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The Gillard Government

Some amusingly facetious advice for politicians from "The Punch":

With no excuse now for GFC, labor's spending sprees have continued to rise during last quarter.

Full article: Spending drives record deficit

Below is a chart from the same article in the Australian:


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With no excuse now for GFC, labor's spending sprees have continued to rise during last quarter.

Full article: Spending drives record deficit

Below is a chart from the same article in the Australian:

This Gillard Labor Government have no idea how to manage the economy. You don't spend more than you receive except of course if you keep on borrowing $1million a day. But sooner or later it has to be paid back. By whom? You and me I guess.
This was on the news this morning and, on the surface, seems quite bizarre given our own rising debt levels.
What am I missing? How do labor supporters feel about this?
Are you guys happy with the way the Gillard government is spending?

Full article: Australia will spend $500m to upgrade Indonesian schools

Australia will spend $500 million building 2000 new schools in Indonesia in an effort to improve the prospects of Indonesia's youth and moderate the influence of the country's religious schools

The above photo from the SMH article shows Julia Gillard with Dr Yudhoyono.
She appears very carefree about dishing out taxpayers funds and yet he has a quizzical and somewhat disparaging look on his face.
Far cheaper to educate moderates than it is to police radicals.

Mofra, I understand that you are saying that this is supposed to help with our security. Sadly, it takes only a dedicated few to wipe out or maim thousands of people. IMO, giving education to some won't deal with the extremists who are not likely to attend these more moderate types of schools in the first place.

Even here in Australia, Muslims prefer to send their kids to their own schools. So why they would want it any different in their own countries?

It sounds a bit like the carbon tax issue where a good deal of financial pain for Aussie citizens would make the smallest difference to the problem (if it exists). It seems an extraordinary expense to Australia for very little apparent purpose.

I take it you are OK with our tax dollars being spent this way?
Far cheaper to educate moderates than it is to police radicals.

I agree, but can we ensure that the money goes to where we want it. Indonesia, from what I have read, is one of the most corrupt societies in the world. Will the money just get wasted on cronies or replace funds that would have been allocated to schooling in any case, but now gets directed elsewhere, as we have effectively footed part of that cost.
Sails, Mofra is probably right. It's likely money well spent.

President Yudhoyono won't be saying no, of course, and maybe regards it as some 'persuasion' toward securing his co-operation on the so called regional processing centre, something I doubt we will ever see.

This article by Greg Sheridan in today's "The Australian", sums up Ms Gillard's rather undistinguished Asian sojourn.

Has any new prime minister ever had an initial Southeast Asian tour quite so forlorn as this?

So where does the money come from? Is she going to increase her borrowings to $200 million per day. OMG.
So where does the money come from? Is she going to increase her borrowings to $200 million per day. OMG.

Where does any of the money come from???

But the three big E's education, education and education is the only real solution to the planet's problems. Good one j u l i y a.

Finally, someone in parliament is using their brains.

I think our money is given to them as a sweetener rather than with any expectation that the money will be used for any useful purpose. They will have watched our BER program with interest and act accordingly.

Hopefully the money will line the pockets of friendly Indonesians and not terrorists.
The above photo from the SMH article shows Julia Gillard with Dr Yudhoyono.
She appears very carefree about dishing out taxpayers funds and yet he has a quizzical and somewhat disparaging look on his face.

Rubbish, looks like he tried the hard word and she is not that interested, and on that he is amazed.
So Gillard has returned from her first foray as PM into S.E. Asia. And after her duckwalking across the world stage closely followed by her hairdresser what has this frumpy bogan achieved? When asked, what she was doing all she could reiterate was "to further share information and continue the dialogue."

She kept muttering about some meaningless proposal for off-shore processing asylum seekers without having a clue as to how this would stop the arrivals. Her "girlish charms" failed to impress the The Malayan or Indonesian leaders, nor did her logic. A singular stupidity was her attempt to lecture other states on human rights.

Her achievements? :dunno:

There was no knock back. He got 500 mil.

Yeh, but he definitely does not believe it.

Anyway grass is a lot cheaper over there, so maybe we can have high school student exchange and take the burden off the working parents a bit, what with interest rates goinupanall.
Where does any of the money come from???

But the three big E's education, education and education is the only real solution to the planet's problems. Good one j u l i y a.

Finally, someone in parliament is using their brains.

Yeah, so long as it's in Aus. It a pity somebody didn't educate Jooliar. All she knows is brain washed SPIN,SPIN,SPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rubbish, looks like he tried the hard word and she is not that interested, and on that he is amazed.

EXPLOD, CAN YOU BE A BIT MORE EXPLICIT. I think she is trying to sweeten old Bang Bang up to get her out of trouble with the boat people.
I don't think she would put the hard word with Timmy beside her.
Sails, you can't simply paint all muslims with the same brush as it appears in the second paragraph. If a condition of funding is that both males & females are given the same curriculum (as I understand they are) and that moderate Islam is to be taught, than it can only be a positive in avoiding a vacuum in essential services - the exact vacuum that the Taliban are exploiting amongst the Pushtun peoples in Pakistan & Afganistan by providing medical care and education to win over the population.

It also should be considered that Indonesia is an extremely crowded archipeligo, and that is combined with a birthrate that far exceeds Australia's. The most striking indicator of birthrate in developing countries is the level of female education in relation to the male population. Boosting education opportunities for the population as a whole is likely to have such follow on effects.

In addition, Australia's proportionate spend of foreign aid is currently below the UN recommended level (I would need to confirm). I would not be surprised if the monies allocated to Indonesia are designated as Foreign Aid in a ploy to increase the chances of a seat at the UN Security council by upping a spending closer to the required level.

I'd much rather $500m be spent on benefitting ties with a close neighbour than, say, handing money to the inept NSW Gov to allocate to schools or on pink batts.
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