Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Gillard Government

I wonder if she does take advice or is just so arrogant she makes all these decisions herself.
I'd be surprised if she were not acting on advice from her campaign manager, McTiernan. But his problem is that he's a Scotsman, unfamiliar until recently with Australian politics.
That said, it's pretty amazing that he (and Gillard herself) cannot see how much of a stunt this will appear to be to the electorate.

There is much to criticise about the Prime Minister, but for me, the most important aspect of this is her apparently endless capacity to underrate the intelligence of the voters. Does she really think the denizens of Western Sydney will suddenly imagine that she cares about them? I doubt it.
I'd be surprised if she were not acting on advice from her campaign manager, McTiernan. But his problem is that he's a Scotsman, unfamiliar until recently with Australian politics.
That said, it's pretty amazing that he (and Gillard herself) cannot see how much of a stunt this will appear to be to the electorate.

There is much to criticise about the Prime Minister, but for me, the most important aspect of this is her apparently endless capacity to underrate the intelligence of the voters. Does she really think the denizens of Western Sydney will suddenly imagine that she cares about them? I doubt it.

This has failure written all over it already, it's like Abbott always said..........she has no judgement.
I'd be surprised if she were not acting on advice from her campaign manager, McTiernan. But his problem is that he's a Scotsman, unfamiliar until recently with Australian politics.
That said, it's pretty amazing that he (and Gillard herself) cannot see how much of a stunt this will appear to be to the electorate.

There is much to criticise about the Prime Minister, but for me, the most important aspect of this is her apparently endless capacity to underrate the intelligence of the voters. Does she really think the denizens of Western Sydney will suddenly imagine that she cares about them? I doubt it.

I recently went back to U.K. I hadn't been there since I was 8 years old.
The HUGE difference I saw was the social class distinction, this runs through their fibre.
As I said in an earlier post, the Gillard spray on Abbott for sexism was outrageous, Australia has moved past that.
I don't know U.K has.:eek:
I think McTiernan got them on the same song sheet, it just wasn't the right one.
Tony's negative, Tony's to blame, Tony's a loser. Tony's got no policy, Tony's why we can't be a better government, Tony won't pass our agenda.
At the end of the day Tony is in opposition, best they focus on their achievements, however people saving like hell, probably indicates they won't believe them

Australians aren't dumb, that's why union membership is at an all time low.
Yet the government of the day are pandering to them, best of luck with that.:xyxthumbs
The pressure is building. This women is getting crazier and crazier.
Labor governing, not campaigning: Gillard
Mercy rule. How many more "I'm not stupid you know" 's can this PM take without tarnishing the high office of PM?

"There is an anti-Labor mood, but it is eminently recoverable," says our exalted former Premier Mr Carr to Fairfax Media. As NSW still struggles to recover from his leadership.

Bill Shorten show some compassion, and put an end to this comedy opera, which I'll stop short of calling Madame Butterfly.
yeah right - higher taxes to pay off labor's debts and their on-going massive boat arrival expenses. And Virgin losing profits over carbon tax: Selling the story of the carbon tax impost: Virgin’s half-year results

Our own electricity bill is 50% higher than this time last year and the only significant thing that has changed is carbon tax.

Stop telling porkies, IF...:rolleyes:

And less jobs? I thought Gillard is rapidly becoming the queen of people losing jobs? Read this: Long-term unemployment highest in two decades

Now, two decades ago would put the last unemployment as bad as this into labor's time. Looks like more porkies from you, IF? Are you paid to sprout this sort of propaganda?

Our friend IF has a prodigious talent for making wildly exaggerated claims that he can’t substantiate, as he demonstrated in another thread in which Calliope and I had lots of fun debating him.
We’ve just gotta make allowances for him.;)
Our friend IF has a prodigious talent for making wildly exaggerated claims that he can’t substantiate, as he demonstrated in another thread in which Calliope and I had lots of fun debating him.
We’ve just gotta make allowances for him.;)

Yeah, you are right, Bunyip...:D
Will try to make the necessary allowances!
The thing I’ve always found both amusing and pathetic is the way that Labor voters keep on believing the ALP is the party that looks after workers. (although to their credit, many Labor voters have seen the light by turning against the ALP in recent times.)
Yet there’s still a hard core of Labor diehards who persist in the misguided belief that if you’re a working person then Labor is the only party that will look after your best interests.
We see union boss Paul Howes on TV the other night sticking up for Gillard as if she’s some kind of messiah who’s the saviour of working people. He ripped into members of her government for turning against her, calling them ‘a bunch of gutless pricks’.
I just about burst out laughing when he declared in an unimpressive attempt at bravado...... “Prime minister – WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK”.
This clown Howes has been watching too many gangster movies – he seems to fancy himself and his union pals as some kind of Mafia style bodyguards! I get the impression that no matter what Labor does that hurts workers (and they’ve done plenty so far) Howes will still get that starry-eyed look of adulation wherever Gillard is concerned.

I’d love to see some rusted on Labor supporter explaining how the ALP is looking after workers by introducing tax burdens such as the carbon tax.
As this tax starts to bite we’re seeing companies being forced to tighten their belts by looking for cheaper ways of doing business, moving jobs offshore, closing down mines that are only marginally profitable, and so on. Not to mention the massive hikes in electricity prices, at least part of which is attributable to the carbon tax.
How these consequences of Labor's actions are of benefit to Australian workers is beyond me – maybe some Labor voter can explain it to me.
As much as I dislike Labor governments and Gillard in particular, today she took the commendable step of announcing 17 million dollars of federal funding for flood mitigation in the Queensland towns of Roma and Ipswich.
The skeptic in me wonders if she would have taken this step if we weren’t in an election year. Nevertheless, it’s a good move for these two flood-prone towns that have copped an absolute battering from floods in the last two years in particular, and many other years as well. Hopefully whichever government we have after September will keep this type of initiative going – there are many more flood-prone towns around Queensland and throughout Australia that can be given a fair measure of protection relatively cheaply if federal funds are made available for levee banks and such like.
As much as I dislike Labor governments and Gillard in particular, today she took the commendable step of announcing 17 million dollars of federal funding for flood mitigation in the Queensland towns of Roma and Ipswich.
The skeptic in me wonders if she would have taken this step if we weren’t in an election year. Nevertheless, it’s a good move for these two flood-prone towns that have copped an absolute battering from floods in the last two years in particular, and many other years as well. Hopefully whichever government we have after September will keep this type of initiative going – there are many more flood-prone towns around Queensland and throughout Australia that can be given a fair measure of protection relatively cheaply if federal funds are made available for levee banks and such like.
Gympie, which has flooded, I think, five times in less than two years, got nothing. It's a very safe National seat, so obviously she sees no point in wasting the money.

On the other hand some large amount is going to doing something at the Warrangamba Dam in Western Sydney, despite apparently, no special need there at present.

I wouldn't be too impressed with any notion that Ms Gillard has suddenly developed a warm and fuzzy regard for particular towns in Qld, bunyip.