Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Useless Labor Party

I've been away for a few days, but correct me if I'm wrong.

Hasn't Bill promised another spending spree recently?

!00,00 free degrees, in courses no one wants to do, because they are too hard.

What a hoot.:D

Another bit of pixies at the end of the garden economics.

Labor made year 12 compulsory, then wondered why we didn't have tradesmen, wow that's bright.

Then we have to import Engineers and technical people, because none of our students are doing engineering subjects, just warm feel good $hit that is worthless.

Priceless, just priceless, social engineering at its worst.:D
No. it was John Howard who set spending at unsustainable levels. As can be seen by how difficult it is to get even small changes made to reduce spending, it's very easy to throw the money away, much harder to stop the loss of revenue.

The surpluses under howard were too small. More money should have been saved. Howard and Costello needed to educate the public that the revenue coming in was a one off, that tax cuts and spending increases year after year were not good for the long term budget. Instead we had far to much wasteful spending. Instead of Howard saving more he spent it, leaving the RBA to jack up interest rates to try and cool the economy, leading to a massively overvalued AUD that decimated local manufacturing.

Chile was able to save plenty from the copper boom. Heck even Russia was able to set aside large chunks of money from the oil boom. The lucky country decided to expand middle class welfare on a whitlam esq scale. Do a bit of research outside The Australian and Fox News and you'll start to get a better understanding.

It was John Howard who gave us the USAUS FTA where we're out of pocket some $200M+ a year in PBS payments. It was John Howard who signed us up for the Iraq war, costing $2.5B and counting, with how many returned soldiers lives damaged?? It was John Howard who signed up for the JSF, and now Abbott doubling down on a fighter jet where over 100 have bene built but not one is ready for military operations. the JSF can't even fly on a cloudy day, it can't fly near clouds or lightning - it can explode if struck - so pilots are instructed to keep 30kms away from any inclement weather. So close to vicotry but the rain lead to defeat.

From the green left daily:

For some more issues -

If the Pilot Can Eject, He'll Be Lucky Not to Drown

The report's executive summary gives a sense of what some of the "current restrictions" of the F-35 are:

So why would an economically responsible Government increase their order by 58? Remember it was Howard who did the initial order and it's Abbott that's gone all the way with JSF.

Come on Syd, stop ganging up on Noco.:D

You call for social equity, yet you tell everyone to rort medicare, :xyxthumbs

You talk about inequity in Govt subsidies, yet from memory you got free insulation and installed solar panels. That are still costing everyone heaps.

You want a tax cut for employees, to be paid for be ex employees, that are self funded retirees.:D

What don't you want? Obviously, nothing that is going to cost you anything.

Sorry in advance.:rolleyes:
Come on Syd, stop ganging up on Noco.:D

You call for social equity, yet you tell everyone to rort medicare, :xyxthumbs

You talk about inequity in Govt subsidies, yet from memory you got free insulation and installed solar panels. That are still costing everyone heaps.

You want a tax cut for employees, to be paid for be ex employees, that are self funded retirees.:D

What don't you want? Obviously, nothing that is going to cost you anything.

Sorry in advance.:rolleyes:

SP, I have read that much rubbish coming from this quarter this week that I doubt whether a garbage truck would br big enough to cart it sll away..:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I've been away for a few days, but correct me if I'm wrong.

Hasn't Bill promised another spending spree recently?

!00,00 free degrees, in courses no one wants to do, because they are too hard.

What a hoot.:D

Another bit of pixies at the end of the garden economics.

Labor made year 12 compulsory, then wondered why we didn't have tradesmen, wow that's bright.

Then we have to import Engineers and technical people, because none of our students are doing engineering subjects, just warm feel good $hit that is worthless.

Priceless, just priceless, social engineering at its worst.:D

The current budget sees 20B in extra taxation but forecasts only 6B in deficit reduction, though once the next fall in I/O prices comes through later in the year, investment continues to decline rather than increase, and pretty much every other rainbow forecast doesn't come through, well then teh Abbott Govt has really just been spending extra money it didn't really have.

So how's that any different to what you're criticising Labor for? If the Abbott budget blows out by $10-15B, which I think is quite likely based on their unrealistic assumptions, then haven't they been spending what they don't have?
Come on Syd, stop ganging up on Noco.:D

You call for social equity, yet you tell everyone to rort medicare, :xyxthumbs

You talk about inequity in Govt subsidies, yet from memory you got free insulation and installed solar panels. That are still costing everyone heaps.

You want a tax cut for employees, to be paid for be ex employees, that are self funded retirees.:D

What don't you want? Obviously, nothing that is going to cost you anything.

Sorry in advance.:rolleyes:

When have I told anyone to rort medicare?

I have no solar panels

I have made arguments to change taxation, especially around super that would likely be detrimental to myself, but considering I'm a high income earner I see that as fair. I'll likely pay $30K in income tax alone this year. In Liberal speak I'm definitely a lifter.

Can I flip the argument around that the howard tax free super for over 60s was due to those close to retirement not bothering to save enough for themselves so felt entitled to see income taxes and other taxes they don't pay remain higher than required to subsidise the life styles they felt they deserved in retirement? Australia has an over reliance on direct taxation, especially corporate and income taxes, when compared to other members of the OECD.

Sorting out the tax distortions around super, NG, CGT, allows other taxes to be cut. Lower income and corporate taxes are what the Liberals say they're about.

So what do I want

* A sustainable retirement income system

* Meaningful tax reform to lower the distortions within the economy, especially our over investment in housing

* Better targeting of welfare, with education of people as to where they currently stand financially within society to help reach that goal

* Removal of the political interference of infrastructure spending, with a ban on any that does not generate an economic return. A country with Govt and Import deficits cannot afford to spend money on non self liquidating infrastructure.

Would the above leave me better or worse off financially? I have no idea, and it's not really an issue for me. Do I believe doing the above would leave Australia in a far better competitive position? I sure do, and that would benefit me, along with everyone else, over the long term.
SP, I have read that much rubbish coming from this quarter this week that I doubt whether a garbage truck would br big enough to cart it sll away..:rolleyes::rolleyes:


all you do on this forum is make claims and never back them up

You don't even have the decency to say if you support Abbott purchasing a lot more JSFs, even when it's been made clear there are so many problems with the programme that it may nevr fly.

Even the US Govt has been starting to question whether to shut the programme down.

You enjoy criticising Labor, and on the odd occasion those criticism are well founded, but when you are presented with evidence that shows the Liberals are doing exactly the same thing, you dance around the circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows.

What would you call the below Noco? I'd propose a renaming to the Liberal Minerals Council of NSW

csg liberals.PNG
Labor stretches the truth once more and have, this time, been caught out by the OECD.

The Green/Labor socialists keep using the untruth propaganda that the Liberal Party are taking from the poor and giving to the rich.

Here is the truth as presented by the OECD.

There was more disappointing news for the hand-wringing industry last week when an OECD report found Australia to be a remarkably fair place.

The poor are getting richer and the rich are getting poorer while those in the middle are doing very nicely, thank you.

“Between 2007 and 2011, the income of the bottom 10 per cent increased by 2 per cent while incomes at the top declined by 1 per cent,” the OECD found.

“This pattern is very different from most OECD countries, where the bottom 10 per cent fared worst during the same period.”

Median net wealth in Australia has increased at a faster rate than wealth in the upper percentiles, leading the OECD to conclude “inequality at the top of the wealth distribution has receded”.

What will become of the unsold copies of Labor’s assistant Treasury spokesman Andrew Leigh’s book Battlers and Billionaires now its thesis has been knocked firmly on the head?

Leigh makes it plain on the back cover: rising inequality “risks cleaving us into two Australias, occupying fundamentally different worlds”.

Oh dear. Will Leigh’s publishers be forced to pulp the remaining stock? Or will Battlers and Billionaires, like Wayne Swan’s Postcode, gain cult status as an item of class-war kitsch to be put on ironic display alongside 1950s pulp science fiction? Yes children, they really did believe that one day cars would fly.
Do you have the OECD reference? Is the 2% total over that period? If so then inflation has put them in a worse position.
Do you have the OECD reference? Is the 2% total over that period? If so then inflation has put them in a worse position.

The OECD was based on the period 2007/2011...I have no idea how inflation would make any affect.

The poor are getting richer and the rich are getting poorer while those in the middle are doing very nicely, thank you.

“Between 2007 and 2011, the income of the bottom 10 per cent increased by 2 per cent while incomes at the top declined by 1 per cent,” the OECD found.

“This pattern is very different from most OECD countries, where the bottom 10 per cent fared worst during the same period.”
Bowen and Shorten have fudge their figures again according to Judith Sloan.

If Labor were re-elected who would want to increase their super while "PIGGY BANK ROBBERS" were hanging around?

Labor is putting a figure of $14 billion across 10 years, implying a high degree of fudge in the figures. At best, the measures will yield about $1bn a year in the first three years of their implementation.
The union dominated Queensland state Green/Labor socialist government has lost the confidence of business and is it any wonder.

They have increased the car rego and drivers license fees twice that of inflation.

They have opened the doors to their communist dominated union mates giving the unions access to all personal public servants files.

What will be next?

THE State Government has failed to win over small business since the election, causing confidence to plummet to worrying new levels.

The latest Sensis data, collected six weeks after Labor took power, revealed businesses have little confidence in the policies of Queensland’s Palaszczuk Government, with the reading dropping 30 points in the March quarter.

A lack of understanding from the Government and rising costs to small business were the biggest bugbears in the sector.

Confidence about future prospects also plummeted, falling 18 points from a year ago to the second-lowest in the nation .
The union dominated Queensland state Green/Labor socialist government has lost the confidence of business and is it any wonder.

They have increased the car rego and drivers license fees twice that of inflation.

They have opened the doors to their communist dominated union mates giving the unions access to all personal public servants files.

What will be next?

THE State Government has failed to win over small business since the election, causing confidence to plummet to worrying new levels.

The latest Sensis data, collected six weeks after Labor took power, revealed businesses have little confidence in the policies of Queensland’s Palaszczuk Government, with the reading dropping 30 points in the March quarter.

A lack of understanding from the Government and rising costs to small business were the biggest bugbears in the sector.

Confidence about future prospects also plummeted, falling 18 points from a year ago to the second-lowest in the nation .

Yeah well I just paid a kings ransom for one of my licences that the Newman Govt decided needed to almost triple in cost, on top of that I had to pay a CPA to audit the company and on top of that come June 1st I am legally liable for warranting services that must be performed under umbrella of a builder who can legally sabotage my works for fun and profit.

When he ran the place until recently, your Mr Newman legislated so his developer family and mates can set up sham building companies and wield massive sticks against subcontractors ... you want to know why business confidence is down... it's tap roots are the LNP and it's monotasking governance for the benefit of the benefactor and matey few at the cost of the many.
Yeah well I just paid a kings ransom for one of my licences that the Newman Govt decided needed to almost triple in cost, on top of that I had to pay a CPA to audit the company and on top of that come June 1st I am legally liable for warranting services that must be performed under umbrella of a builder who can legally sabotage my works for fun and profit.

When he ran the place until recently, your Mr Newman legislated so his developer family and mates can set up sham building companies and wield massive sticks against subcontractors ... you want to know why business confidence is down... it's tap roots are the LNP and it's monotasking governance for the benefit of the benefactor and matey few at the cost of the many.

What license are you referring to and do you have a link to back up your statement?
So the Electricity regulator wises up to the fact that NSW electricity customers were bilked with the gold plating of the networks so has offered households a cost cut of $313 and small businesses up to $528 in savings.

Over the next 4 years NSW electricity customers can look forward to over $6B in savings from the regulator.

But wait, the Liberal Govt isn't happy with the determination and is taking the regulator to court to get the cost cuts reduced or eliminated. Why would a Govt want to force the households and businesses they represent to pay more for their electricity? Well it comes down to $$$ from the sale of the electricity assets. The Govt want's the highest price it can get for the assets, and if that means basically forcing customers to pay more for their energy, well that's good in the Liberal view.

Will be interesting to see how the Liberal supporters try to justify this one.
You can look up the QBCC site and see what's happening in your own backyard.

That is still no help to me....You are the one who made the statement....It is up to you to prove what you are saying.
That is still no help to me....You are the one who made the statement....It is up to you to prove what you are saying.


would you support QLD Labor following NSW Liberals in taking the AER to court to reduce or eliminate the price cuts they've scheduled for the next 4 years?

QLD households are expected to receive an average $34 reduction in their bills next financial year, while small business will receive a $53 benefit.

The flow of Dividends to the Govt will be reduced. I know QLD has decide not to sell the Electricity assets, but don't you agree with the NSW Liberals in forcing households and business to pay more for their electricity to help prop up the budget, or do you believe QLD Labor is showing the way to go with accepting the AER's determination?
So the Electricity regulator wises up to the fact that NSW electricity customers were bilked with the gold plating of the networks so has offered households a cost cut of $313 and small businesses up to $528 in savings.

Over the next 4 years NSW electricity customers can look forward to over $6B in savings from the regulator.

But wait, the Liberal Govt isn't happy with the determination and is taking the regulator to court to get the cost cuts reduced or eliminated. Why would a Govt want to force the households and businesses they represent to pay more for their electricity? Well it comes down to $$$ from the sale of the electricity assets. The Govt want's the highest price it can get for the assets, and if that means basically forcing customers to pay more for their energy, well that's good in the Liberal view.

Will be interesting to see how the Liberal supporters try to justify this one.

We can only hope that Fred Nile will kybosh the whole shebang.
That is still no help to me....You are the one who made the statement....It is up to you to prove what you are saying.

No that is Noco's rules. The burden of proof is on you to dispel. You are all too keen to take advices from the dregs of society columnists, but obviously can't be fagged spending anytime to be well read via source documents. I am not going to spoon feed you when it's obvious you have a totally blinkered view of domestic politics and would prefer to skew facts to suit your entrenched behaviours.

My responses to your posts generally are rhetorically directed at you, but actually an anti venom for those that have open minds to the truth as experienced.
No that is Noco's rules. The burden of proof is on you to dispel. You are all too keen to take advices from the dregs of society columnists, but obviously can't be fagged spending anytime to be well read via source documents. I am not going to spoon feed you when it's obvious you have a totally blinkered view of domestic politics and would prefer to skew facts to suit your entrenched behaviours.

My responses to your posts generally are rhetorically directed at you, but actually an anti venom for those that have open minds to the truth as experienced.

From your reply, your obviously don't have any answers.