I'm getting bearish about the Australian economy.
When the $ drops petrol will go up, destroying confidence. Everyone counting on the real estate market to reignite. Can't see it happening. Sure the lower $A will help exports, but manufacturing has to rebuild, it will take many years...if ever.
I predict a short term squeeze.
There will probably be a good opportunity to get into some mining shares at some stage though.
In NSW it's like someone flicked the on switch with construction work for me. Started roughly a month or so ago. Talking to some of my old apprentices in sydney and all of them are flat out with work as well. I'm still of the opinion that we are in for a rough ride but I am getting to the stage where I might have to turn work down as I have to much on. It is a lot of new houses as well which I haven't seen this many in a few years now.
Perhaps its people taking advantage of the low interest rate?