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Trump Era 2025-2029 : Stock and Economic Comment

Yes it is, but how else are they going to deal with the inter generational wealth transfer, low productivity is already a problem, when kids inherit mum and dads $3m dollar house, work will be a dirty word.Lol
Another point here:

Low productivity is a result of the absolutely ridiculous amount of administrative bloat there is to doing literally anything these days. Working hours per person at the metaphorical coal face have actually increased from 30 years ago.

We went over this in the other thread.
Times have changed, when Dad died I inherited his belt, which was pretty ironic, because I felt it a lot when growing up.
Mum only passed away two years ago and I inherited $12k, so it wasn't el dorado.
Precisely. Your generation inherited nothing, but you didn't need to. We meanwhile will inherit everything but are screwed without it.

Hence terms like "inheritocracy" now being thrown around, because that really is what we live in now. An inheritocracy.
Anyway the point is that, for the above mentioned reasons, inheritance tax to plug the fiscal holes of our governments is a political impossibility. Hence the tariffs and money printing.
With that being said, if you sent lefties to war you'd have a war fought by a bunch of fruitcakes with nothing more than bongs & dildo's so it's not like you'd be losing much that way anyway.
not the correct bunch of Lefties , they would rather sleep in than board a plane anywhere

but the other lot of Lefties would they fight as a group or fight inside the group after all they hate everybody ( except themselves ) equally ( just look how they fragmented rebelling in Trump 1) ( aka BLM , Antifa etc etc etc )
they've got two entire generations that will go to jail before being conscripted so they can't even use that.
well at least my generation taught them something useful

after talking to Vietnam vets ( Aussie and Vietnamese ) we shouldn't have gone there , the rich kids hid in university the poor kids got conscripted and discarded when they returned ( if they returned )

yep 'all the way with LBJ' ( another 'peace-loving Democrat )
Bit of a conspiracy theory I've made up but I'll play it here. I've been watching everything play out and the only thing I can think of is that the original one government idea was canned.

We are now breaking into economic zones where those nearest are put into control by the strongest entity. Middle East we see the Saudis/Israel with destabilisation in most of the other areas occurring.

The US is weakening Canada, Mexico, who knows how far the go into Latin America.

Europe seems to want to deal with Russia one way or another.

China is going to need SE Asia to survive and they didn't circle us for shts and giggles. Although India is also in play so haven't really thought about it enough.

Obviously random thoughts. But the powerhouses need cheap Labor nearby as population is in decline.
Covid exposed problems in the current setup.
It would possibly explain some of the madness currently going on.
Simple balkanisation into regional powers rather than the cold war usa vs russia spheres of influence/hegemony.

Just going from a duopoly to a monopoly (end of cold war to now) to an oligopoly.
I think it's just a challenge of superpowers ATM, the problems seem to always be around the US. Fighting with your closest allies just shows everyone your weakness. Trump's very dangerous because he's destabilising the world or helping it to happen.

I don't think China is making threats to us, but it's just flexing its muscles. Don't forget we have the biggest spy agent from the US in central Australia watching you **** in your own backyard via satellites.

But one ruling body under many sub-bodies might be better than going to war when countries hold nuclear weapons.

We have a tiny population, defending ourselves is slim to none.
Anyone seen anyone talking of a similar theory?
David Kilcullen

Australians should not make the mistake of focusing on Trump’s personality, thinking that Trump himself is the problem and that once he leaves the world stage things will somehow revert to normal. Rather, he represents the new normal for a global security environment that – as his own Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, noted in January – is increasingly multipolar and defined by great-power spheres of influence.

According to Rubio, “it’s not normal for the world to simply have a unipolar power. That was ... a product of the end of the Cold War, but eventually you were going to reach back to a point where you had a multipolar world, multi-great powers in different parts of the planet."

“We face that now with China and to some extent Russia, and then you have rogue states like Iran and North Korea you have to deal with.”

I read somewhere that up to 80% of the USA's internal commerce is generated within the USA i.e. one American buying from or selling to another American goods or services that are manufacturedm or generated in America.

So the USA can quite easily withdraw from the rest of the world much easier than the ROTW can from it. Even if those figures are too high by 10-20% it still has an incredibly robust economy.

btw I've been meaning to ask, do you still think that Chronos-Plutus doubts Elon Musk has even heard of Bernoulli's principle.

As a percentage of GDP the united states is one of the lowest trading countries in the world. And a huge percentage of what it does trade/sell to the rest of the world is just arms.

Europe putting tariffs on american arms sales would just be... oh wouldn't that be comical.
  • Low Proportion:
    While the number of US passport holders is growing, at 42% it is a low proportion compared to other developed nations.
Their internal commerce would be places like Walmart and Amazon, and all their intermediate materials for production come from overseas. It's going to take at least 4~5 years to get large scale manufacturing transferred to the US.
As a percentage of GDP the united states is one of the lowest trading countries in the world. And a huge percentage of what it does trade/sell to the rest of the world is just arms.
worse than that it forward sells them , they sign you up , take some form of deposit/security , give you some training and in a few years you finally get the product ( if you are lucky )

( and THAT is just top-end computers )

then you get signed up to an expensive 'product support ' scheme which includes the latest product upgrades/updates UNLESS you find yourself on the wrong side of the current narrative , and then you get sanctions , restrictions etc etc
Their internal commerce would be places like Walmart and Amazon, and all their intermediate materials for production come from overseas. It's going to take at least 4~5 years to get large scale manufacturing transferred to the US.
yep , and that will be educational to watch ( even if they use a large amount of automation )
would make the black-market very compelling as a source
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