Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

TSLA - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ)

Tesla a bit off overnight.
From Zero hedge
Update: Goldman's Scott Feiler noted that TSLA was in focus after hours on the trading desk: "Why is it not down more?"

Feiler notes that the focus from bears is on both the gross margins miss (~170 bps) and the FCF miss.

The one counterpoint he highlights is "almost all investors we spoke to expected some level of GM miss, and the question was just magnitude."

Our trading desk is seeing shorts in the after-market.
GS research was watching the 20% gross margin bogey closely and they came in around 70-100 bps below that.
Ultimately, we think this is a net negative for TSLA's stock but not much changes for long-term bulls on the demand picture.

We think the bigger focus should actually be for peers/industry margin dynamics, as they spent the first few paragraphs of their release/presentation talking not of slowing demand, but of looking at unit economics from their peers and seeing this as an opportunity for themselves.
Feiler added that they think TSLA is making a clear attempt to pressure peers:

They lowered prices in the US ~6 times already this year, the question is why?
Was it due to demand concerns or just to lean in, because they could?
In the first line of their press release, they seem to address this debate head on.
They highlight that they “see this year as a unique opportunity for Tesla. As many carmakers are working through challenges with the unit economics of their EV programs, we aim to leverage our position as a cost leader.
They make it further clear this is a market share grab by saying “Our near-term pricing strategy considers a long-term view on per vehicle profitability given the potential lifetime value of a Tesla vehicle.”
For now, given that the imp[lied expectations were for a +/-12% swing in TSLA after hours, the 3-4% after-hours decline remains a positive...


We will see what happens when the call starts.

Excluding credits, Gross margins dropped below 20% for the first time since the Covid crash. As Gene Munster notes, "a 19% automotive gross margin for the quarter (excluding regulatory credits) means Tesla missed CFO Zach Kirkhorn’s forecast from last quarter that Tesla would be able to stay above 20%."


Tesla a bit off overnight.
From Zero hedge
Update: Goldman's Scott Feiler noted that TSLA was in focus after hours on the trading desk: "Why is it not down more?"

Feiler notes that the focus from bears is on both the gross margins miss (~170 bps) and the FCF miss.

The one counterpoint he highlights is "almost all investors we spoke to expected some level of GM miss, and the question was just magnitude."

Feiler added that they think TSLA is making a clear attempt to pressure peers:

For now, given that the imp[lied expectations were for a +/-12% swing in TSLA after hours, the 3-4% after-hours decline remains a positive...

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We will see what happens when the call starts.

Excluding credits, Gross margins dropped below 20% for the first time since the Covid crash. As Gene Munster notes, "a 19% automotive gross margin for the quarter (excluding regulatory credits) means Tesla missed CFO Zach Kirkhorn’s forecast from last quarter that Tesla would be able to stay above 20%."

View attachment 156005


Damn, back to COVID 2020 levels....

Is this Tesla-specific or a reflection of the wider economy?

ARK’s updated open-source Tesla model yields an expected value per share of $2,000 in 2027. The bull and bear cases, tuned to the 75th and 25th percentile Monte Carlo outcomes, respectively, are approximately $2,500 and $1,400 per share, as shown below.[1]

ARK’s Simulation OutputsARK’s 2027 Price Estimate (Per Share)Significance
Expected Value$2,000ARK’s expected value for Tesla’s stock price in 2027, based on our Monte Carlo analysis.
Bear$1,400We model a 25% probability that Tesla could be worth $1,400 per share or less in 2027.
Bull$2,500We model a 25% probability that Tesla could be worth $2,500 per share or more in 2027.
Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2023.
Our updated Monte Carlo model moves the prior 2026 target out one year to 2027. For the benefit of readers, this article presents “expected” (or “base”), “bear,” and “bull” cases as a way of contextualizing the meaning of our 2027 share price expectations. Methodologically, we arrive at our base-case share price by averaging one million simulations produced by our Monte Carlo model. Our bear and bull cases are the 25th and 75th percentile values, respectively. Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon as a basis for making an investment decision and are built on our modeling that reflects our biases and long term positive view of the company. Please see additional disclosure below on forecasts and hypothetical performance. For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.
This research update presents ARK’s new open-source Tesla model, which incorporates distributions for 41 independent inputs to simulate a range of potential outcomes for the company.
Tesla’s prospective robotaxi business line is a key driver, contributing 67% of expected enterprise value and 64% of expected EBITDA in 2027.[2] Across our simulation set, electric vehicles account for 47% of revenues in 2027, at substantially lower margins than robotaxi revenue. The chart below breaks down attributable revenue, EBITDA, and value by business-line.

Note: The above charts were updated on 4/21/2023. Previously, the pie charts included 2026 expectations. They have now been updated to 2027. Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2023.
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon as a basis for making an investment decision and are built on our modeling that reflects our biases and long term positive view of the company. Please see additional disclosure below on forecasts and hypothetical performance. For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.
This article outlines five topics, including the risks and limits associated with our assumptions:
  • Example Bear And Bull Outcomes
  • Key Model Inputs And Updates To ARK’s 2022 Tesla Model
  • 2027 Share Price Forecast
  • 2027 Model Considerations That Are Not Key Drivers Of Our Price Estimates
  • Risks and Limits Of Our Model
  • Business Opportunities Not Included In The Model
Example Bear and Bull Outcomes
We do not provide a single bull or bear case because we dimension the bull and bear outcomes as the 75th and 25th percentile output from the simulation. Nonetheless, the table below presents what we believe are plausible examples for each case.[3]
Example Outputs for Bear and Bull Outcomes
Example Output*2022 ActualExample Bear Outcome 2027Example Bull Outcome 2027
Cars Sold (Millions)1.310.320.7
Average Selling Price (ASP)$53,000$34,000$26,000
Electric Vehicle Revenue (Billions)$70$346$528
Human-Driven Ride-Hail Revenue (Net, Billions)$-$54$-
Autonomous Ride-Hail Revenue (Net, Billions)$-$200$613
Electric Vehicle Gross Margin (Ex-credits)24%34%23%
Total Gross Margin26%51%52%
Total EBITDA Margin**24%37%34%
Enterprise Value/EBITDA2815.817
Market Cap (Billions)$553$4,442$7,939
Share Price and CAGR***$184$1,400 (53%)$2,500 (73%)
Free Cash Flow Yield1.90%4.60%4.20%
Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2023.
In the table above, we share examples of two possible scenarios that correspond with our bear and bull price targets. Please note, however, that there are multiple outcomes within our million simulations that could correspond with the bull and bear price targets. Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon as a basis for making an investment decision and are built on our modeling that reflects our biases and long-term positive view of the company. Please see additional disclosure below on forecasts and hypothetical performance. For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security. *Note: Figures are rounded for simplicity and consistent with reasonable variance in the forecast. 2022 total gross margin includes services, energy storage, and other. **Note: The similarity in bear and bull example EBITDA margins and total gross margins reflects our view of the most plausible economics of the two scenarios: Tesla’s human-driven ride-hail and autonomous business lines, which carry higher EBIT margins, make up 50% of EBITDA in the bear case. In the bear case, Tesla doesn’t scale as aggressively and can remain at a higher price point for longer, which benefits its margin structure. In the bull case, the gross margins and EBITDA margins on Tesla’s electric vehicle business decline as it sells into lower priced car segments, offset by the ride-hailing business lines, which make up a larger percentage of profits. ***Note: As of 4/18/23, of two possible scenarios that correspond with our bear and bull price targets, the CAGRs are for a 4.75Y time horizon. Please note, however, that there are multiple outcomes within our million simulations that could correspond with the bull and bear price targets.
Key Model Inputs: The following table presents the ranges for the key inputs to our forecast.
Key Model Input RangesWorst CaseDownside (-1 Standard Deviation)Upside (+1 Standard Deviation)Best Case
Using Wright’s Law,* Electric Vehicle Gross Margins Never Exceed20%40%60%80%
Vehicle Capital Efficiency (Gross Capex Per Car, USD)$14,000$7,000$2,000$1,500
Maximum Annual Production Increase20%50%100%200%
Max % of 2027 production sold into human driven ride-hail network0%30%60%70%
Robotaxi Launch Period20302026Q4 2023Q4 2023
Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2023.
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon as a basis for making an investment decision and are built on our modeling that reflects our biases and long term positive view of the company. Please see additional disclosure below on forecasts and hypothetical performance. For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security. *Note: Wright’s Law: The simulation drives production as a function of available cashflow for investment in electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing plants but imposes a fixed scaling constraint on Tesla’s ability to grow. Potentially, such constraints could stem from raw material and battery production bottlenecks encountered by the company.
Updates to ARK’s 2022 Tesla Model:
Updates to ARK’s 2022 open-source Tesla model include:
  • Assumptions and inputs for autonomous ride-hail
  • Capital efficiency estimates
  • Stationary energy storage deployment
  • Share price forecast pushed to 2027[4]
Assumptions and Inputs for Autonomous Ride-Hail
ARK has grown increasingly confident that Tesla will launch a robotaxi service soon. Our updated Monte Carlo model includes a range of launch dates, with late 2024 as the weighted average of all cases, as shown below.

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2023.
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon as a basis for making an investment decision and are built on our modeling that reflects our biases and long term positive view of the company. Please see additional disclosure below on forecasts and hypothetical performance. For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.
The recent flurry of AI progress—from large language models like ChatGPT to image-generation diffusion models like Midjourney—should accelerate innovation in the autonomous driving industry. Tesla, for example, already uses transformers popularized by large language models for lane and intersection prediction.[5] In our view, Tesla’s vertical integration strategy and Dojo training supercomputer are key competitive advantages. Training currently runs at 100% capacity, suggesting that Tesla’s plan to expand Dojo by two orders of magnitude next year will help the company shorten the time between model updates.[6] Recent videos of its latest full self-driving (FSD) software update, including one of a driver who nearly completes a full ride-hail ride without touching the wheel, suggest that Tesla is close to launch in some geographies.[7]
Tesla’s data library should help prove statistically the safety of its vehicles, giving it significant advantage over peers in the regulatory approval process. Tesla’s customer-owned fleet drives more than 120 million miles per day, and over one million miles per day in FSD.[8] In contrast, in their multi-year lifetimes, Cruise and Waymo have reached just one million miles each driven on public roads with no one behind the wheel. Moreover, accident statistics suggest that Tesla already has achieved performance superior to human drivers. According to our research, adjusting for its use on surface streets only, Tesla’s FSD is 5X safer than a manually driven Tesla.

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2023. Based on data from Tesla, Inc. 2023a; Tesla, Inc. 2023b; Tesla, Inc. 2023c; National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2023; Bureau of Transportation Statistics 2023.
Note: Both the Non-Autopilot accident rate, labeled “Manually Driven Tesla” in the graph, and the national average were adjusted to surface-street only accident rates using the ratio of percent of accidents to miles driven on surface streets, including an adjustment for auto-pilot miles, which ARK estimates were ~10% of miles driven in Teslas. Note that this a global statistic and the US average is likely higher. Chart FSD data as of March 1, 2023. Five important caveats to consider: (1) a driver might disengage FSD in the most difficult driving moments, which could boost miles per accident; (2) FSD will not work in extreme weather; (3) while passenger cars make up the majority of vehicles in crashes and total miles, the national statistics are not confined to passenger cars; (4) our comparison includes all crashes, fatal and non-fatal; (5) The national average includes vehicles that do not have active safety features such as auto emergency braking, which are now standard on all new cars, including Teslas. Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon as a basis for making an investment decision, and are built on our modeling that reflects our biases and long term positive view of the company. Please see additional disclosure below on forecasts and hypothetical performance. For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.
Capital Efficiency Estimates
Tesla’s capital efficiency in 2027 remains the same as last year’s forecast for 2026. Capital expenditure per incremental unit of capacity improved from ~$84,000 when the Model 3 was ramping in 2017 to ~$7,700, in 2021. Simultaneous production ramps at two Gigafactories led capital efficiency measured at the end of the year to increase to $14,755 in 2022. Once the initial ramp of those factories is complete, the implied capital expenditure per unit capacity continues its decline to ~$7,000 as shown below.[9]

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2023.
Note: In 2022, Tesla’s capital expenditure per unit of production capacity was $14,755, up from $7,683 in 2021. ARK believes that this is not an accurate measurement as capital investment was incurred with respect to Berlin and Austin Gigafactory in 2022, however, these factories had not yet hit volume production by year-end. As such, ARK believes that a more accurate measurement of Capital Efficiency is to adjust the 2022 vehicles produced to incorporate the initial production volume of these factories to get the true capital cost per vehicle. This re-calculated amount results in a capital efficiency rate of $7,288. Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon as a basis for making an investment decision and are built on our modeling that reflects our biases and long term positive view of the company. Please see additional disclosure below on forecasts and hypothetical performance. For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.
While these improvements indicate that Tesla could continue to increase margins, the more important takeaway is that capital is not a bottleneck limiting growth. Instead, Tesla should be able to grow as quickly as management bandwidth and supply constraints allow—two factors we model by constraining Tesla’s annual production growth using the “Max Annual Production Increase” input. Tesla’s Investor Day on March 1, 2023, highlighted its next generation vehicle architecture and manufacturing process, including steps to reduce the footprint and time associated with building factories, which should reduce bandwidth requirements and accelerate scaling.
Stationary Energy Storage Deployment
We expect Tesla to prioritize its vehicle business. To reflect this in this year’s model, we scale its stationary energy storage business only as the vehicle business becomes scaling constrained. According to our analysis, energy storage should contribute $6.6 billion, or 3%, to Tesla’s expected enterprise value in 2027. In ARK’s expected value, ~16% of all battery capacity goes into stationary energy storage and ~84% goes toward vehicles, resulting in ~200 GWh of stationary energy storage deployed in 2027, as shown in the second chart below.[10]

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2023.
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon as a basis for making an investment decision and are built on our modeling that reflects our biases and long-term positive view of the company. Please see additional disclosure below on forecasts and hypothetical performance. For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2023
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon as a basis for making an investment decision and are built on our modeling that reflects our biases and long term positive view of the company. Please see additional disclosure below on forecasts and hypothetical performance. For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.
ARK’s research suggests Tesla will use batteries for the most profitable use case. A robotaxi should provide the highest investment return on batteries for Tesla, as shown below. With a robotaxi platform, Tesla should be able to generate earnings from both the vehicle sale and a recurring ride-hail revenue stream, which ARK believes could generate software-like margins. As Elon Musk has phrased it, autonomous ride-hail “probably will be the biggest asset value increase in history.”[11]

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2023.
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon as a basis for making an investment decision and are built on our modeling that reflects our biases and long term positive view of the company. Please see additional disclosure below on forecasts and hypothetical performance. For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.
According to our analysis, the stationary energy business should yield margins of ~20-25%. We have not modeled the option value embedded in Tesla’s ability to turn its battery systems into virtual power plants that allocate dynamically to overtaxed electrical grids, or returns from participating in capacity markets. Tesla also could accelerate its energy storage strategy by vertically integrating cryptocurrency mining and home HVAC systems. For now, we consider such options beyond the scope of this model.
Share Price Forecast
Our simulation is highly sensitive to the year in which Tesla launches robotaxis, as shown in the two charts below. The chart titled “Modeled Share Price Outcomes” represents the likely distribution of all possible price targets from our Monte Carlo analysis and identifies the bear and bull cases as the 25th and 75th percentile outcomes, respectively. “Expected value” is the average of all 1 million simulations.
The chart titled “Modeled Scenarios” illustrates the mix of robotaxi and human ride-hail outcomes that corresponds with each share price represented in the prior “Modeled Share Price Outcomes” chart. In our lowest price-per-share scenarios, Tesla launches a vertically-integrated, human-driven ride-hail service but does not launch a robotaxi network—as shown in dark grey on the lower left-hand corner) Although Tesla has not committed publicly to launching human-driven ride-hail, ARK previously detailed the strategic and tactical advantages of doing so. Note that in many of our higher price-per-share scenarios, Tesla launches a robotaxi network within the next two years.

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2023.
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon as a basis for making an investment decision and are built on our modeling that reflects our biases and long term positive view of the company. Please see additional disclosure below on forecasts and hypothetical performance. For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2023.
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon as a basis for making an investment decision and are built on our modeling that reflects our biases and long term positive view of the company. Please see additional disclosure below on forecasts and hypothetical performance. For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.
2027 Model Considerations That Are Not Key Drivers Of Our Price Estimates
As the updated model extends the forecast one year to 2027, we note the following considerations:
Debt Financing
The midpoint of our assumptions suggests that Tesla will fund 25% of the buildout of future factories with debt.
Bitcoin Assumptions
We updated our bitcoin assumptions in line with ARK’s current bitcoin expectations.[12] The digital asset continues to have less than a 5% impact on our 2027 expected price per share.
Equity Raise
As in last year’s model, we assume Tesla will use ~$3 billion in additional equity for incentive compensation. Given the cash we expect from the autonomous ride-hail network and electric vehicle sales, we do not anticipate that Tesla will need to raise more capital.
Balance Sheet

We have made conservative assumptions about strategic financial decisions. We do not believe these decisions will be primary drivers of Tesla’s stock price appreciation:
  • Tesla holds cash and bitcoin on its balance sheet and does not benefit from any yield-generating assets.
  • With more cash than debt on its balance sheet, Tesla does not use the cash to pay down debt. The interest cost of the debt remains at 4%.
  • Tesla does not repurchase shares.
Note: The assumptions above could lead to divergences between our forecast of Tesla’s share price and the actual price of Tesla shares. Our modeling cannot include all variables that will impact Tesla’s share price and our assumptions could be inaccurate and incomplete. Moreover, our assumptions are subject to change as more information becomes available. Our estimates and forecasts are subject to risks and limitations and should not be relied upon for individual investment decisions.
Business Opportunities Not Included In The Model
We do not believe that either Dojo training-as-a-service or Tesla’s Optimus humanoid robot will contribute significantly to Tesla’s value within our five-year investment time horizon, though they could drive value over a longer time horizon.
Risks and Limits of Our Monte Carlo Model
ARK’s 41 independent variables are meant to cover all scenarios that we see as plausible outcomes for Tesla over the next five years. An unexpected event, such as Elon Musk’s sudden departure from the company, or a natural disaster or pandemic, could cause actual results to differ from our expectations.
Given the updates outlined in this article, ARK’s price target for Tesla is $2,000 per share in 2027. Our bear and bull cases suggest that TSLA could be valued between ~$1,400 and $2,500 per share in 2027. We have published our simulation model on GitHub and invite readers to explore and test assumptions and/or craft visualizations in the simulations.


Tesla's will only come to a complete stop if the driver is not driving. And if the driver is not controlling the vehicle, they are breaking a few laws, including driving without due care.

While we’re on the subject of car crashes; yesterday I was driving home, a set of crossing lights were red and I was slowing down with a speed of about 30km/h. Ahead on the right was a side street with two cars, one turning left and one wanting to turn right. I kept an eye on this thinking that the driver that wanted to turn into the single lane that I was traveling on could not see me. However, the other car drove off allowing the other driver full visibility of oncoming traffic. As I drove along side I saw in the corner of my take off like he was on a mission, BANG. He hit the rear quarter of my pride and joy. My VF SS-V that I purchased brand new and has never been in an accident.
Speaking to the elderly guy he told me he was in a hurry to pick up his grandson from school sports, and I said that “there’s your problem, rushing “.

Could Tesla’s driver assist helped in this situation, most definitely.





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The Tesla Model Y has pipped the toyota corolla as the world best selling car.
From Zero Hedge
While Elon Musk continues to be a lightning rod for political controversy and discussion, Tesla is (at least for the time being) still executing in the background. Just last week the company's Model Y vehicle passed the Toyota Corolla as the best selling car in the world, according to The Driven, an Australian auto blog.

Citing data from JATO Dynamics, the blog says that in Q1 the Model Y sold 267,200 vehicles, blowing past Toyota Corolla’s 256,400 sales. The blog also notes that the Model Y has been "hugely popular" in Australia and is the second best selling SUV of any type.

"When comparing it to ICE vehicles, the Tesla Model Y is the best-selling Medium SUV in the over $60,000, in the country by a wide margin," The Driven writes. "With 5,264 sales, it far outpaces the next best-selling Medium SUV which is the Audi !5 with 1,618 sales."
The Model Y's passing the Corolla is especially notable due to the difference in price, The Verge reported, noting that the 2023 Model Y starts at $47,490, whereas the Toyota starts at $21,550.

They noted that Musk had predicted sales “in the 500k to 1 million unit per year level" for the Model Y dating back to 2016.

In 2021, Musk added: “We think Model Y will be the best selling car or vehicle of any kind in the world. Probably next year. I’m not 100 percent certain next year, but I think it’s quite likely... more likely than not, that 2022 Model Y is best selling car or truck... in the world.”
Bye Bye Toyota.
The gap will likely only get bigger.
Musk made the point of the cost of finance on new vehical sales a month or two back.
The recent run, at least in part on the back of Fords tie-up with the charger network, appears to have 'The Street' not overtly concerned with finance costs on auto unit sales.
In the tea leaves of the recent Farley interview and his candid remarks on software; there has to be now if only at the charge point an intergration with TSLA. I just wonder how much further that may go than the charge point and not just with Ford.

And the unit sales of the Grid Scale storage system just barrels (not oil) on....
The Tesla Model Y has pipped the toyota corolla as the world best selling car.
From Zero Hedge

Bye Bye Toyota.
The gap will likely only get bigger.
I don't know what the matter is with Toyota but they can't supply the market. Yearly waits on many models. Worse than that for some.
I don't know what the matter is with Toyota but they can't supply the market. Yearly waits on many models. Worse than that for some.
We've been with Toyota for a very very long time. Farm ute coming up to be renewed some time soon.
A friend of mine who came here from Russia about 30 years ago told me he ordered a new car and was told there was a 23 year waiting list
He said "OK "and they said
"We could deliver the car on Friday 22/ June in the Morning, Is that OK"
My Friend replied
" Could you do it in the Afternoon as I Have a Plumber coming in the Morning "

Salute and Gods' Speed
Captain Chaza (2).jpg
The Tesla Model Y has pipped the toyota corolla as the world best selling car.
From Zero Hedge

Bye Bye Toyota.
The gap will likely only get bigger.
We is even more impressive when you realise the model Y is far more expensive than the Corolla, what is going to happen when Tesla releases their cheaper model they are working on.
I tried an entry yesterday around 110usd which was exited via SL at open last night.tried again today.
Low conviction but if market has a bear rally bump in the US, TSLA might benefit even more?

Hope you picked up a few frog. :cool:

I think TSLA has a lot of growth ahead remembering that they are more than just a car company, I'm still in for the long term.

Screen Shot 2023-06-10 at 9.28.27 am.png
"Tesla stock is up, but don't get cocky kid! Ford and GM announcements impact on TSLA, macro risks and more. Be careful about options and margin."

"Tesla stock is up, but don't get cocky kid! Ford and GM announcements impact on TSLA, macro risks and more. Be careful about options and margin."

It's the AI play imo.

We have almost reached the "bragging" point of the trade. I expect somewhere near $300. At which moment I start bragging and the trade implodes back to $200.
It's the AI play imo.

We have almost reached the "bragging" point of the trade. I expect somewhere near $300. At which moment I start bragging and the trade implodes back to $
Also they have had a big win lately with GM and Ford signing up to use the Tesla chargers, and with Tesla rolling out the best charging network, I can’t see how the others will catch up, hence why they gave up.

It's the AI play imo.

We have almost reached the "bragging" point of the trade. I expect somewhere near $300. At which moment I start bragging and the trade implodes back to $200.

I know your pain