Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

Obama has the Presidency in his pocket IF he can get all Democrats to vote for him.
Hillary Clinton would have no chance of becoming President for eight years with Barack Obama in the Whitehouse. Therefore, many of her supporters may see more in having an elderly Republican in the Oval Office and the chance of another punt in 2012.
Re: Barack 2008!

So you would agree with this ad? Obama has long called for change in unity:

"Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or do we participate in a politics of hope?"

This slick commercial is just absurd. The Democrats are the party of divide and conquer. Handouts to every minority group to get it to join their coalition. Republicans are the doers. They are the color blind. They believe in one America. Republicans don't believe in White America, Black America, Hispanic America, Asian America. We don't believe in John Edwards' two Americas either.

This commercial is so absurd - it is pathetic.
Re: Barack 2008!

The short answer to your question Doris is "no". The term African-American is divisive, and until Obama comes out and condemns its usage he will never be president. But even if he does he is too long on rhetoric and too short on substance. McCain will win by default.:headshake
Re: Barack 2008!

Hillary Clinton would have no chance of becoming President for eight years with Barack Obama in the Whitehouse. Therefore, many of her supporters may see more in having an elderly Republican in the Oval Office and the chance of another punt in 2012.

This is the one point a friend of mine in new york brought up the other day, she mentioned that a lot her friends (All Dems) are going to vote for McCain to hope to see just this happen, as they see it Hillary was robbed of the nomination.

This weeks DNC convention should be interesting to see where all the Hilary supporters fall.
I bet most of the Hillary states will have the floor space at the back as far from the podium as possible.
Re: Barack 2008!

To get an idea who Obama picked, look at this video of Biden, it is hilarious:

Count the known lies:

From an E.J. Dionne, Jr. article (Dionne is a Democrat by the way)

In addition to claiming he has a higher IQ than the questioner (unprovable either way without getting test scores for them both) and lying outright about his law school class rank, Biden insisted that he had three degrees from college (when in fact he had only one, albeit that with a double-major). He claimed to have been recognized as the “outstanding student” in his college political science department, when in fact he had only been nominated for an award (which he didn’t win). Biden claimed to have had a full academic scholarship to law school, when he actually had only a half-scholarship based on financial need. And rather than graduating in the top half of his law school class, Biden graduated 76th out of 85 — an abysmal class rank that’s only partly explained by the F he got in one course after being caught plagiarizing five times from a law review article. Bad grades weren’t new to Slow Joe in law school, though: “In his first three semesters [at the University of Delaware], his grades were C’s or D’s, with three exceptions: two A’s in physical education courses, a B in a course on ‘Great English Writers’ and an F in R.O.T.C.”

There is lots more to come. This guy is known to runoff at the mouth, a human gaffe machine that will keep giving and giving.
Re: Barack 2008!

.. at this video of Biden, it is hilarious:

... And rather than graduating in the top half of his law school class, Biden graduated 76th out of 85 — an abysmal class rank ...

yeah but let's not forget ...
a) that was law degree not Naval Academy
b) McCain graduated from the Naval Academy in 1958; he was sixth from the bottom in class rank, 894th out of 899
c) Biden's only going for VP
d) Biden doesn't prevent others from finding out about their MIA and POW's loved ones - and in the process conveniently hiding his wartime history.

I mean,these youtubes aren't hilarious, they are deeply worrying (and include considerable criticism of McCain by fellow Republicans) ...:eek:

Vietnam Veterans Against McCain

Re: Barack 2008!

First of all, McCain never lied about his degrees, or grades, or anything else. He admits that he was not the best of students. But he was a military hero, and that, no one doubts.

Second, and most "worrying" is those people that are trying to imply that John McCain doesn't or didn't care about POW/MIA are wrong. John McCain has done more than anyone else in America to resolve the issues of POW/MIA. Everyone here knows that. You, in Australia, don't know that. You believe whatever the other side puts out there on youtube. John McCain has been to Vietnam many times in the last 20 years to get accountability. It is a smear on McCain, and those making the accusations have no shame.

Senator Bob Smith was defeated for re-election because quite simply he was a nutcase. He was on the far right fringe of the Republican party. Do some research on him, and you will find out that.
Re: Barack 2008!

...Senator Bob Smith was defeated for re-election because quite simply he was a nutcase. He was on the far right fringe of the Republican party. Do some research on him, and you will find out that.

ok zz, but now you have to also try to discredit :-

Dr Joseph Douglas Jr
Tracey Usry fmr Chief Investigator , US Senate Minority Staff
Delores Apodaca Alfono – Chairperson, National Alliance of Families
Lynn OShea Dir of Research National Alliance of Families
Al Santoli, American Foreign Policy Council
Rep, Bob Dornan (R-CA)
Cpl Bob Dumas, POW
Dr James Lucier Former US Senate Chief of Staff

Here's a transcript of that youtube :-

Vietnam Veterans Against McCain

Dr Joseph Douglas Jr – Author “Betrayed - Americas Missing POWs”
Senator McCain seemed to be one of the people that was an obstructionist
who was not interested in the truth coming out
who tried to attack people rather than learn what they had to say

Tracey Usry fmr Chief Investigator , US Senate Minority Staff
At no instance would he ever ever give in and say that there were POWs left behind
and my first question is “How would he know? or not know?”
So that which is reasonable he never exhibited
and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s a guilt complex
Maybe he promised the Vietnamese something
ok - I don’t know what it is
and maybe he actually believed that
that would be the saddest of all

Delores Apodaca Alfono – Chairperson, National Alliance of Families
I mean he was yelling and screaming at me
he had me in tears

Tracey Usry
oh to everybody…
.. he was very rude to me on several occasions

Dr Joseph Douglas Jr
he probably did more harm to the idea of trying to get the truth out than any other single person
through the efforts he did to block the release of classified intelligence dealing with the POW MIA problem

Lynn OShea Dir of Research National Alliance of Families
McCain stepped in and in effect made it harder for us to get documentation
…We were hoping for a massive relase of documentation

Senator Bob Smith (R- NH)
Many many documents were held back, for no reason , and our goal on the commottee was to dump this stuff , declassify it literally to the public – but the US Govt withheld all kinds of information from the committee. I know that for a fact.

Al Santoli, American Foreign Policy Council
Even POW’s who wanted to see their own debriefings were not permitted because of the MCCain regulation

Rep, Bob Dornan (R-CA)
and where did McCain get compliments for doing this – the bureaucrats at the Pentagon
.. and did we need that bill to handle the Scott Spiker case – oh you bet we did!

Al Santoli
it would hold the bureaucrats accountable at law if they lied or withheld information , and he fought tooth and nail to protect those bureaucrats - cos they were protecting him.

Senator Bob Smith
I could never understand that – if someone was guilty of withholding information that would help us to solve the mystery of what happened to an MIA and did it deliberately – why would we not want to preosecute that person

…. I supported it, fought for it hard – in the US Senate and mostly in the Armed Services Committee where we debated it, but …
It was watered down to basically where it was almost worthless

Al Santoli
Now one of the things that happened with that bill is that we were submarined
On the House side we passed it with a pretty much unamimous vote

Rep, Bob Dornan
401 to zero on the House.
with every single Republican who is serving sponsoring it , and about a third of the Democrats.

Al Santoli
On the Senate side we had one person standing in the way of getting in positions that would have been very tough on Govt bureaucrats who didn’t tell the truth – and that one person was Senator John McCain.

Cpl Bob Dumas
He didn’t want anybody to check HIS background. wanted to protect his background because a lot of POWs we had in the camp said that he was a collaborator of the enemy. He gave the enemy information they wanted

Dr James Lucier Former US Senate Chief of Staff
What we do know is that when he was there he cooperated with the communist news services in giving interviews that were not flattering to the United States

Tracey Usry
Information shows that he made over 32 tapes of propaganda for the Vietnamese Govt
Certainly you do what you need to do to stay alive
No body would fault anybody for that
but there comes a point in time where enough is enough

Rep, Bob Dornan
He made those transcriptions, and in those transcriptions
I heard a POW who heard them coming into his cell and said
OMG is that Admiral McCain’s son !? is that the Admiral’s son? Is that Johnny?
telling us that our principal targets are schools, orphanages, hospitals, temples, churches
4m45s that was Jane Fonda’s line!.
Re: Barack 2008!

You're being pathetic with this line of criticism of McCain. Obviously you don't know who some of these people are. Many are the nut right wing fringe of the Republican party. The aforementioned Sen. Bob Smith, and Rep. B1 Bob Dornan (incidentally also defeated in his Congressional district).

Criticize him on his economic policy, foreign policy, etc., but to criticize him on his commitment to the POW/MIA issue is just plain ignorant of the actual facts. Do your own homework why don't you. I get the sense you are just going to the Moveon and DailyKos websites to dredge this stuff up.

You are better than that. It would be as if I were bringing crazy issues like Barack is a Muslim, or all the other nut wing stuff. I am against Obama because he is the most liberal member of the Senate, and the people he has associated with over the years. Because he want to almost double capital gains taxes, wants to raise other taxes during a recession. Because he is soooooo inexperienced in foreign affairs etc.
Re: Barack 2008!

You're being pathetic with this line of criticism of McCain. Obviously you don't know who some of these people are.
well maybe you are being pathetic to criticise the National Alliance of Families and/or their then Chairperson, Delores Apodaca Alfono – who McCain happily reduces to tears.

when he "singlehandedly" quashed that Bill to give easier access to such organisations. - For reasons known only to himself :eek:

Zzdad said:
John McCain has done more than anyone else in America to resolve the issues of POW/MIA. Everyone here knows that. You, in Australia, don't know that.

Well you might know that ZZ, but the National Alliance of Families seems to disagree. I'm sure a few other indoctrinated people like yourself still disagree with the NAF however. :2twocents

Delores Apodaca Alfono – Chairperson, National Alliance of Families
I mean he was yelling and screaming at me
he had me in tears

Tracey Usry
oh to everybody…
.. he was very rude to me on several occasions

Dr Joseph Douglas Jr
he probably did more harm to the idea of trying to get the truth out than any other single person
through the efforts he did to block the release of classified intelligence dealing with the POW MIA problem

Lynn OShea Dir of Research National Alliance of Families
McCain stepped in and in effect made it harder for us to get documentation
…We were hoping for a massive relase of documentation

Senator Bob Smith (R- NH)
Many many documents were held back, for no reason , and our goal on the commottee was to dump this stuff , declassify it literally to the public – but the US Govt withheld all kinds of information from the committee. I know that for a fact.

Al Santoli, American Foreign Policy Council
Even POW’s who wanted to see their own debriefings were not permitted because of the MCCain regulation

As for accusations of bias - why not watch BOTH those youtubes in #826 - watch the man at work. See what you think. Forget about attacking me personally. Get some facts. - like the raw footage for instance.


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Re: Barack 2008!

btw, here's the second half of the transcript of that youtube - to go with #828 :2twocents

Where are those transcriptions - believe me they are in the archives of the museum
the bragging military museum in Hanoi
and McCain could not have wanted one of those to turn up in the middle of a presidential race
he knows that , I know that, a few other people know that
and that’s why he went against Bob Dole’s legislation

Cpl Bob Dumas
and he didn’t want nobody looking into his background in the camp
what went on in that camp.
that stuff’s still classified , so nobody can see it
and he just had it classified forever, so nobody will EVER look at it.

Dr James Lucier
that he was given special treatment
that he was put in a room with two other defectors
who were later given special treatment
although I will say to his credit that he refused to be repatriated as a result

Rep, Bob Dornan
and it sounds so good at first
McCain was offered the chance to come home
they called him the Prince, - and he could have...

but nobody ever takes that one step beyond that
If Admiral John McCain II junior – if his son at Lt Senior grade
had accepted this Pricely Status and come home in 1967
while the others would sit there for 5 years
what would the Navy have done with the son of an Admiral
who opted to get special treatment and come home
No Navy career , no house seat, no senate seat
would have been the end of his career

and they were offering him this chance to go home
in one of the 3 groups that came home in 68

they were all collaborators
yep except for Don Diego

and McCain calls em this
the slipperies, the slimies , and the sleezies
I once forgot one of those names and he refreshed my memory

and that meant that he would have become a slimey a sleezie and a slippery
ruining his career

so what I’m saying is :
yes he choose to say - but did he have an alternative ?
if he ever wanted to have a life - and what would it have done to his father

Dr Joseph Douglas Jr
and his activities were sufficiently consistent and widespread in opposing efforts to learn the truth
that he was written up in a number of articles as the Manchurian Candidate on this issue.

Rep, Bob Dornan
that in Hanoi he saw McCain turn red in the face
he even used the term Rumpelstiltskin - jumping up and down in place in a rage
If you release ANY of these records that you have here in Hanoi
on me or the other POW’s, you will NEVER get diplomatic recognition

Tracey Usry
McCain may have been an expert on being a POW, but he was by no means an expert on the POW issue.
Re: Barack 2008!

I saw somewhere on a news site today that they arrested 4 people in connection with a 'perhaps' hit on the next President.

Got me thinking, what would happen if he got murdered before the election? What would happen?

I know this is a terrible thing to ask as i dont condone it at all.....thought just passed my mind.
Re: Barack 2008!

Doris. It is obvious that you started this thread in order to pay homage to Barack Obama whom you admire. It has overtones of "kevin 07" whom you probably admire too. I am a conservative and see many flaws in Rudd but that is another story. I think Obama is a decent man and your support for him is well based on ethical and moral standards. However the Democratic party is not the sole repository of decency.
Quite often decent politicians aspiring to higher office have to make compromises and accept endorsements from others who are far from decent. I have no doubt that Obama will be delighted to accept endorsements from Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton. These two men are highly regarded in the Democratic Party, but in my opinion their morals and ethics are of a very low standard, even for politicians. As George Orwell said in another context "once a ***** always a *****." Hillary of course is no better. She condoned her husband's disgusting behaviour in exchange for his support for her political future. She will dump him as soon as she realises she has reached a dead end. The point I wish to make is that Barack is not the Messiah. He should be steering clear Clinton and Kennedy. They are tainted. :bad:
Re: Barack 2008!

I saw somewhere on a news site today that they arrested 4 people in connection with a 'perhaps' hit on the next President.

Got me thinking, what would happen if he got murdered before the election? What would happen?

I know this is a terrible thing to ask as i dont condone it at all.....thought just passed my mind.

From what I can gather the nomination would pass to Hillary
Re: Barack 2008!

Why would it pass to Hillary?

Now that Obama has nominated his potential VP, wouldn't it pass to him, just as it would in the event of his actually having been elected?
Re: Barack 2008!

Biden on personal wealth: “I don’t have Barack Obama money”

Seems in the Democrat party, it is admirable to be poor? What is Biden really saying? He is 65 years old, has been in the Senate for 36 years, and his net worth is between 75 and 150 thousand dollars? And we want him helping to run the economy?
Re: Barack 2008!

Doris. It is obvious that you started this thread in order to pay homage to Barack Obama whom you admire.
... I think Obama is a decent man and your support for him is well based on ethical and moral standards.

Michelle's keynote address last night highlighted the values I've always seen in her husband.

* work hard for what you want in life - rather than expecting handouts... ( a leg-up is good )

* your word is your bond - do what you say you're going to do... ( but be flexible and listen and learn )

* treat people with respect and dignity, even if you don't know them. Even if you don't agree with them

* don't accept and settle for the distance between the world as it is and the world as it should be.

* listen to your hopes instead of to your fears; ( you will find what you seek )

* stop doubting and start dreaming. ( If you don't dream, you cannot have a dream come true )

Yes Calliope, there are parallels with Rudd. He's trying. Give him time...

I still hold my breath until Friday our time... 100% behind you Calliope on Bill and Hillary! Will she mount a coup?
If not, will her machine promote McCain so she can have a go in 2012?

I look at the whole picture with Ted, even with the Chappaquiddick shadow.

Michelle says her brother Craig was 'not looking down on me - he was watching over me'. Lovitt.

Re: Barack 2008!

Choice of Biden sinks Obama even further. Americans are finally starting to pay attention to Obama and his positions. He is beginning to implode.

Prediction: At least a 55 to 45 margin by election day. Obama just to extreme and risky for the American people.

Gallup Daily Tracking poll

PRINCETON, NJ -- It's official: Barack Obama has received no bounce in voter support out of his selection of Sen. Joe Biden to be his vice presidential running mate.

Gallup Poll Daily tracking from Aug. 23-25, the first three-day period falling entirely after Obama's Saturday morning vice presidential announcement, shows 46% of national registered voters backing John McCain and 44% supporting Obama, not appreciably different from the previous week's standing for both candidates. This is the first time since Obama clinched the nomination in early June, though, that McCain has held any kind of advantage over Obama in Gallup Poll Daily tracking.
Re: Barack 2008!

Thanks for your response Doris. You speak with the voice of reason and compassion. Your students are fortunate. You have probably converted a few naysayers along the way. As for Ted Kennedy, i'm afraid it's in his genes.