KZL is a big chance at being a out for the move on it. They have some good prospects.
Although Oxiana would probably be the most likely suitor of ASX listed companies for Zinifex, Legs I agree that many have looked past Kagara. Many assume Kagara is just a Zinc/Lead Miner when in fact they earn more of their revenue from copper than Zinc. In addition the company has substantial exposure to Gold with the Mungana and Red Dome developments, Nickel at their Lounge Lizard permit and the massive undeveloped Admiral Bay Zn-Ld-Ag deposit, which would take over in perfect time for the closure of century. They definitely get the tick for being an efficient producer and have zillions of attractive Zn-Ld-Cu targets up in north Queensland to drill out over the next few years. The only problem with Kagara is that a lot of their big projects aren’t due to come online till around 2010 through to 2012. Zinifex may want these type of projects, yet ones that are currently producing. Not expecting a move on KZL, but wouldn’t be complaining if it did get a takeover bid