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The symbol of the Halal Certification Authority Australia

Obviously we can't control what they do in Indonesia, if their system is based on more of a cash grab than offering a real service, then obviously I would be against that.

If the Halal certifiers engage in cartel practices in Australia, then make complaints to the ACCC. That or boycott or find new markets - ship it to China or Vietnam - we Asians eat everything that's cooked right.

Let say that the Indonesian Islamic authority abuse its power over Halal certification, it's perfectly fine and fair, in my opinion, to discuss and do something about that body. To say that they abuse their influence therefore all Halal certification are corrupt and useless and unnecessary and Australians shouldn't allow it and Muslims in Australia ought to eat like real Aussies do... that's going a bit far.

There's a lot of racial undercurrent with some posts and the papers cited.

Maybe it's just me but I get the impression that some of us are upset about Halal because it appear like the Muslims are sneaking Islam into our food, forcing our suppliers to do bad things, forcing higher costs on us etc. all so they can build more Mosques to indoctrinate young terrorists and fund terrorism.

Hope I'm wrong about that. But if there's some truth to it, we're screwed because that kind of thinking will lead us to fear or hate or distrust some one quarter of humanity; which lead to us agreeing to policies and act that discriminates and oppress others, supporting policies like letting refugees - some, or most, or even all of whom might actually fled religious or political persecution.. but we won't know because we won't care... just let them rot somewhere outback because they're Muslims and who needs more of them terrorising our freedom and muck with our food.

No extortion racket there eh ?


The simple solution - ban it.

If a Muslim can't get a Halal certified product, that is ok for them. The Koran (via Mohammed) says it is no problem.

Surah 2:173 states:
If one is forced because there is no other choice, neither craving nor transgressing, there is no sin on him.

The simple solution - ban it.

If a Muslim can't get a Halal certified product, that is ok for them. The Koran (via Mohammed) says it is no problem.

The trouble is they might discover that the non-Halal certified products taste better (bit like food which is 'fat reduced' - it's also 'taste reduced') and the behaviour might become habitual (Ah the wicked pleasures of sinning) and the religious leaders can't allow that to happen … can they?

I wonder if Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit (supposedly an apple) because everything else in the garden was labelled with halal certificates.
I wonder if Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit (supposedly an apple) because everything else in the garden was labelled with halal certificates.
It was only thought up 1400 years ago. The Adam & Eve story explains the beginning of human species and the subsequent suffering bestowed on the ensuing humans. Note the incident was written about after intelligence developed to a stage where someone could write. The creator was a cruel entity as described below. Believe it or not, this was the story of the time.


Wysiwyg, thanks for the sermon but I think you took my light hearted comment a bit too seriously.
This family doesn't like bacon and flew into a rage after discovering some in a Macca's burger.

This family doesn't like bacon and flew into a rage after discovering some in a Macca's burger.

"Mouhamad Khaled spent four months in custody before being granted bail in the Supreme Court."

This report fails to mention what he was given to eat while in custody. They should have given him bacon and water every day.
It was only thought up 1400 years ago.

Not really, Halal is mostly based of the bible, the rules against eating pig etc come from the bible versus below. The rules for halal bank loans etc are also based on bible verses banning interest payments and usury,

Leviticus 11:7-8 - And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

Isaiah 66:17 - “Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.

Leviticus 11:1-47 - And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying to them, “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, These are the living things that you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth. Whatever parts the hoof and is cloven-footed and chews the cud, among the animals, you may eat. Nevertheless, among those that chew the cud or part the hoof, you shall not eat these: The camel, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you. And the rock badger, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you.

It is difficult to find yogurt on the shelf which is not labelled "no fat, low fat, lite or fat reduced" Take the fat out and the yogurt is tasteless pap, so they just load it up with sugar and give it a sugary fruity flavour, but;

Read more:
Not really, Halal is mostly based of the bible, the rules against eating pig etc come from the bible versus below. The rules for halal bank loans etc are also based on bible verses banning interest payments and usury,
Ah yes, the original hebrew source extended to the Quran version of events so contributed by that archangel Gabriel again resurfacing to pass on the the message of god. The truth is, no life creating influence would be whispering messages. Messages completely ridiculous compared to the ability of creating life where there was no life before.
Quoting the Bible now VC ?

One may be forgiven for thinking that you have been born again

Quoting the Bible now VC ?

One may be forgiven for thinking that you have been born again

Just letting people know the source, so they know its not just a "crazy Muslim thing", I always like to remind Christians who are against halal that if they really want to take their gods word seriously they should put down the bacon.

Its funny, the verse banning bacon is from the same chapter that bans homosexuality, talk about cherry picking.

As for me, last night i had double bacon cheese burger, it was delicious ;-)

Isn't that why he created us? So he could fill in his days judging us on what we eat and who we sleep with?

Ah yes, but they were Old Testament books. The Jews may believe them, which is why they don't eat pork, but as the Christians are mainly New Testament they don't have such an obligation.
Ah yes, but they were Old Testament books. The Jews may believe them, which is why they don't eat pork, but as the Christians are mainly New Testament they don't have such an obligation.

The Old Testament is where the Ten Commandments come from, Its really just more Christian cherry picking if they ignore the Old Testament, there is no biblical reason to ignore it, Jesus himself says none of the laws from the Old Testament will change.

Also the concept of Adam and eves original sin, is from the Old Testament, without it there is no reason to sacrifice Jesus, and their whole religion breaks down, the New Testament doesn't replace the Old Testament, the the two bibles and the Quran are a trilogy, of fan fiction, I am surprised they don't come as a box set.

And As I said, they are quite happy to quote it when it suits them in an anti gay rant.
'Vegemite products are funding terrorism'
National Party MP claims halal-certified groceries fund terror and local campaigns for Sharia law in Australia.

The Age story reports that: "Two weeks ago, South Australian dairy producer Fleurieu Milk and Yoghurt Company was forced drop its halal certification after receiving threats on social media.
As a consequence, it's believed the company lost a $50,000 contact with Emirates."

Surely what the company can do is produce separate halal-certified items for export. And within Australia surely the solution is also to produce two sets of labelling. One with halal-certificates for the 2% of the population that want it and another without halal certification for the other 98% of the population. The halal-certified products will be more expensive. Simple 'user-pays' principle. Why should 98% of the population subsidise the cost of halal-certification for only 2% of the population.


You actually read the Bible? Because I can think of a few examples of old covenants being made obsolete or spiritualised. One of them is Hebrews 8:13


Sermon on the mount Matthew 5 17: 20,

Jesus himself says the following about the laws of the Old Testament.

"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven"

Jesus here is stating that Jewish law will not be changed until heaven and earth disappear,
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