Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Gillard Government

I agree that Labor's claim to have greatly reduced tax for low income earners is twisting the truth, but I don't see the benefit of going back to a more complicated arrangement for no net change.

Surely it is clearer and simpler to have a higher threshold and remove the low income offset.
It would simplify things administratively.

In general terms, tax breaks at the bottom end are expensive to the govt bottom line. There aren't as many people in the upper income brackets, tax breaks to them are overall relatively inexpensive.

The increased threshold came with the carbon tax and the associated wealth redistribution agenda (their central agenda imho) of the Gillard Govt. The Abbott Govt-in-waiting promises to dismantle the carbon tax, so I doubt that the effective tax threshold will remain as high as $20,542, especially given the impulse to get the national books back in order.

I'd expect to hear a lot more about this from Labor during the election campaign, i.e. along the lines of..Coalition tax slugs low earners.

Transcript of pretty hard hitting interview with Ms Gillard by Ben Fordham who is apparently with 2GB.
(Hard to imagine she'll agree to another interview with him in future!):D

I don't think the interviews are going to get easier.:D

What do you make of of this?

I know it is a bit off topic, but it highlights how the superannuation benifits are a huge influence on politicians.
Newman as opposition leaders do made a lot of noise about how bad things are what he was gunna do to make it all better.

Basically he has done very little except bring in Costello to made over blown claims of the states debt position, bash homosexuals and increase the unemployment rate none of which will solve the states debt problems

How has Costello bashed homosexuals?
How do you know he made over-blown claims about the state's debt?
On what basis do you claim Costello was brought in to increase the unemployment rate?


IFocus – I’m a little disappointed that two or three days after I asked you these questions, you still haven’t answered them. What’s the problem – are these questions too hard for you?
I said recently that you have a talent for making wildly exaggerated claims that you can’t substantiate.
Are we seeing another example of this in your failure to answer these questions?

Come on, my friend – you’ve made some pretty hard-hitting statements in claiming that Newman brought Costello in to bash homosexuals, make overblown claims about Queensland’s debt situation, and increase the unemployment rate. If these claims have any substance then it should be a simple matter for you to back them up with solid argument and sound reasoning to substantiate your views.
Let’s see if you’re up to it.
Or did you just say the first silly thing that came into your head, without first thinking it you’ve done so many times before on this and other threads?
Even Richo is baffled.
"..She could find time for a dinner with the mummy bloggers who seem increasingly influential but she failed to do the obvious. Particularly for a Labor leader, the chance to dine in the bistro with ordinary punters you would have thought would be one not to miss. An $8 chicken schnitzel with the mob while sipping a cool beer would seem to be a no-brainer. Not for our Julia, though…"
IFocus – I’m a little disappointed that two or three days after I asked you these questions, you still haven’t answered them. What’s the problem – are these questions too hard for you?
I said recently that you have a talent for making wildly exaggerated claims that you can’t substantiate.
Are we seeing another example of this in your failure to answer these questions?

Come on, my friend – you’ve made some pretty hard-hitting statements in claiming that Newman brought Costello in to bash homosexuals, make overblown claims about Queensland’s debt situation, and increase the unemployment rate. If these claims have any substance then it should be a simple matter for you to back them up with solid argument and sound reasoning to substantiate your views.
Let’s see if you’re up to it.
Or did you just say the first silly thing that came into your head, without first thinking it you’ve done so many times before on this and other threads?

The Costello comment was only meant to be about over blowing the debt issue the rest is related to the Newman government which has been through the news.

Drop the personalizations its not appreciated.

Transcript of pretty hard hitting interview with Ms Gillard by Ben Fordham who is apparently with 2GB.
(Hard to imagine she'll agree to another interview with him in future!):D

I listened to the full interview linked to from the Michael Smith blog. She agreed to follow the interview guidelines set by Ben, saying that was the way she always conducted interviews. One of the guidelines was; "ditch that practice that so many politicians use when they don’t answer the specific question and they rattle on for a few minutes about other stuff". In her response to the first question, she ignored the question and proceeded to rattle on about other stuff. This was par for the whole interview. She just lies so consistently now that she probably isn't even aware of it. It is second nature to her.

Kudos to Ben on an excellent interview. He was persistent but never lost his cool, unlike Gillard who seemed to be looking for an opportunity towards the end to find insult and terminate prematurely. Ben could certainly teach those so called seasoned veterans in the press gallery a thing or two. Most are beyond useless.

It must be obvious to everyone by now that she was not present when Blewitt signed the power of attorney document. If I understand correctly, this is a criminal offence with up to 10 years of imprisonment if she made a false declaration as seems to be the case. The fact that this issue is still at the periphery of news worthiness is a sad indictment of the quality of Australian journalism.
The Costello comment was only meant to be about over blowing the debt issue the rest is related to the Newman government which has been through the news.


Then maybe you should say what you actually mean.

And in regard to your claim about Newman bringing in Costello to overblow Queensland’s debt situation – on what basis do you make such a claim?
Then maybe you should say what you actually mean.

And in regard to your claim about Newman bringing in Costello to overblow Queensland’s debt situation – on what basis do you make such a claim?

One of the experts is funded by unions but his numbers are correct.

Queensland's Peter Costello 'audit' trashed by experts

Both analyses conclude that the Costello report focuses almost exclusively on the liabilities side of the Queensland balance sheet while understating assets, at the same time as shifting the goalposts when it comes to accounting standards to inflate the size of the problem.

As Prof Walker notes: "In fact employee expenses have remained fairly stable over an 11-year period if expressed as a percentage of total expenses in the range of 34 to 38 per cent, peaking at 38 per cent in 2005-06 and falling to 35 per cent in 2010-11."
Try this as a more balanced critique to Queensland politics from the Australian no less

Peter Costello's Queensland budget audit report may hobble Campbell Newman's government

Unfortunately, for his side of politics, Costello may have also condemned the new Liberal National Party government to a life of cutting and burning, his audit report having attacked Labor so much that only a recalcitrant Premier Campbell Newman would not implement its recommendations in full.

The report is full of damning one-liners, of how the previous Labor government was so irresponsible and reckless, but endeavours to be all black-and-white when there are various shades of grey in government spending. Political context would have been useful, too.

This is damming of most claims

Labor, nonetheless, won that election too, and then embarked on a series of budget reforms marked by an unheralded privatisation program and the abolition of a fuel subsidy, both of which contributed to the downfall of the Bligh government this year.

Ironically, had Labor lost the 2009 election, the LNP would have taken much the same path as the Bligh government, and probably lost power this year.

The Costello report almost endorses the strategy undertaken by Labor and opposed by voters, even if the public backlash was more a result of the lack of consultation.

As I said Newman wont have the revenue

Newman has the nickname Can-Do, but perhaps that should be Can't Afford.
IFocus, don't want to get into Queensland politics, I know sod all about them.

How do you reckon the W.A election will go?
Labor and the unions have thrown $hit loads of money and the kitchen sink at it.

I think McGowan has done a great job, do you think it was enough?
I just love how everyone is paying out on Newman, for reducing the public service.
How can any government reduce spending without reducing public service?
How can the 'normal Australian familly' reduce spending without less excess?
We can all keep spending more than we earn, then we can be like the 'basket cases of europe'.
Some time, someone has to pay the piper.
IFocus, don't want to get into Queensland politics, I know sod all about them.

How do you reckon the W.A election will go?
Labor and the unions have thrown $hit loads of money and the kitchen sink at it.

I think McGowan has done a great job, do you think it was enough?

Barnett should stroll in which I don't mind I think over all he has done well and is respected by most but he is carrying the government on his shoulders so I hope his health holds up for the term.

McGowan has run a good campaign if he loses only a couple of seats that would be a good result IMHO.
Barnett should stroll in which I don't mind I think over all he has done well and is respected by most but he is carrying the government on his shoulders so I hope his health holds up for the term.

McGowan has run a good campaign if he loses only a couple of seats that would be a good result IMHO.

I agree with you,.

I really think the gas hub at James Price point is pivotal to the development of WA.

If Barney can't pull it off, we are going to end up being a wasteland.IMO
One of the experts is funded by unions but his numbers are correct.

Queensland's Peter Costello 'audit' trashed by experts

Thanks for explaining how you arrived at your view. It took you long enough to do it, but better late than never I guess.

You made a pretty strong statement is saying that Newman brought in Costello to overblow Queensland’s debt situation. Strong statements on public forums should be backed by something to support them, otherwise people are naturally going to challenge you to back up what you said.