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The Gillard Government

It has never ceased to amaze me with Labor and the unions over the years they have fought and often gone on strike for outrageuos demands which has added to industry costs to the point whereby they cannot compete with overseas products resulting in many closures and job loses.

Yes they won 38 and then 36 hour weeks, 9 day fortight, rostered days off, penalty rates, 4 weeks annual leave with 17% loading etc.etc. and where has it got them? Add to this the recent Carbon tax which has affected every industry either directly or indirectly.

All these goodies are ok when productivity is high and the counrty could afford it but times have changed and now things are not so good the unions still want more and to hell with what it costs industry or jobs. Yes the Labor Party and the unions were essential in years gone by but were ruined when the communist party dominated the union affairs in the 1950's and 60's. Do you see the unions in recent times running to help an industry on their knees? No they would sooner winge about the closer and stick out their grubby hands for what ever they can get. One time it was a fair days work for a fair days pay. Not any more.

If every worker in this country had any love for their country instead of being lazy selfish ba*tard$, they would go back to working 40 hours per week at the same rate of weekly pay as their 36 hours,slightly less hourly rates, drop the holidays from 4 weeks to 3 weeks without the 17% loading and drop the weekend penalty rates. There are lots of workers in the hospitality who work weekends on roster at the same hourly rate of week days. 40 hours work a week never killed anyone.

Yes, I know I will get a blasting from the ASF lefties but I will include them in the selfish lazy ba$ta*d$ when they do.

Since when did love for your country equate with love for your employer?

The stats also refute your point. Australians work some of the longest hours in the developed world.

I'd prefer people to spend the time to raise their kids properly, play sport, get involved with local clubs and organisations, and be a member of the community, not just a worker in the community.

Because the research shows that wherever working hours increase in an area, volunteering rates decrease.

There are many facets to Australian life and culture. And I hope we never lose what actually makes this place great - people's commitment to a purposeful, rounded life that is beneficial to multiple areas.
Campbell Newman has only recently taken over the reins of Government in Queensland. He inherited an enormous economic mess from Anna Bligh’s Labor government, much as Tony Abbot will inherit the economic mess created by Rudd and Gillard if he wins government in September.

Newman has already taken significant steps to clean up the mess - steps that I believe will greatly benefit our state in the future.

In your opinion, IF....
* What has Newman done that you think he should not have done?
* What hasn’t Newman done that you think he should have done?


Was it you who voted against Howard and for Rudd? Or do I have you confused with some other ASF poster?

Newman as opposition leaders do made a lot of noise about how bad things are what he was gunna do to make it all better.

Basically he has done very little except bring in Costello to made over blown claims of the states debt position, bash homosexuals and increase the unemployment rate none of which will solve the states debt problems which I might point out is the same situations for each of the other corrupt lazy eastern seaboard states.

Queensland like the federal government is facing revenue short falls reality is he cannot do much at all.
Maybe the case over on the lazy eastern sates but here in WA I don't know single person / union member that works for any of those conditions / hours.

Maybe you would prefer the US model where the minimum wage is $9/hr and unemployment 9%, middle income rates less than in the 90's but corporate profits at just about all time highs.
Basically he has...increase the unemployment rate

I try to stay out of these political threads, but this is just a load of BS IF, and you know it!

Trimming the fat on a bloated public sector, which the public voted for in the election, then the militant unions do some marches through Brisbane because their members lost their jobs. Give me a break.

I'd also like the see how many people Gillard has working for her (her staff levels).

I bet you it'd be more than Howard had.

Mate, I was talking about an extra 2 to 4 hours per week.That would not hurt any worker if he was patriotic to his country. I was a salaried worker who was paid on results and the 50 to 60 hour a week I put into my job never killed me and some days were over 12 hours. I still found time to be an active member of Rotary and played squash three times a week.

I am a great Grand father and still working as it helps to stay me alive. I know people who retire at 55 an 60 who have retired and they deteriorate very quickly. I keep working as it help me to stay active.

So don't talk crap.
Noco, there is no such thing as unemployment, if you are prepared to work for nothing.

Feel free to work for nothing, but don't expect everybody to join you.

Maybe it would.

Maybe it's the difference between taking a son to footy training, or coaching a sports team. And not.

Long hours certainly have an impact on volunteers at the clubs I'm a part of.

And an extra few hours of work WOULD impact when we work some of the longest hours going around.

We have problems with underemployment as it is, so there isn't the work there to do at the moment.

Your argument doesn't stack up to the stats and facts.
I'd also like the see how many people Gillard has working for her (her staff levels).

I bet you it'd be more than Howard had.

Lets talk consultants

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Howard government spending on advertising is still the record as I understand it.

Taking inflation into account, commonwealth spending on consultants has plunged by 20 per cent over the past two years.

In 2006-07, its final full year in office, the Howard government spent $511m on consultancies. In today's dollars that would be $589m.
Well Ifocus, work choices, was Howards stuff up.

The 'misogyny' speach has stuffed Gillard.IMO

Only my thoughts, but I think she lost a lot of female voters with that

Australia isn't England, it was just a huge stuff up a hole she can't fill. Bad call, bad taste, bad

It would have to be one of the biggest miscalculations in our political history.
First female Prime Minister, goes feral on the opposition leader, who has daughters and female heads of staff.
Also in a country that has a strong pro female agenda thriving.
Dumb and Dumber, sums up this government.

Top post take +10.
Wel pilots, she said you will now see the real Julia.

I think most people have seen it as very, very nasty
Julia Gillard hates The Australian but she loves the Sydney Morning Herald. I wonder why?

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What a farce and insult to the Australian public, Gillard announces the election date and says it doesnt mean the campaign starts now, then immediately organises a 4 day stunt in Western Sydney with meetings and public events only attended by those screened so they wont throw things at her.

What a sick and cynical person we have as PM and note all her carefully trained lap dogs backing her every move as Governing not campaigning, well good, they are now clearly showing even the dullest in society that they are worthless intruders into Govt.

This country will be in decline if we dont get rid if this vermin quick smart.

Seven Newspoll shows 44% of voters in Western Sydney are less likely to vote Labor as a result of this brilliant piece of strategy by the mistress of poor judgement ....Gillard.
I heard that after the election Nicola Roxon will be retiring on $5,000 per week for life.

This report says $2.500

I think you will find that it will be indexed to CPI, for life. Also tax free and commences when she leaves parliament. No waiting till preservation age.

On another subject. I see Ross Gittins has finally handed out some praise to the coalition, must be a first for him.
Interesting observations from Ross Gittins. I can't help wondering with some of these journalists whether - once it becomes pretty obvious that Labor is dead in the water - they decide it's better to be on the winning side.
Perhaps that's unnecessarily cynical on my part. He says in part

I agree with him on this. Joe Hockey seems - along with his new physical image - to have exchanged his former light weight attitude and sometimes irresponsible comments for a measure of gravitas, something that's reassuring.

Let's hope he and his leader have the political courage to not succumb to too much vote buying, something imo the electorate won't say no to, but which they fundamentally despise. Tony Abbott has made a good start here in insisting the Coalition will abolish the School Kids Bonus.
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