Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Gillard Government

Gympie, which has flooded, I think, five times in less than two years, got nothing. It's a very safe National seat, so obviously she sees no point in wasting the money.

This year's Gympie floods would not have occurred if the Gillard government, in bed with the dam-hating Greens, hadn't scuttled the building of the flood mitigating Traveston dam on the Mary river on environmental grounds. So the people of Gympie can blame an ar$e-breathing frog for all their woes.:rolleyes:
It seems that Ms Gillard is, once again, copycatting the coalition's policies. Abbott no sooner brings out a discussion paper on developing the north which includes dams and within a couple of weeks, Gillard starts announcing dams. She knew about the floods in 2011 and didn't bother to do anything about it then.

Much like when Abbott announced a welfare policy some time ago, lo and behold, Gillard comes out with a modified version.

No wonder the coalition can't put their policies out early...and no wonder the labor supporters around here keep taunting for them...:rolleyes:
It seems that Ms Gillard is, once again, copycatting the coalition's policies. Abbott no sooner brings out a discussion paper on developing the north which includes dams and within a couple of weeks, Gillard starts announcing dams. She knew about the floods in 2011 and didn't bother to do anything about it then.

Much like when Abbott announced a welfare policy some time ago, lo and behold, Gillard comes out with a modified version.

No wonder the coalition can't put their policies out early...and no wonder the labor supporters around here keep taunting for them...:rolleyes:

I don't think it will make any difference, IMO this will be the biggest 'flogging' in history.
However, if I was Abbott I would give them nothing.
It was only last year they were asking the Australian public, to put forward ideas.:eek:
Gympie, which has flooded, I think, five times in less than two years, got nothing. It's a very safe National seat, so obviously she sees no point in wasting the money.

On the other hand some large amount is going to doing something at the Warrangamba Dam in Western Sydney, despite apparently, no special need there at present.

I wouldn't be too impressed with any notion that Ms Gillard has suddenly developed a warm and fuzzy regard for particular towns in Qld, bunyip.

Oh, I’m not getting too impressed, Julia, I can assure you. As I said, I wonder if she would have announced this if it wasn’t an election year. There have been a number of severe floods in these towns during Labor’s reign, but they choose now, an election year, to do something about it.
I think we’ve all seen enough of Gillard’s style to know that she usually has an ulterior motive. Nevertheless it’s a step in the right direction for two towns that are badly flood-prone, and I’m pleased to see Labor doing something worthwhile for a change – ulterior motive or not.
The thing I’ve always found both amusing and pathetic is the way that Labor voters keep on believing the ALP is the party that looks after workers. (although to their credit, many Labor voters have seen the light by turning against the ALP in recent times.)
Yet there’s still a hard core of Labor diehards who persist in the misguided belief that if you’re a working person then Labor is the only party that will look after your best interests.
We see union boss Paul Howes on TV the other night sticking up for Gillard as if she’s some kind of messiah who’s the saviour of working people. He ripped into members of her government for turning against her, calling them ‘a bunch of gutless pricks’.
I just about burst out laughing when he declared in an unimpressive attempt at bravado...... “Prime minister – WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK”.
This clown Howes has been watching too many gangster movies – he seems to fancy himself and his union pals as some kind of Mafia style bodyguards! I get the impression that no matter what Labor does that hurts workers (and they’ve done plenty so far) Howes will still get that starry-eyed look of adulation wherever Gillard is concerned.

I’d love to see some rusted on Labor supporter explaining how the ALP is looking after workers by introducing tax burdens such as the carbon tax.
As this tax starts to bite we’re seeing companies being forced to tighten their belts by looking for cheaper ways of doing business, moving jobs offshore, closing down mines that are only marginally profitable, and so on. Not to mention the massive hikes in electricity prices, at least part of which is attributable to the carbon tax.
How these consequences of Labor's actions are of benefit to Australian workers is beyond me – maybe some Labor voter can explain it to me.

Work Non Choices...............enough said
Work Non Choices...............enough said

Is that it?

I could write many lines of things I don't like about THIS brand labor (is it really labor or has it been hijacked?)...:rolleyes:

Almost 35,000 boat arrivals since labor took over (now how many policy failures is that by Gillard's own definition?)

$20 billion cash in bank in 2007 to $260 billion NOW in gross debt?

Our own electricity bill is now 50% higher than it was same time last year equating to several hundred more dollars each year in costs and the only significant change has been carbon tax.

Jobs being lost by the hundred at the moment (Rosella factory another casualty) and you are carrying on about work choices? At least people had jobs under work choices.

And that's only for starters...

Sorry Bunyip, but IF is being way too silly by far...:eek:
In a poll taken in four key western Sydney electorates by Fairfax Media/ReachTEL, the message could not be more stark. Voters want Rudd, and the seats could be saved if he became leader.

It is unheard of that safe Labor seats could go, Werriwa for example is Gough Whitlam's old seat.
...It raises the prospect of double-digit swings in NSW, sending even MPs on margins of 12 per cent to the jobless queues.

The devastating snapshot of voter sentiment comes before a five-day swing through marginal western Sydney electorates by the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, from Sunday and suggests life-long Labor voters in traditional ALP strongholds are prepared to dispatch her government.

In results certain to increase the pressure for a leadership change, the exclusive Fairfax Media/ReachTEL automated poll, taken in four safe Labor electorates in the city's sprawling west, has found much of Labor's collapse can be directly attributed to negative perceptions of Ms Gillard's leadership..
Is that it?

I could write many lines of things I don't like about THIS brand labor (is it really labor or has it been hijacked?)...:rolleyes:

Almost 35,000 boat arrivals since labor took over (now how many policy failures is that by Gillard's own definition?)

$20 billion cash in bank in 2007 to $260 billion NOW in gross debt?

Our own electricity bill is now 50% higher than it was same time last year equating to several hundred more dollars each year in costs and the only significant change has been carbon tax.

Jobs being lost by the hundred at the moment (Rosella factory another casualty) and you are carrying on about work choices? At least people had jobs under work choices.

And that's only for starters...

Sorry Bunyip, but IF is being way too silly by far...:eek:

I worked on both sides during work choices and it had by far the most insidious impact I have ever seen on work force in more than 40 years of my working life particularly UN-Australian.

Your precious Coalition will bring these laws in incrementally in the future for what? The benefit of working Australians, productivity increases?

Go to the US and tell me how well the middle class is doing...............yep they make less now than they did in the 90's stay tuned thats yours and your kids future coming to you soon.

Your claims on electricity charge increases are due to the Carbon Tax and not the state governments are at best unusual as the subject has been covered to death except of course by the extreme right wing press / blogs / Abbott and co.

I suspect unemployment is likely to have been no different under Howard than Labor but of course Howard didn't have the great recession and a very high Australian $ however Howard did have one of the biggest expansions in revenue and largest asset sales in the history of our federation still you would know all that.

If the corrupt East Coast of Australia stopped winging just for a second and did some real work for a change then who knows?
Nicholsons cartoon in The Australian recently says it all.

A condescending, patronising exercise by Julia Gillard, which demeans the people of Western Sydney.

And this, after she said she would govern and not electioneer until August.


Excuses excuses.

The point is IF, these cretins have made things very much worse than they need be.
Excuses excuses.

The point is IF, these cretins have made things very much worse than they need be.

I am just trying all be it not very well to add some balance to these threads, I am not that fussed about government's changing except that in this instance it will mean an Abbott PM which is very serious.

WA state government (Liberals / Nats) while a bunch of complete dunderheads actually haven't been to bad since Barney is really the government. Compared to the Eastern seaboard conservative governments who have really been non performers including Newman.

A friend the other day asked me if I and all our other friends were better off now than 6 years ago, I said we were all hugely better off now in wealth etc, he said I guess that makes Abbott a tosser.
If the corrupt East Coast of Australia stopped winging just for a second and did some real work for a change then who knows?

Yep, we’re all corrupt lazy whingeing bastards over here on the east coast! LOL
But then, I seem to recall you whining and whingeing about the Barnett government in maybe there’s a whinger or two in WA as well?

Never mind IF....when or if Tony Abbot gets in you or somebody else will probably start a thread titled ‘The Abbot Government’, and you lefties can get stuck into Abbot just like we’re getting stuck into Gillard!:)
I'd start the Abbott Government thread right now in expectation of the end of a very dark night, but the election is still 6-months away. Thats if Julia Gillard keeps her word or Labor don't throw her overboard in the meantime.

Two very big IF's.
Spend $500 million on 80,000 Australians needing palliative care.


Spend $8 billion on 8,000 illegal boat people.

Where would you like the government to spend your tax?
...Your precious Coalition...

Oh how silly is that...I just want this 'labor' government out. Nothing precious about the coalition at all - they will have their policies I won't like, but they are the ONLY alternative to the awful mess we have now.

I think labor has been hijacked. It is no longer the labor party of days gone by, imo.

IF, your feeble protests about work choices are going to fall on deaf ears of those who have lost their jobs because of carbon tax and other policies. While work choices wasn't perfect, at least people had jobs. I doubt very much the coalition would swing the pendulum so far that way again - although, of course, you will try to make it look like they will without a shred of substantiation that they will actually do so. And that's called propaganda...:D
IF, your feeble protests about work choices are going to fall on deaf ears of those who have lost their jobs because of carbon tax and other policies. While work choices wasn't perfect, at least people had jobs. I doubt very much the coalition would swing the pendulum so far that way again - although, of course, you will try to make it look like they will without a shred of substantiation that they will actually do so. And that's called propaganda...:D

Would certainly hope not.

Was working on a work choices contract for a few months.

Full time shift work, with 1 week annual leave per annum.

No such thing as night shift loading, as we were given an extra 20c an hour on our base rate. :rolleyes: