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Ukraine War

I am no expert in psychology or history, though both have interested me since my high school days, so when I say this i am most likely incorrect, but to the untrained eye it appears that your fear of being censored and/or banned has clouded the lessons of history.

The USA have the most liberal and free internet access and use in the world, it is like the wild west without a sheriff. Most other countries have a free internet with minor laws in place to protect people from people like Alex Jones.

History was a big part of our education system; some schools and their students took it seriously while others concentrated on something else.

During the early 1930's the world turned a blind eye to what was happening in Germany by Hitler's policy changes. When Germany started to 'expand' its national borders, countries like England were too weary to stand up.

When Russian troops were massing at the Ukrainian border world governments made a concerted effort to ensure that there would be no invasion or war.

Puttin gave his word that Russia was only conducting military exercises.

World leaders warned Puttin and Russia that the invasion of a free and sovereign country would be met by harsh sanctions.

When you go on about Russia being the victim here, it sounds like that you have not bothered to read all the facts or study some history. Instead, you try to guilt everyone by mentioning censorship and banning, 'going against the narrative', and so on. Maybe there is some truth in what you say, but you are yet to supply any evidence that would stand up to any simple assessment let alone an international court.
You have totally missed the point of what the poster was saying.
To have free internet media etc, you cannot have censorship.
Protecting the people from Alex Jones is just another way of saying protecting people from those you disagree with,
I do not support Alex Jones, but I support his right to say it, just as I support people right to sue him for saying obviously false crap.
As soon as you want to decide what people should hear or see, its censorship.
As for the USA having the most liberal and free internet, that is laughable.
Its just that they allow most of things you approve of.
You are happy not to be allowed to see Russian propaganda, or north Korean propaganda, or anything else that twitter, CNN , Facebook, and youtube censors.
Either everything is allowed, or else its censorship. period.
I would encourage u to read this article from 2019.

Why is everyone so worked up about the launcher?

This is where things get really interesting. The Mk-41 VLS launcher that was used to launch the Tomahawk is the same type of launcher that would be used to launch SM-3 interceptors from Aegis Ashore ballistic missile defense stations in Romania and Poland, once the latter station is completed.]

Usa already started testing tomahawk launching in 2019, the Romanian and polished "defence stations" are now tomahawk capable.

So yeah they can claim the sites are defense only but it's nuke capable as well. Currently we know publicly tomahawks are not equipped with nukes but its not really rocket science to equip them with nukes as the tech already exists.
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Censorship for telling the truth, and spreading misinformation, are two different things.

You need to do a lot more research before commenting, especially about people like Alex Jones that has a media organisation that 'spread misinformation' that causes pain and damage.

An Alex Jones type situation would never occur in Australia, the UK and many other countries because of laws that make it illegal. Look it up before guessing and commenting.

Jury to decide on damages in trial against Alex Jones over Sandy Hook lies

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You are happy not to be allowed to see Russian propaganda, or north Korean propaganda, or anything else that twitter, CNN , Facebook, and youtube censors.
Either everything is allowed, or else its censorship. period.

I need to ask this; are you happy for someone to tell the world that you have done some heinous act? To put your name to it.

Or what if your home is broken into and you and family members assaulted, is it ok for the perpetrators representatives to say that it is a lie and to blame you for letting them in? And for media to report it as such.

If you are, why do you use an alias instead of your real name?
At no stage did I express support for Jones view, merely his right to express them, no matter how stupid or incorrect.
The fact that Jones has been assessed by the legal system and forced to pay damages is the result of his stupidity, and that is the way to treat lies and disinformation.
Cancelling, censorship is not the way.
Using his case as the reason why you approve of suppression of some things makes you no better than all the others who try to justify their version of "the truth".
At no stage did I express support for Jones view, merely his right to express them, no matter how stupid or incorrect.


No one has the right to express views that are a lie or cause damage to people and society.

Would you be ok with a prominent media personality telling the world something about you, that causes you and your family pain, something that you know not to be true? The media personality may have some twisted proof.

Defamation laws should not stop at the internet. They have in the US for a long time, but the Jones case has sorted that out.

I do not know where people like you and joeno get your facts from. There is hardly any censorship on the net and social media. You both mention companies, well a business has the right to stop things that they believe is damaging. And users have the right to move on. Where is the censorship?

Can I come into your home and sleep on your couch whenever I want? Why not, are you censoring me?
So Companies that believe that they can stop things that are damaging.
If that is not censorship, what the hell is?
!. Damaging to whom?
2. Who decides what should be repressed.

Can I come into your home and sleep on your couch whenever I want? Why not, are you censoring me?
Thats a pretty poor analogy.
Trespass is somewhat a long stretch from defamatory statements.
You are big on emotion, poor on logic.
So Companies that believe that they can stop things that are damaging.
If that is not censorship, what the hell is?


I gather, from all your recent comments, that you believe that governments need to introduce regulations that govern how companies run their business. Legislation that makes it illegal for management to make decisions, once legal and fair, that affects you and people like you from being able to access information regardless of any damage it may cause.

It's plainly too hard for some consumers to take their business somewhere else, or to write to management to explain their reasoning.

I am very happy that I don't have to run my business with regulations from people like yourself, thank God I live in a free and democratic country.
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meanwhile ..... in the real world Kherson hotting up, RUF wanting to push at Bakmut...?

Wagner financier Yevgeny Prigozhin is also continuing efforts to set himself and Wagner Group forces apart from conventional Russian military elements.

The Russian outlet RIA claimed that Wagner engineering units are actively building a fortified “Wagner Line” that runs adjacent to territories in Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts. Prigozhin reportedly stated that the construction of the “Wagner Line” is meant to protect other elements of the Russian Armed Forces while Wagner units capture more territory in Donetsk Oblast. Prigozhin’s statements indicate that he is likely continuing to promote Wagner units as superior to conventional Russian Armed Forces in a bid to increase his influence among Kremlin officials. Russian outlet RIA published a supposed map of the “Wagner line” that suggests that Prigozhin and Wagner forces may expect the Russian military to lose considerable territory in Luhansk Oblast, putting Prigozhin’s publicity of the line at odds with the specious Kremlin narrative that Russia will hold all of Luhansk Oblast.


[[ Don’t believe anything until the Kremlin denies it TM ]]
Thats a pretty poor analogy.
Trespass is somewhat a long stretch from defamatory statements.
You are big on emotion, poor on logic.

Russian troops and bombs are currently trespassing on Ukrainian land and in homes and businesses.
So, what does that have to do with censorship?
Are you saying because its not reported or something that it is censorship?

That's what happens when you go in halfcocked with only half the information.

Lost in translation -

You can believe what you want, as you say , its a free country.
Belief and facts unfortunately, are very much different things, you are putting words in my mouth.
I never at any stage suggested the government bring in regulations, they already do that, or more precisely, their lackeys in the press, the the think tanks, and the education system, and most recently, ESG experts from Superannuation funds, do that for them.
I want the government and its lackeys out of my life, I don't want or need them telling me how to think, what to eat, what car to drive, what things I should watch or read, or who I should believe.
You only have to look at how ineffectual the watchdogs like ASIC, ASX, APRA and hosts of other useless public service quangos
You can believe what you want, as you say , its a free country.

I never at any stage suggested the government bring in regulations,

Then what do you suggest is done to sort out your problem - business censoring information that you believe should be released regardless of consequences.
I think all the CIA trolls and let's eat commies dinosaurs here missed that one.

So either pay back from Russia after the pipelines sabotages, or just the US ramping up the heat:
after all ,how convenient that EU seems to be the only target from Russia time after time....
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