

history repeats itself.

Below is a quote from

Lets hope Mr.Hicks behaves like a gentleman and fades into obscurity.

Otherwise I'd be expecting Kev07 to tighten any laws allowing him to profit from his crimes.

Hicks has pledged to honour the media gag order imposed as part of his plea bargain with the US military, which expires in March. Although his father has said Hicks does not want to write a book, Hicks may be tempted.

According to his father, publishers have approached him and cited legal advice that proceeds-of-crime laws can be circumvented.

Literary agent Sheila Drummond said only a few publishers had sufficient resources to compete in a bidding war. "The sort of chequebooks you're looking for are at Macmillan, Random House and Harper Collins," she said. "That's who I'd be betting on."

None of the three publishing houses named were available for comment yesterday.

Ms Drummond said any book telling Hicks's story was likely to be successful. "There's a sensationalist side to this and a human rights angle as well."

Mr McLeod said he had received no direct monetary offers, but acknowledged there had been expressions of interest. "There have been people bombarding me with proposals, but I haven't taken them to the next step," he said.
So 9/11 wasn't enough for you ? ..... do we have to wait until a dirty bomb is detonated inside the CBD of a western city, killing 10's of thousands before the west can take action....

Of course that would never happen.... would it...

Actually I'd say it's more than likely given that the United States has ratcheted up their self-appointed role as policeman of the world. The hysteria that surrounds a few thousand yanks being incinerated in a couple of buildings continues to amaze me. Compared to the death and destruction bought about by acts of terrorism of the United States during the 20th century 9/11 is small potatoes.

As the CIA teaches, 'blowback' is an inevitable outcome of meddling in the affairs of other countries. Incidentally it is listed as one of the reasons for the 9/11 attacks in the commission's report. Go figure.
Actually I'd say it's more than likely given that the United States has ratcheted up their self-appointed role as policeman of the world. The hysteria that surrounds a few thousand yanks being incinerated in a couple of buildings continues to amaze me. Compared to the death and destruction bought about by acts of terrorism of the United States during the 20th century 9/11 is small potatoes.

As the CIA teaches, 'blowback' is an inevitable outcome of meddling in the affairs of other countries. Incidentally it is listed as one of the reasons for the 9/11 attacks in the commission's report. Go figure.

Do you set out to offend intentionally or a you someone who offends to see the reaction he gets. Either way, as a human being you rate lowly.

Joe you told me I was being racist and that I offended you, yet these type of statements against innocent Americans continually go unchallenged by you, is it becasue you agree with these sentiments or because you see these lowlifes as a talking point? Surely some kind of direction on what's acceptable is required.
Do you set out to offend intentionally or a you someone who offends to see the reaction he gets. Either way, as a human being you rate lowly.

Joe you told me I was being racist and that I offended you, yet these type of statements against innocent Americans continually go unchallenged by you, is it becasue you agree with these sentiments or because you see these lowlifes as a talking point? Surely some kind of direction on what's acceptable is required.
why not do yourself a favour -
watch Fahrenheit 9/11.
And note that many Americans are now very critical of Bush and Iraq as well. :2twocents
why not do yourself a favour -
watch Fahrenheit 9/11.
And note that many Americans are now very critical of Bush and Iraq as well. :2twocents

A Michael Moore documentary! a very discredited documentary maker.

Hindsight, human rights for all! right, except the people you and your friends think are expendable, what about the human rights of the 3 thousands Americans murdered for being simply Americans.
A Michael Moore documentary! a very discredited documentary maker.

Hindsight, human rights for all! right, except the people you and your friends think are expendable, what about the human rights of the 3 thousands Americans murdered for being simply Americans.
you know best (I mean lol, I recall you telling me you knew my families medical trials and tribulations better than I did ;) - and btw your quote about the age of Haneef's baby was also mmm :bs:)

I finally see where you were going with that argument
gee but your arguments are hard to follw visual :eek:

Problem is (if you think about it) that counter terrorism laws have a big risk of being counter productive. - just as Iraq was 100% counterproductive (or do you disagree?)

If you want us to be at war forever, (and remember that recent "wars" have nearly broken the US bank) then you'll find that things will spiral into one ugly mess real fast.

Moderate islamic groups must be encouraged - even to the point of turning in extremists within their ranks. It ain't gonna happen with confrontation attitudes is it?

but to ask one simple question ... your turn to answer... do you agree that Iraq was 100% counterproductive with respect to the war on terror?
On Dec 20th was the anniversary of the 1989 US attack on Panama.The number of Panamanian casulties are estimated of being up to 4000 ,mostly civilian.
Even Bob Hawke,Australian PM at the time,condemned the American action.Hawke's condemnation was out of character for any Australian PM.
There were some parallels between the attack on Panama and that on Iraq...not the least being that they were defenceless.
I think that there is an adage "the bigger the foe,the bigger the victory",but of course ,the corollary to this is"the more defenceless the foe ,the bigger the coward".
My member of parliament,Alexander Downer,was on the local news last night postulating on the evil David Hicks.
More than a little rich coming from that mighty warrior,or perhaps he was only trying to justify his own subervience to the Americans,in this case,regarding the treatment of Hicks.
My member of parliament,Alexander Downer,was on the local news last night postulating on the evil David Hicks.
rob, I noticed that - and his carefully chosen words - as if Hicks attacked us etc ;)
:topic My guess is that Downer and Fraser no longer see eye to eye?
- despite Fraser doing his best at the time to hand over the Lib leadership to Downer rather than Howard (old history of course)?
you know best (I mean lol, I recall you telling me you knew my families medical trials and tribulations better than I did ;) - and btw your quote about the age of Haneef's baby was also mmm :bs:)

I finally see where you were going with that argument
gee but your arguments are hard to follw visual :eek:

Problem is (if you think about it) that counter terrorism laws have a big risk of being counter productive. - just as Iraq was 100% counterproductive (or do you disagree?

If you want us to be at war forever, (and remember that recent "wars" have nearly broken the US bank) then you'll find that things will spiral into one ugly mess real fast.

Moderate islamic groups must be encouraged - even to the point of turning in extremists within their ranks. It ain't gonna happen with confrontation attitudes is it?

but to ask one simple question ... your turn to answer... do you agree that Iraq was 100% counterproductive with respect to the war on terror?

your family medical history is none of my concern the birthdate of haneef's daughter is well documented, only people like you need to make excuses otherwise your little theories would fall apart. Mu argument hard to follow? for who? you? well seeing that you can't even get your own arguments right, I understand.

Seeing that my arguments are hard to follow I won't waste my time answering you question, would hardly like to be confronted by more death is good as long as I agree with the people doing the killing! now would I?
On Dec 20th was the anniversary of the 1989 US attack on Panama.The number of Panamanian casulties are estimated of being up to 4000 ,mostly civilian.
Even Bob Hawke,Australian PM at the time,condemned the American action.Hawke's condemnation was out of character for any Australian PM.
There were some parallels between the attack on Panama and that on Iraq...not the least being that they were defenceless.
I think that there is an adage "the bigger the foe,the bigger the victory",but of course ,the corollary to this is"the more defenceless the foe ,the bigger the coward".
My member of parliament,Alexander Downer,was on the local news last night postulating on the evil David Hicks.
More than a little rich coming from that mighty warrior,or perhaps he was only trying to justify his own subervience to the Americans,in this case,regarding the treatment of Hicks.

So the Americans got up ome day and decided, hmmmm what to do! I know I'll bomb Panama! and went and did it, is that what you are saying?
your family medical history is none of my concern the birthdate of haneef's daughter is well documented, only people like you need to make excuses otherwise your little theories would fall apart. Mu argument hard to follow? for who? you? well seeing that you can't even get your own arguments right, I understand.

Seeing that my arguments are hard to follow I won't waste my time answering you question, would hardly like to be confronted by more death is good as long as I agree with the people doing the killing! now would I?
simple question
unsimple answer
gee but you'd get along fine with my mother-in-law lol