Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Gillard Government

Everyone is talking about the dying of shame comments but Abbott took some serious hits over his image of standing in front of the rallies with the nasty sexiest placards behind him which I thought were more damaging.

Gillards speech received world wide coverage unlike Abbott's

Yes it cetainly did, by the lunatic fringe.
Mum and dad voters in Aus don't go much for, grandstanding by bad mouthing, her union background is coming to the fore.
As for the rest of them, they really are a piece of work, they wouldn't be out of place in a 'Mad Max' movie.
Actually if you put the Labor party in a bunch of bush buggies, they would make a great cast.LOL,LOL

This isn't a government, it is a bunch of goons trying to run a country as if it was sub branch of a union.
Absolutely bloody disgracefull, they are a joke living a joke at our expense. It is time someone called' time' on this fiasco.
Bloody Windsor, Oakeshott and Wilkie are compliant in this joke. Bring on the election.:cry:
Abbott always has that smart ar_e smirk on his face.

Watch him, his eyes tell a different story to his mouth.

If you trust him, you are fooled.
Abbott always has that smart ar_e smirk on his face.

Watch him, his eyes tell a different story to his mouth.

If you trust him, you are fooled.

Well at least he shows his dislike for the goon show. Maybe you should focus on Swan if you want to see a smirk from a gormless shell.LOL
Or like Gillard said, get a mirror.LOL
Well at least he shows his dislike for the goon show. Maybe you should focus on Swan if you want to see a smirk from a gormless shell.LOL
Or like Gillard said, get a mirror.LOL

You know what pisses me off on ASF, it is when people laugh at their own "attempted" jokes.

Look in the mirror before you open your mouth.
You know what pisses me off on ASF, it is when people laugh at their own "attempted" jokes.

Look in the mirror before you open your mouth.

I have done Macquack and guess what, there is too many voters out there to drop bags of bolts on.LOL
A leader should unite, not divide. Smear is no substitute for policy.

Another Fairfax journo probably cleaning out his desk.
It would be a pity if that were to happen. The only chance Fairfax has of saving itself from oblivion is to offer readers some genuine competition with News Ltd papers in the form of commentary that does not come undiluted from the Left.

Everyone is talking about the dying of shame comments but Abbott took some serious hits over his image of standing in front of the rallies with the nasty sexiest placards behind him which I thought were more damaging.
Never mind that Mr Abbott has said he had no knowledge of what was going on behind him (does he now have eyes in the back of his head?) and has thoroughly denounced the message on the placards?
How about a bit of genuine objectivity, IF, in the form of acknowledging Mr Abbott's counter to this now very tired accusation?
Probably too much to ask, I guess.

Gillards speech received world wide coverage unlike Abbott's
No matter that it was quoted devoid of any background, i.e. Slipper's revolting remarks and the government's support of him despite this. Certainly would have detracted from the headlines to offer Gillard's astonishing level of hypocrisy, wouldn't it!
Gillards speech received world wide coverage unlike Abbott's

I followed it on Twitter for a while and it was clear that there was some sort of concerted effort to propagate Gillard's section of the speech. Links to the speech were accompanied by comments such as "PM give misogynist his comeuppance" or "Misogynist sinks down in chair as he gets a deserved roasting from PM". I believe it was a concerted effort as these same comments were being retweeted over and over and there were perhaps less than 1% of comments negative to Gillard. I doubt very much if that ratio was achieved without some sort of coordination, perhaps by the same groups that are using social media to attack Jones.

Those abroad, unfamiliar with Australian politics, would just accept the comments as being representative of what happened. In that context, the speech would appear to be powerful oratory.

Those of us who are familiar with the situation know it was just a disgraceful childish dummyspit that brought shame on the office of PM. Instead of showing Abbott up to be a misogynist, she just showed herself to be a misandrist, at least in relation to male political opponents.
You have done it again:banghead::banghead::banghead:

By your own admission, this is not a laughing matter.

Having a dope replaced by a bigger dope.

Actually Maquack, what I was alluding to was the government is full of high ranking trade union people. Who performed very well, when there was a common enemy.
Put them in charge of the economy, where there isn't an enemy, just a common goal for all and they are thrashing around trying to find an enemy.
Everyone is fair game, the opposition, the greens(who we were in bed with), your all sexist, you miners can pay more, how about that carbon tax thing, the greeny people were talking about. Come on we must be able to pay for this crap. We only have to hang in for another 12 months, throw up some distractions.
Jeez talk about no direction. I won't say LOL, because it upsets you, but it does make me laugh.

Why doesn't Labor call an election?

Everyone reaches their level of incompetence, this government reached it at the last election. Now they have moved on to compounding the level of incompetence, by continueing in office.
They are to blame and people will look back on this as a period of government where the politicians put themselves before the people.IMO
Fair enough sptrawler, can't argue with that.

The question as to why Labor does not call an election is obvious, they are in power.
Fair enough sptrawler, can't argue with that.

The question as to why Labor does not call an election is obvious, they are in power.

But jeez Maquack, it has all become disfunctional. At some stage the government if it believes it has the support of the people for its policy. It would say enough is enough, lets have a vote on it.
The only benefit in dragging out the election, is for the ones that the people don't want.
If as Gillard says everyone hates Abbott, why not call an election and cement her position in government?
If as Gillard says everyone hates Abbott, why not call an election and cement her position in government?

Even though Abbott is disliked more than Gillard does not mean the Labor Party will win, it wont.

This reminds me of the often put argument that the GST was put to the electorate, so therefore had majority support. I don't buy this "mandate" argument. The Liberal party was the best alternative at that point, but that did not mean that it had "carte blanche" support for all its policies. I reckon if the GST had been put to a referendum, it would have failed.
Even though Abbott is disliked more than Gillard does not mean the Labor Party will win, it wont.

This reminds me of the often put argument that the GST was put to the electorate, so therefore had majority support. I don't buy this "mandate" argument. The Liberal party was the best alternative at that point, but that did not mean that it had "carte blanche" support for all its policies. I reckon if the GST had been put to a referendum, it would have failed.

I agree with you, however the gst and the resultant reduction in personal income tax, was a positive. It was too easy for the rich to pay no tax by running everything through the company. With the gst they had to pay some tax.
I feel it would have been better if they had made it more broad based. That would have been better than the carbon tax, which is too much of an impost on manufacturing at this point in time.
Even though Abbott is disliked more than Gillard does not mean the Labor Party will win, it wont.

This reminds me of the often put argument that the GST was put to the electorate, so therefore had majority support. I don't buy this "mandate" argument. The Liberal party was the best alternative at that point, but that did not mean that it had "carte blanche" support for all its policies. I reckon if the GST had been put to a referendum, it would have failed.
John Howard absolutely went to that election on a platform of introducing the GST.
If you objected to it, obviously you wouldn't vote Liberal.
Hardly appropriate to suggest people didn't know it was going to happen.
The women of Australia would rightly be very disappointed in Julia Gillard, the Labor party and especially the other female members of that party.

Here was an opportunity to further the feminist cause and to make a statement against a known misogynist by voting him out of a high position in the parliament.

The Labor party as a whole, including all those female members, not only did not kick him out but they actually supported him.

They supported a misogynist!

What were they thinking? Why did they not vote to kick this person out?

It would now be untenable (or at least very difficult) for female voters to vote for Julia Gillard, especially if they were feminists.

I feel sorry for your disappointment.
Rob Oakeshott, looked like he didn't know wether to cry or throw up on lateline tonight.

Yes, agree. I did think his comments were balanced and reasonable, though. Especially in terms of allowing Slipper to prepare his family.