Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Useless Labor Party

From your reply, your obviously don't have any answers.

Just wondering if you're going to come out and let us know if you support the NSW Liberals jacking up electricity prices by more than than the carbon tax, or if you support useless Labor in QLD for allowing electricity costs to fall?
Just wondering if you're going to come out and let us know if you support the NSW Liberals jacking up electricity prices by more than than the carbon tax, or if you support useless Labor in QLD for allowing electricity costs to fall?

I am a Queenslander and my power bill for the past three months has been the highest bill ever thanks to the Green/Labor left wing socialist party.

NB...I have solar power also.
I am a Queenslander and my power bill for the past three months has been the highest bill ever thanks to the Green/Labor left wing socialist party.

NB...I have solar power also.

Keep dancing around the question Noco.

NSW Liberals are fighting the AER to stop rather large price drops from July. QLD Labor is allowing more modest price falls from July. Do you think QLD Labor is treating voters better than the NSW Liberals?

My electricity bill has been the highest it has, and every year I pretty much say the same thing, even though my usage doesn't increase. The technical term is inflation ;)

Just for interest sake, how is it the responsibility of the Greens and Labor that your electricity bill is so high? No carbon tax anymore? Could it be that some of the $45B in gold plating of the network has left us with an uncompetitive energy sector?
Keep dancing around the question Noco.

NSW Liberals are fighting the AER to stop rather large price drops from July. QLD Labor is allowing more modest price falls from July. Do you think QLD Labor is treating voters better than the NSW Liberals?

My electricity bill has been the highest it has, and every year I pretty much say the same thing, even though my usage doesn't increase. The technical term is inflation ;)

Just for interest sake, how is it the responsibility of the Greens and Labor that your electricity bill is so high? No carbon tax anymore? Could it be that some of the $45B in gold plating of the network has left us with an uncompetitive energy sector?

What ever you say that makes you happy, but you don't show any proof of what you are saying...Probably because you are a rusted on Green/Labor socialist and then that all makes sense.

As far as I am concerned I could not give a rats ar$e what happens in NSW.

The Qld Green/Labor socialists just hit us with a massive increase in Rego and drivers license fees...more than double the rate of inflation.....These rates were frozen under the Newman Government for 3 years.

You still haven't answered me from way back as to how Palazczuk is going to pay back the Beattie/ Bligh debt of $80 billion they left during the mining boom and after they sold off some $18.5 billion of Queensland's assets.
What ever you say that makes you happy, but you don't show any proof of what you are saying...Probably because you are a rusted on Green/Labor socialist and then that all makes sense.

As far as I am concerned I could not give a rats ar$e what happens in NSW.

The Qld Green/Labor socialists just hit us with a massive increase in Rego and drivers license fees...more than double the rate of inflation.....These rates were frozen under the Newman Government for 3 years.

You still haven't answered me from way back as to how Palazczuk is going to pay back the Beattie/ Bligh debt of $80 billion they left during the mining boom and after they sold off some $18.5 billion of Queensland's assets.

We now have a situation in which the Premier of NSW is taking legal action to prevent the state's households from saving up to $313 on their power bills.

The man elected to run this state has begun time-consuming, expensive proceedings to block small businesses from saving up to $528 on their energy costs.

The Australian Energy Regulator's decision that Mr Baird is opposing will save NSW households $6.2 billion through lower electricity prices.

It's not hard to understand Mr Baird's position. Having nominated power privatisation as his defining ambition, he now feels the sale price has to be as high as he can make it.

The decision by the Australian Energy Regulator to slash the approved capital works programs of Queensland's state-owned electricity companies, Energex and Ergon Energy, will result in less dividend revenue flowing into the coffers of the Palaszczuk government.

the regulator's preliminary decision on Thursday delivered a welcome reprieve for households which are expected to receive an average $34 reduction in their bills next financial year, while small business will receive a $53 benefit.

Ergon Energy, which covers regional Queensland, had its capital expenditure reduced by $2.2 billion or 27 per cent, which will also deliver savings of $34 for households and $54 for small business.

So there's your proof. As you can see the Liberals are out to ensure NSW energy users suffer from an electricity tax to pump the sale value of the electricity assets. They're following the Howard way of assets price pumping. At least QLD Labor are accepting the overspend from the last 5 years and not trying to slug users with even higher charges.

As to your question as to how QLD Labor will start paying down the debt. I don't see how they will be able to. 40K worth of jobs from the Gladstone LNG plants going over the next 12 months. Likely further coal mine closures due to continued falls in price. Hopefully the AUD falls will further improve tourism levels, but they can't make up for the coming job losses. To try and cut Govt spending too much when the private sector is already in an income recession would make things worse not better. Unless you can import demand it's not possible for both Govt and private sectors to both increase savings.

That said, the Govt can ensure that any spending is well thought out. No pork infrastructure like the Newman Govt wanted to do with Adani. All infrastructure should be vetted by Infrastructure Australia and only funded if it shows a clear economic benefit. It has to be self liquidating otherwise debt just increases.

If Newman was still in power what would he be doing to get the budget deficit under control?
The Killing Season ... or how to Host a Mystery Murder without the Mystery is coming to the ABC. A must see if you want to watch the treachery of the Labor Party at it's finest hour.

In what is poised to be the most explosive political bloodletting on television since the last Labor leadership spill, Walkley-award-winning journalist Sarah Ferguson is set to reopen hostilities between former PMs Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd ”” in a new three-part interview series The Killing Season.

Provocatively named after the period favoured by politicians just before the winter or summer parliamentary breaks ”” the ABC program (to premiere at 8.30pm, Tuesday, June 9) has been likened to an episode of Game Of Thrones by the woman charged with pinning down and drawing out the brutal details of the Rudd-Gillard leadership overthrows.

A Greek tragedy indeed !
The Killing Season ... or how to Host a Mystery Murder without the Mystery is coming to the ABC. A must see if you want to watch the treachery of the Labor Party at it's finest hour.

A Greek tragedy indeed !

I'm licking my lips ! Not because I hate Labor, but sometimes its good to see the internal machination of politics exposed.

I'm sure there is a lot of back biting in the Libs as well, as the current Cabinet leaks over citizenship have shown, not to mention the Howard-Costello manoeuvering, but the Libs seem more able to keep their brawls to themselves unfortunately.

So there's your proof. As you can see the Liberals are out to ensure NSW energy users suffer from an electricity tax to pump the sale value of the electricity assets. They're following the Howard way of assets price pumping. At least QLD Labor are accepting the overspend from the last 5 years and not trying to slug users with even higher charges.

As to your question as to how QLD Labor will start paying down the debt. I don't see how they will be able to. 40K worth of jobs from the Gladstone LNG plants going over the next 12 months. Likely further coal mine closures due to continued falls in price. Hopefully the AUD falls will further improve tourism levels, but they can't make up for the coming job losses. To try and cut Govt spending too much when the private sector is already in an income recession would make things worse not better. Unless you can import demand it's not possible for both Govt and private sectors to both increase savings.

That said, the Govt can ensure that any spending is well thought out. No pork infrastructure like the Newman Govt wanted to do with Adani. All infrastructure should be vetted by Infrastructure Australia and only funded if it shows a clear economic benefit. It has to be self liquidating otherwise debt just increases.

If Newman was still in power what would he be doing to get the budget deficit under control?

But then after cheery picking the good bits you left out the bad bits of the Palazczuk government.

Energex delivered $406 million in dividends to the Queensland government in 2013-14, while Ergon Energy delivered $392 million. Both companies have returned dividends of $1.2 billion each over the past five years for a total of $2.4 billion.

The Palaszczuk government scrapped the former Newman government's $37 billion privatisation plans, which included the five state-owned electricity companies, saying it wanted to keep the profits generated in public ownership.

Opposition energy spokesman Andrew Powell said the AER determination would blow a hole in Labor's plans to pay down debt in the July budget.

"The centrepiece of Annastacia Palaszczuk​'s election campaign was to use profits from energy businesses to pay down debt and today's decision will mean money isn't there," Mr Power said.

"This throws into question how they will manager to pay down debt without hurting Queenslanders."

Energy Minister Mark Baileysaid the AER determination was good news for customers, but they would ensure it does not impact on Ergon Energy's ability to respond to natural disasters such as cyclones.

I note you have made no comment on the massive increase in Car registration and drivers license fees By the Palazczuk government which are considerably higher than NSW...They were too high under the Beattie/Bligh government hence Nenmans's reason for freezing the rates for 3 years.

So there's your proof. As you can see the Liberals are out to ensure NSW energy users suffer from an electricity tax to pump the sale value of the electricity assets. They're following the Howard way of assets price pumping. At least QLD Labor are accepting the overspend from the last 5 years and not trying to slug users with even higher charges.

As to your question as to how QLD Labor will start paying down the debt. I don't see how they will be able to. 40K worth of jobs from the Gladstone LNG plants going over the next 12 months. Likely further coal mine closures due to continued falls in price. Hopefully the AUD falls will further improve tourism levels, but they can't make up for the coming job losses. To try and cut Govt spending too much when the private sector is already in an income recession would make things worse not better. Unless you can import demand it's not possible for both Govt and private sectors to both increase savings.

That said, the Govt can ensure that any spending is well thought out. No pork infrastructure like the Newman Govt wanted to do with Adani. All infrastructure should be vetted by Infrastructure Australia and only funded if it shows a clear economic benefit. It has to be self liquidating otherwise debt just increases.

If Newman was still in power what would he be doing to get the budget deficit under control?

Now what were you saying about electricity prices in NSW will increase?

Electricity prices are set to drop in New South Wales but more than 2,500 power company jobs are likely to be cut to cover the costs.

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER), which sets the network charges on household power bills, has reined in the amount electricity providers can charge customers.

The ruling means prices are likely to fall by between 5 and 12 per cent for NSW households next year.

That equates to an average $313 annual saving on household bills in rural NSW, where Essential Energy operates the power network.

Annual household savings would be an average of $165 on Sydney's Ausgrid network, and $106 for households in the Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands and Illawarra, where Endeavour Energy operates the network.

Consumers have a right to a safe and reliable service. Consumers also should not pay more than necessary.
AER Chair Paula Conboy

According to the AER, the demand for electricity has fallen, meaning there is less strain on the network and therefore less investment required to provide a reliable supply of energy.
But then after cheery picking the good bits you left out the bad bits of the Palazczuk government.

Energex delivered $406 million in dividends to the Queensland government in 2013-14, while Ergon Energy delivered $392 million. Both companies have returned dividends of $1.2 billion each over the past five years for a total of $2.4 billion.

The Palaszczuk government scrapped the former Newman government's $37 billion privatisation plans, which included the five state-owned electricity companies, saying it wanted to keep the profits generated in public ownership.

Opposition energy spokesman Andrew Powell said the AER determination would blow a hole in Labor's plans to pay down debt in the July budget.

"The centrepiece of Annastacia Palaszczuk​'s election campaign was to use profits from energy businesses to pay down debt and today's decision will mean money isn't there," Mr Power said.

"This throws into question how they will manager to pay down debt without hurting Queenslanders."

Energy Minister Mark Baileysaid the AER determination was good news for customers, but they would ensure it does not impact on Ergon Energy's ability to respond to natural disasters such as cyclones.

I note you have made no comment on the massive increase in Car registration and drivers license fees By the Palazczuk government which are considerably higher than NSW...They were too high under the Beattie/Bligh government hence Nenmans's reason for freezing the rates for 3 years.

So you'd prefer QLD followed the NSW Liberals and decided to privatise the electricity assets, spend a lot of money taking the AER to court, forcing any price reductions to be revoked so as to ensure the highest sale price and leaving energy users with what is effectively a privatisation tax.

Noco, where do you want the money to come from? When spending is higher than income, and there's only so much spending you can cut, your options are either debt or increase income. QLD has for a long time kept car rego and other Govt charges at much lower rates to NSW and VIC, which seems strange considering QLD is a much larger state in terms of landmass, so therefore a more costly state to run. Cutting jobs will likely cause economic conditions to worsen faster, so I don't think mass public sector layoffs will do much to the budget bottom line over the medium term.

So what are your solutions to the debt problem in QLD? If you can put $ figures to your proposals so we can see if they're realistic.

I'd suggest a broadly based land tax as a starting point. It seems unfair to me that the roughly 5-6% of people who purchase a property each year are forced to fund a large chunk of the state budget. A broadly based land tax would share the burden much more equitably, as well as providing a far more stable form of revenue. Stamp Duty can change as much as 50% year to year, which makes budgeting rather difficult.

I'd also encourage QLD Labor to forget PPPs and to use their lower borrowing costs to build infrastructure that generates a positive economic return. It would be very easy to sell infrastructure bonds to pension funds from around the world. Why let private companies build infrastructure requiring inflated rates of returns with expensive tolls? Much better to be able to set tolls based on breaking even over the life of the asset.

The Govt of QLD needs to start educating people that we are going to have a fall in our standard of living. While the resource boom was underway we got a free pay rise for our exports. Now we're giving up the pay rise and going back to a more historical norm. There's no point trying to hide it. The fall in Govt revenues for all states and the Federal Govt is plain to see. The role of Govt should be ensuring those at the bottom of the economic ladder don't get too hurt from the coming structural adjustment that is needed. We are very uncompetitive with an inflated AUD on top of inflated land / rents / wages / energy costs.

Hopefully the AUD will start to get to a level that helps the tradeables sectors soon, so as wages wont need to carry too much of the weight in us regaining our economic competitiveness. We prob need something like the wages accord again, and to be honest I think pensioners are going to have to step up too since the aged pension is already the largest budget expenditure and growing rapidly.

There are no easy answers. Three word slogans wont benefit us. The ToT has a long way yet to fall. The mining CAPEX cliff is only just starting to get steep, with 2 or 3 years yet of detracting from economic growth. Job losses are yet to start, but they're coming from late this year. It's a gloomy future. Liberals and Labor so far don't seem to want to face up to what is coming. That is not good Australia.

I look forward to some constructive suggestions from you on how the Government can help to get us through the coming economic decline in the best way possible.
So you'd prefer QLD followed the NSW Liberals and decided to privatise the electricity assets, spend a lot of money taking the AER to court, forcing any price reductions to be revoked so as to ensure the highest sale price and leaving energy users with what is effectively a privatisation tax.

Noco, where do you want the money to come from? When spending is higher than income, and there's only so much spending you can cut, your options are either debt or increase income. QLD has for a long time kept car rego and other Govt charges at much lower rates to NSW and VIC, which seems strange considering QLD is a much larger state in terms of landmass, so therefore a more costly state to run. Cutting jobs will likely cause economic conditions to worsen faster, so I don't think mass public sector layoffs will do much to the budget bottom line over the medium term.

So what are your solutions to the debt problem in QLD? If you can put $ figures to your proposals so we can see if they're realistic.

I'd suggest a broadly based land tax as a starting point. It seems unfair to me that the roughly 5-6% of people who purchase a property each year are forced to fund a large chunk of the state budget. A broadly based land tax would share the burden much more equitably, as well as providing a far more stable form of revenue. Stamp Duty can change as much as 50% year to year, which makes budgeting rather difficult.

I'd also encourage QLD Labor to forget PPPs and to use their lower borrowing costs to build infrastructure that generates a positive economic return. It would be very easy to sell infrastructure bonds to pension funds from around the world. Why let private companies build infrastructure requiring inflated rates of returns with expensive tolls? Much better to be able to set tolls based on breaking even over the life of the asset.

The Govt of QLD needs to start educating people that we are going to have a fall in our standard of living. While the resource boom was underway we got a free pay rise for our exports. Now we're giving up the pay rise and going back to a more historical norm. There's no point trying to hide it. The fall in Govt revenues for all states and the Federal Govt is plain to see. The role of Govt should be ensuring those at the bottom of the economic ladder don't get too hurt from the coming structural adjustment that is needed. We are very uncompetitive with an inflated AUD on top of inflated land / rents / wages / energy costs.

Hopefully the AUD will start to get to a level that helps the tradeables sectors soon, so as wages wont need to carry too much of the weight in us regaining our economic competitiveness. We prob need something like the wages accord again, and to be honest I think pensioners are going to have to step up too since the aged pension is already the largest budget expenditure and growing rapidly.

There are no easy answers. Three word slogans wont benefit us. The ToT has a long way yet to fall. The mining CAPEX cliff is only just starting to get steep, with 2 or 3 years yet of detracting from economic growth. Job losses are yet to start, but they're coming from late this year. It's a gloomy future. Liberals and Labor so far don't seem to want to face up to what is coming. That is not good Australia.

I look forward to some constructive suggestions from you on how the Government can help to get us through the coming economic decline in the best way possible.

Well, you have certainly lost your argument on the NSW electricity price rise...That you cannot deny.

Palaszczuk, accidentally won the state election on the unions and her rhetoric of "WE WON'T SELL YOUR ASSETS", together with some mistakes made by Campbell Newman.

Palaszczuk's only alternative is to sell assets to pay for the huge debt of $80 billion left by the Beattie/Bligh socialist left wing government...A debt that is costing Queensland tax payers $11 billion per year in interest....The other alternative is to increase taxes in all departments.....Something which Labor is well known for in past history.

You do not say how much the land tax will produce but I doubt it will be sufficient to pay bay back the $80 billion plus interest left by Beattie and Bligh.

At least Newman tried to show some honesty by taking to the election that the lease of assets was the major way of reducing the debt and huge interest bill.
Well, you have certainly lost your argument on the NSW electricity price rise...That you cannot deny.

Palaszczuk, accidentally won the state election on the unions and her rhetoric of "WE WON'T SELL YOUR ASSETS", together with some mistakes made by Campbell Newman.

Palaszczuk's only alternative is to sell assets to pay for the huge debt of $80 billion left by the Beattie/Bligh socialist left wing government...A debt that is costing Queensland tax payers $11 billion per year in interest....The other alternative is to increase taxes in all departments.....Something which Labor is well known for in past history.

You do not say how much the land tax will produce but I doubt it will be sufficient to pay bay back the $80 billion plus interest left by Beattie and Bligh.

At least Newman tried to show some honesty by taking to the election that the lease of assets was the major way of reducing the debt and huge interest bill.

So you'd be happy if QLD Labor added over $6B to electricity prices for the next 4 to 5 years then sold the assets at their inflated price. Remember that the price inflation is likely to be an ongoing problem for QLD households and businesses. How much extra do you think the NSW Liberals should get for their $6.3B privatisation tax?

I tried to engage with you Noco, but you're just too one eyed ogre to bother with anymore. You're the kind of person at work who always winges but is never willing to put the effort into coming up with an answer to the problem.
So you'd be happy if QLD Labor added over $6B to electricity prices for the next 4 to 5 years then sold the assets at their inflated price. Remember that the price inflation is likely to be an ongoing problem for QLD households and businesses. How much extra do you think the NSW Liberals should get for their $6.3B privatisation tax?

I tried to engage with you Noco, but you're just too one eyed ogre to bother with anymore. You're the kind of person at work who always winges but is never willing to put the effort into coming up with an answer to the problem.

I am always happy but I can see you are a poor loser.

Better luck next time.;);)
Now what were you saying about electricity prices in NSW will increase?

Electricity prices are set to drop in New South Wales but more than 2,500 power company jobs are likely to be cut to cover the costs.

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER), which sets the network charges on household power bills, has reined in the amount electricity providers can charge customers.

The ruling means prices are likely to fall by between 5 and 12 per cent for NSW households next year.

That equates to an average $313 annual saving on household bills in rural NSW, where Essential Energy operates the power network.

Annual household savings would be an average of $165 on Sydney's Ausgrid network, and $106 for households in the Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands and Illawarra, where Endeavour Energy operates the network.

Consumers have a right to a safe and reliable service. Consumers also should not pay more than necessary.
AER Chair Paula Conboy

According to the AER, the demand for electricity has fallen, meaning there is less strain on the network and therefore less investment required to provide a reliable supply of energy.

As I've repeatedly said Noco, the NSW Liberal Govt is taking the AER to court to wind back the reduction in spending and therefore the reduction in electricity prices. The main reason they are doing this is because the greater the profits the bigger the sale price from part privatisation.

As I said, the NSW Liberals are basically trying to push a privatisation tax onto electricity cosummers. It's good to know you support them in doing this.
As I've repeatedly said Noco, the NSW Liberal Govt is taking the AER to court to wind back the reduction in spending and therefore the reduction in electricity prices. The main reason they are doing this is because the greater the profits the bigger the sale price from part privatisation.

As I said, the NSW Liberals are basically trying to push a privatisation tax onto electricity cosummers. It's good to know you support them in doing this.

Why not if it means cheaper prices for electricity.

Palaszczuk has no say in Queensland as she must follow her masters in the CFMEU.....The unions are in control of Queensland and we are going down hill at a rate of knots.

No infrastructure plan for 12 new idea how to pay back the $80 billion plus interest of $11 billion per year left by the previous Green/Labor socialist coalition.

Queensland has become stagnant....I think I had better shift to NSW.:D:D:D
Why not if it means cheaper prices for electricity.

Palaszczuk has no say in Queensland as she must follow her masters in the CFMEU.....The unions are in control of Queensland and we are going down hill at a rate of knots.

No infrastructure plan for 12 new idea how to pay back the $80 billion plus interest of $11 billion per year left by the previous Green/Labor socialist coalition.

Queensland has become stagnant....I think I had better shift to NSW.:D:D:D

Can you explain to me how it causes cheaper eletrcitiy prices?

The AER has made a determination that will significantly lower electrciity prices in NSW.

The Govt, due to wanting to sell the assets at teh highest price is trying to get the AER decision recinded. In this case the goal of privatisation is causing the Govt to go against the interests of energy users in NSW

You angry over the QLD Labor from increasing rego costs, but you are supportive of NSW Liberals increasng electricity charges even more.

So it sounds like you'd prefer to have higher electricity bills via privatisation in QLD than higher rego.

At least have some consistency in what you are angry about. How can you criticise one Govt for raising rego but be happy another is raising electricity costs?
Can you explain to me how it causes cheaper eletrcitiy prices?

The AER has made a determination that will significantly lower electrciity prices in NSW.

The Govt, due to wanting to sell the assets at teh highest price is trying to get the AER decision recinded. In this case the goal of privatisation is causing the Govt to go against the interests of energy users in NSW

You angry over the QLD Labor from increasing rego costs, but you are supportive of NSW Liberals increasng electricity charges even more.

So it sounds like you'd prefer to have higher electricity bills via privatisation in QLD than higher rego.

At least have some consistency in what you are angry about. How can you criticise one Govt for raising rego but be happy another is raising electricity costs?

Sydboy, didn't you read the link below?

Electricity prices are going to fall in NSW.

Electricity prices are set to drop in New South Wales but more than 2,500 power company jobs are likely to be cut to cover the costs.

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER), which sets the network charges on household power bills, has reined in the amount electricity providers can charge customers.

The ruling means prices are likely to fall by between 5 and 12 per cent for NSW households next year.

That equates to an average $313 annual saving on household bills in rural NSW, where Essential Energy operates the power network.

Annual household savings would be an average of $165 on Sydney's Ausgrid network, and $106 for households in the Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands and Illawarra, where Endeavour Energy operates the network.

Consumers have a right to a safe and reliable service. Consumers also should not pay more than necessary.
AER Chair Paula Conboy

According to the AER, the demand for electricity has fallen, meaning there is less strain on the network and therefore less investment required to provide a reliable supply of energy.

Do you support the Green/Labor socialist carbon tax, the mining tax and open borders because that is what will happen if the Green/Labor party are re-elected.
Sydboy, didn't you read the link below?

Electricity prices are going to fall in NSW.

Electricity prices are set to drop in New South Wales but more than 2,500 power company jobs are likely to be cut to cover the costs.

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER), which sets the network charges on household power bills, has reined in the amount electricity providers can charge customers.

The ruling means prices are likely to fall by between 5 and 12 per cent for NSW households next year.

That equates to an average $313 annual saving on household bills in rural NSW, where Essential Energy operates the power network.

Annual household savings would be an average of $165 on Sydney's Ausgrid network, and $106 for households in the Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands and Illawarra, where Endeavour Energy operates the network.

Consumers have a right to a safe and reliable service. Consumers also should not pay more than necessary.
AER Chair Paula Conboy

According to the AER, the demand for electricity has fallen, meaning there is less strain on the network and therefore less investment required to provide a reliable supply of energy.

Do you support the Green/Labor socialist carbon tax, the mining tax and open borders because that is what will happen if the Green/Labor party are re-elected.

Maybe I have to give you things in bullet form

* AER determination provides significant relief to NSW electricity customers

* NSW Liberal Govt announces it is taking the AER to court to block the price cuts

So if the NSW Liberals win their court case, how then will electricity prices fall?

We're talking up to a $6B privatisation tax.

I'd prefer a carbon tax over say inefficient stamp duties or increasng the GST. A carbon tax is relatively efficient, low cost to administer. A decent carbon tax could be used to cut income and corporate taxes. Seems sensible to tax the use of a finite resource to ensure the most efficient use. Coal / Oil / gas will all run out in the not too distant future.
Sydboy, didn't you read the link below?

Electricity prices are going to fall in NSW.

The immediate big challenge for the regulator and its new chair, Paula Conboy, lies in the trip to the tribunal (a wing of the Federal Court),
required by the challenges from Ausgrid, Essential Energy and Endeavour Energy (all owned by the NSW government) and from ActewAGL.

The New South Wales trio, grouped under the umbrella of Networks NSW by Barry O’Farrell when he became premier in 2011, have decided to swallow hard and wear the $731m reduction in proposed capital outlays ordered by the AER. However, they are challenging cuts of $324m a year in their operating budgets.

PIAC, along with the major energy users, is particularly irate that the AER changed its stance between its preliminary and final determinations for NSW networks, allowing an extra $2.3bn in capex and opex.

NSW Liberals getting chummy with Unions. What do you think of that Noco? So far the Folley opposition seems to be looking at the cost savings for households as outweighing potential job losses. NSW Labor not doing as the Unions say. Goes against everything you say about Labor eh.