Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Gillard Government

Add this to the list of failed schemes and money wasted by this inept, incompetent, pathetic government:

Well Being Green, a business that acted as a type of intermediary for solar installers to trade renewable energy certificates, has collapsed into administration, owing more than $7 million to about 200 creditors.

A Government-recommended Solar Heating Rebate Agent company has absconded with $7 million rebate money, owed to small business and tradesmen – despite the Federal Government having been warned of the company’s dodgy practices by tradesmen and the Opposition. The Minister for Climate Change, Greg Combet has disowned the issue.

It will be interesting to see who the directors are.:D


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Would anything actually change with Rudd re-instated as leader? He was the one who abolished the Pacific Solution and he wanted an ETS. Wouldn't he simply continue to lose the way for labor?

I sometimes wonder if his high polling is more to do with Gillard's unpopularity than actual support for him.
I would think it is more a reflection of Bob going into panic mode.:cautious:
They are all in so much manure, oh dear.
Every week another policy announcement, that effects your personal outcomes. That really becomes tiresome for people, working or retired, to try and make life decisions.
I am really over this Government!!!!!!!
I don't think so drsmith, they are so lost they don't know what to do. It is like the dog that chases the bus, it is completely stuffed when it catches it.
Now they are going to reinvent the Labor party that you voted for because it has become lost. What The.
This is the problem the Government in power has lost its way and is trying to rush through stupid legislation. IMO
If they manage to stay in power for the next two years it will be frightening.
Self interested dicks. imo
Would anything actually change with Rudd re-instated as leader? He was the one who abolished the Pacific Solution and he wanted an ETS. Wouldn't he simply continue to lose the way for labor?

I sometimes wonder if his high polling is more to do with Gillard's unpopularity than actual support for him.
I'd support that idea, sails. Personally I find Rudd way more obnoxious than Julia Gillard and I think if he were re-established as PM, the electorate would pretty soon remember how much they disliked him.

It looks as though he's already canvassing the numbers, however.

Seems to me the Labor Party are in such a dreadful mess they're losing the capacity to think even a bit clearly. The emphasis in the parliament today on any increase in boats being the sole responsibility of Tony Abbott is farcical. They are panicking more each day.
I wonder how much personal control Julia Gillard actually has over the situation?
She was pretty much told to get out there and take over when the factional bosses decided our Kev was no longer a goer, and isn't it likely most of what she has said and done since then has been dictated to her?

I'm almost feeling a bit sorry for her.
Julia seems to have decided it's Malaysia or burn.

She won't get the former, so it will be the latter. It's only a question of time.

The knife drawer in the kitchen at the house of Liberal I suspect has allready been emptied.

Malaysia can't and won't happen. Legally it is in conflict with Australias stated position, you can't change your postion for political expediency. The legal sytem won't wear it, that is real banana republic s#!t.
Abbott is right in standing by a past practice and custom, it is defendable.
Gillard is being stupid. imo
Too many nonentities with their hands on the levers of power.

How many points would the XAO rally if Rudd returned and delayed the carbon tax.
I wonder how much personal control Julia Gillard actually has over the situation?
She was pretty much told to get out there and take over when the factional bosses decided our Kev was no longer a goer, and isn't it likely most of what she has said and done since then has been dictated to her?

I'm almost feeling a bit sorry for her.

Julia, it would appear that she has full control due to labor party policy that their MPs are not permitted to cross the floor. That gives any leader of the labor party dictatorial powers, as far as I can see.

And Graham Richardson was one of the labor heavies who help put her in power - he says so in the article below. He also states that (bolds are mine):

Julia Gillard, he says, has ''this incredible self-belief [which] is totally unjustified. She listens to no one because she thinks she understands, and she hasn't got a clue. There are plenty of good people around, if you include the cabinet, but she is not listening to any of them.''
"... he insists Labor did not underestimate the electorate's revulsion at the axing of Rudd. There was only a ''gross overestimation of Gillard's ability''".

Read more by Deborah Snow:

So it seems that Gillard has created this awful mess by herself, albeit started by Rudd and then continued by her. As in bold above, she won't even listen to her own cabinet. I really don't feel sorry for someone so stubborn that they continue to rampage like a bull in a china shop and refuse to listen to any sort of reason. Stun gun ( is usually the only solution.

She could have so easily agreed to taking her carbon tax policy to the next election and I think that would have restored some faith from some that the ALP show some respect for democracy and the majority will of the people.

Richardson knows how to listen to the people. It would do ALP good to sit up and take notice, imo.
Thanks Sails. I totally withdraw any silly thoughts of sympathy for her.
Agree that Richo always has a realistic interpretation.
Julia, it would appear that she has full control due to labor party policy that their MPs are not permitted to cross the floor. That gives any leader of the labor party dictatorial powers, as far as I can see.

Just because the ALP demands unity of its members on the floor of the house does not mean Gillard exercises complete control. She is at the mercy of the factions in the party room, which is where most debate occurs.

Still I wouldn't feel sorry for her. Anyone who takes Friday's focus group issue and turns it into Monday's policy agenda deserves no sympathy.
Just because the ALP demands unity of its members on the floor of the house does not mean Gillard exercises complete control. She is at the mercy of the factions in the party room, which is where most debate occurs....

I don't think she listens to anyone and I don't think she lets the factions control her. I have my own suspicisions that, if Rudd deposed her, she would promptly resign from the labor party and force a new election so that he couldn't remain PM for long. Only my thoughts though...:2twocents

Thanks Sails. I totally withdraw any silly thoughts of sympathy for her.
Agree that Richo always has a realistic interpretation.

Yes, I find Richo puts things into perspective quite well...:)