Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Tony Abbott for PM

Where is Tony Abbott in all this mayhem ? Hiding under a bed somewhere? :banghead:

The best chance of politically scoring major punches on the fat and bloated carcass of the Labor Party Machine and he is poncing around in his d!ck togs and riding a bike for CHRISSAKE ! There is that much chum in the water for a hungry predator to chomp on and NOT A FRIGGING WORD or even a blowtorch for all the FLICKUPS that Australians have been saddled with. WE ARE PAYING FOR THIS PEOPLE !!!! THAT'S RIGHT ... ME AND YOU IN TAX DOLLARS !! WAKE UP AUSTRALIA ...... do not let this fiasco of waste and bovine excreta go on any longer !! We as the people must stop this madness ... IT IS OUR MONEY being spent !!
Re: Tony Abbott for PM (NOT!)

Where is Tony Abbott in all this mayhem ? Hiding under a bed somewhere? :banghead:
WAKE UP AUSTRALIA ...... do not let this fiasco of waste and bovine excreta go on any longer !! We as the people must stop this madness ... IT IS OUR MONEY being spent !!

So what do you propose?

Rudd - Can talk the talk, but obviously can't walk the walk. Is he to blame, well yes, he leads the party. But look who he has had working for him! Garrett couldn't have done a worse job if he'd actually tried - shouldn't have given up his day job!

Abbott - Pretty gutless on a lot of fronts and has some pretty weird ideas on life in general. He lost a lot of brownie points with me during the election campaign when he turned up late (an hour) for a pre-election Health debate in 2007 at the National Press Club with Roxon. Costello was a big loss to their party.

One party is terrible and the other even worse... and it's no better in State Parliament. Here in Victoria, we get to suffer with Brumby (by default), after Bracks decides to leave (no loss), and incompetent ex-footballers as planning ministers. Madden is lucky if he could plan his way out of a wet paper bag.

Are there any decent councillors / members of parliament waiting in the wings out there? Make some noise - now is your chance to be heard!
It would appear that the tide is starting to turn on Comrade Kludd and his reigning junta is being exposed. Oh dear ! The reality is that I fear it is a voter backlash and not a genuine vote for Tony and his jughead mates on the Liberal team. Reading between the lines it seems that the swinging voters are heading towards the Greens and Independents rather than sucking up the Labor rank and file. Hung jury perhaps?
Where is Tony ? Sort of like where is Wally? Massive swing to Libs in "rogue" Newspoll and not a peep. Rudd, Gillard & Swan getting 9.9's on the backflip 'o' meter and zippo from Rabbi Abbott. Garrett, Combet, Gillard & others refuse to front an Govt inquiry into the pink batt fiasco (which the called for btw) and ZERO from the captain of the opposition. David Kosh on the Sunrise program is asking "What's wrong with Rudd" and even getting negative feedback on voxpop questions about Rudd and his popularity. Tony Abbott silent as a church mouse on this one as well??

Of dear ! I can't wait for the mainstream media to REALLY turn on the screws on our pie faced buffoon of a PM !
Where is Tony ? Sort of like where is Wally? Massive swing to Libs in "rogue" Newspoll and not a peep. Rudd, Gillard & Swan getting 9.9's on the backflip 'o' meter and zippo from Rabbi Abbott. Garrett, Combet, Gillard & others refuse to front an Govt inquiry into the pink batt fiasco (which the called for btw) and ZERO from the captain of the opposition. David Kosh on the Sunrise program is asking "What's wrong with Rudd" and even getting negative feedback on voxpop questions about Rudd and his popularity. Tony Abbott silent as a church mouse on this one as well??

Of dear ! I can't wait for the mainstream media to REALLY turn on the screws on our pie faced buffoon of a PM !

The unions early ad/scare campaign on workchoices has been dusted off again. Abbott also has an image problem (a lot of women I know dislike him)
Liberal's will have a hard slog, unless they go on the attack early. Odds are still against them by a lot (not suprising either).
The unions early ad/scare campaign on workchoices has been dusted off again. Abbott also has an image problem (a lot of women I know dislike him)
Liberal's will have a hard slog, unless they go on the attack early. Odds are still against them by a lot (not suprising either).

Both Rudd and Abbott have heads and faces that are gifts to cartoonists, so nobody really takes them seriously as individuals.

The difference is the Rudd gang has a huge backup of taxpayer funded advisers to try to cover up their balls-ups with spin, and continually dream up new distractions. This well oiled machine has all the front bench spouting the same spin on cue.

If Rudd is get his just desserts, apparently they will have to be self inflicted with little help from the coalition.
Liberal's will have a hard slog, unless they go on the attack early.

Agree. Plenty for them to be talking about right now, especially including the refusal of Rudd, Garrett and Combet to front up to the enquiry. Shouldn't they be screaming about moral cowardice or something?
If Tony Abbott can't take advantage of gifts like this, he doesn't deserve to ever be elected.
Agree. Plenty for them to be talking about right now, especially including the refusal of Rudd, Garrett and Combet to front up to the enquiry. Shouldn't they be screaming about moral cowardice or something?
If Tony Abbott can't take advantage of gifts like this, he doesn't deserve to ever be elected.

Julia, maybe Abbott is saving it all for when parliament sits after the budget. He will get more mileage then than he does now from the media. Most of the media seem to be doing enough to highlight Rudd's failings ATM. If Abbott goes in too hard too soon, voters tend to forget; closer to the election wouild even be better.

Maybe you do not agree with me but have patience Julia my dear.
If Tony Abbott can't take advantage of gifts like this, he doesn't deserve to ever be elected.

Bring back Turnbull, I say.
He keeps his greatest qualifying asset between his ears - or to put it more bluntly: Turnbull has brains.
KRudd, I thought initially, had similar qualifying assets; but now I'm no longer sure what he's got. He's been keeping his assets very much hidden from view. The empty seats while he addressed the UN were eloquent, yet embarrassing, testimony.
As to Abbott, his assets are only evident when he appears in Speedos. But that may just be my unimpressed impression.
Bring back Turnbull, I say.
He keeps his greatest qualifying asset between his ears - or to put it more bluntly: Turnbull has brains.

Turnbull certainly has his supporters - despite completely botching his 12months as Opposition Leader. His lack of political sensibility was a real surprise to me. He almost cast Australia headlong into an ETS oblivion, completely misread the Utegate affair and assisted in tearing apart the Lib/Nat/Left/Right sections of his party. Brains don't count for much if you can't use them.

As for Abbott, I'm with Julia.........and Noco.:D One would think now is a wonderful time to really make hay while the sun is shining for Abbott. But I wonder if he's still a bit gun shy since he was attacked for being "negative and unconstructive" over the debate. I agree with Noco - all in good time. The media are really starting to take some big chunks out of the Government.

Bring back Turnbull, I say.
He keeps his greatest qualifying asset between his ears - or to put it more bluntly: Turnbull has brains.
Brains are less important in politics than political nous, something Turnbull failed to exhibit during his period as leader. He showed rashness, lack of attention to necessary detail before rushing in demanding resignations (Utegate), capacity to ignore the wishes of his party room (ETS), and finally a dummy spit/resignation when he indicated he'd like to come back to the front bench and Tony Abbott said no thanks.
And then he resigns, and now he changes his mind.
What Mr Turnbull does is strictly according to what he thinks will most advantage himself at any given moment.
Tony Abbott, for all his faults, is a dedicated member of the Liberal Party and consistent in his conservative views.
Mr Turnbull will allow his views to change in accordance with which way the politically advantaged wind is blowing.

Julia, maybe Abbott is saving it all for when parliament sits after the budget. He will get more mileage then than he does now from the media. Most of the media seem to be doing enough to highlight Rudd's failings ATM. If Abbott goes in too hard too soon, voters tend to forget; closer to the election wouild even be better.

Maybe you do not agree with me but have patience Julia my dear.
You make a good point, noco, and you're probably right. When does Parliament resume?

The media are really starting to take some big chunks out of the Government.

Yep, you're right, Duckman. It's as though finally the scales have been lifted from their eyes and they're almost seeming to be 'out to get him'. It was even apparent in Tony Jones' interview with Julia Gillard on Lateline last night, and Jones is usually very pro-government.
About time.

You make a good point, noco, and you're probably right. When does Parliament resume?

Julia, I believe it is Tuesday 18/05/10. That is the week following Swan's budget Tuesday 11/05/10.
No reactions to Tony Abbott's Reply to Budget speech this evening???

He seemed to start off quite well and gathered confidence. On and on about everything the government has done badly. 7.50 pm and he still hasn't started talking about how the Libs would manage the economy and return to surplus before the government.

Now, did I miss something? He announced that of course they would not support the mining supertax and would rescind it if achieving government, would sell Medibank Private (as a MP member I don't want to see it sold), would slash public service jobs (several ticks for this), they would provide their supa dupa maternity (overly generous imo) maternity leave scheme, and damn all else. No explanation of how the figures would stack up to return to surplus.

Perhaps I drifted off during some vital information?

Then he said Joe Hockey would come up with more in a few days.
What? This was supposed to be Mr Abbott's chance to convince the nation that he had full command of the entire financial situation, including a complete plan, fully costed, to return the country to surplus.:confused::confused::confused:
No reactions to Tony Abbott's Reply to Budget speech this evening???

He seemed to start off quite well and gathered confidence. On and on about everything the government has done badly. 7.50 pm and he still hasn't started talking about how the Libs would manage the economy and return to surplus before the government.

Now, did I miss something? He announced that of course they would not support the mining supertax and would rescind it if achieving government, would sell Medibank Private (as a MP member I don't want to see it sold), would slash public service jobs (several ticks for this), they would provide their supa dupa maternity (overly generous imo) maternity leave scheme, and damn all else. No explanation of how the figures would stack up to return to surplus.

Perhaps I drifted off during some vital information?

Then he said Joe Hockey would come up with more in a few days.
What? This was supposed to be Mr Abbott's chance to convince the nation that he had full command of the entire financial situation, including a complete plan, fully costed, to return the country to surplus.:confused::confused::confused:

I thought he went very well. Very confident, pushed all the right buttons and his announcements seemed to hit the mark policy wise. (Although I agree with you on Maternity Leave Julia)

Yes you did miss a fairly major one Julia. Scrapping the "white elephant" broadband rollout.

Overall, very strong performance by Tony.

No reactions to Tony Abbott's Reply to Budget speech this evening???

He seemed to start off quite well and gathered confidence. On and on about everything the government has done badly. 7.50 pm and he still hasn't started talking about how the Libs would manage the economy and return to surplus before the government.

Now, did I miss something? He announced that of course they would not support the mining supertax and would rescind it if achieving government, would sell Medibank Private (as a MP member I don't want to see it sold), would slash public service jobs (several ticks for this), they would provide their supa dupa maternity (overly generous imo) maternity leave scheme, and damn all else. No explanation of how the figures would stack up to return to surplus.

Perhaps I drifted off during some vital information?

Then he said Joe Hockey would come up with more in a few days.
What? This was supposed to be Mr Abbott's chance to convince the nation that he had full command of the entire financial situation, including a complete plan, fully costed, to return the country to surplus.:confused::confused::confused:


The other day I listened to an interview on radio and Mr Abbott said something to the effect that he still can't get information that the government hadn't provided the coalition with. Joe Hockey also said something regarding something similar too. It's on the webpage.

Where is the transparency that we are all expecting?
This was supposed to be Mr Abbott's chance to convince the nation that he had full command of the entire financial situation, including a complete plan, fully costed, to return the country to surplus.:confused::confused::confused:

This is what Tanner said he had to do also, but he doesn't necessarily have to do what Tanner says. However this will be Labor's main thrust in their attack today.

He talked quite confidently. However he does not perform well at interviews. He was interviewed by Lyndall Curtis on AM this morning. He starts each answer to a curly question with "but but buts" and "look look looks."

He is not leadership material, and I don't think he can change. Surely his minders have told him to drop the "great big new tax" and his expensive maternity leave plan. Outspending this government on any issue not good politics.
I think Tony Abbott did a good job with his speech, made a few good points and attacked the government on a number of stuff ups they have made. Too bad he isn't too good on television and radio interviews, he needs to improve there if he wants people to think he would make a good leader.

He made a few good points regarding the mining tax:

'It is not a normal tax on super tax, it is a super tax on normal profits', and also how the increased tax on smokers is supposed to lead to less smoking but increasing the tax on miners is set to lead to more mining.

I don't think he really needed to explain the costings of every aspect, otherwise his speech would have went all night. If Joe Hockey does a good job of costing their policies next week then they will be on track. The current budget seems to be based more on the hope that China's economy will help us through instead of the strength of our own economy.
I thought it was a good speech and all of what he said (apart from the maternity part) was excellent news even the sell off of Medibank "PRIVATE".

I don't see the sense in taxing the miners, all they will do is drop employment, drop dividends and the Australian people will suffer. I can't believe the no hoper Labor mob chose to introduce this tax? :banghead: :banghead:

Surely, no one in their right mind would vote Labor again? Well until they forget what Krudd did and moreso what he DIDN'T do......
Julia Gizzard and Tony st .. st .. stuttering Rabbott were on the Today program this morning on Channel 9 (for those of you who don't know) Cripes is all I can say ! She would have to be the most negative, angry Feminazi, attack dog out there. Tony Abbott was like a bunny in the headlights this morning and looked half asleep and foolish as she mercilessly caned him into submission with her rapid fire put downs. SHEEEEEEEESH ! She hit him repeatedly over the head that the tobacco industry is donating to the Liberal Party. Dumb look and no answer. He then didn't have an answer to a question asked by Lisa and replied "I am not all over this subject and I will get back to you" The robot Karl Steponabrick suggested that this was a "Question on notice" WTF ?? Julia hit him again and then it was all over !