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The Abbott Government

I guess we will have to wait and see who right and who is wrong...Time will tell and there is another 16 months to go.
I hope you recover well Noco. It must be a shocked you to think the ticker was malfunctioning.

Besides we can't have the champion of the Bourgeoisie out of action with the Proletariat constantly trying to destroy the system.

Tisme...thanks for your kind thoughts and your snide remarks....I guess one sort of counteracts the other.
I guess we will have to wait and see who right and who is wrong...Time will tell and there is another 16 months to go.

It ain't pretty in coal land. Unless India really does ramp up demand there's no turning around the continuing falls in consumption. The Chinese Govt knows it has to cut consumption to start getting pollution under control.

Probably easier to burn your money than invest in coal.
Tisme...thanks for your kind thoughts and your snide remarks....I guess one sort of counteracts the other.

Well it wasn't meant to be snide, but take it as you may.
I guess we will have to wait and see who right and who is wrong...Time will tell and there is another 16 months to go.

There was quite a detailed discussion about this issue on the ABC the other week. The oracle involved had accurately predicted the price tracking for the last decade and was expecting downward trending
I'm waiting for a 12 flag conference from Tony to explain why his predictions of an Olympic Dam renaissance have turned out to be so wrong.

Wasn't it just the carbon and resource taxes that were stopping BHP was going ahead?

That was before the aftershock of the GFC that didn't happen here and Labor spent Howard's magic pudding.
I think it is time for Abbott to go...If he does not consider his position, then others may decide it for him......He must now seriously think of the consequences to the his party and Australia in general for time has run out....

It is no good being a well educated good bloke if he cannot sell his policies and the biased Labor media is not helping him.

Scott Morrison is the man who must become the Liberal Party leader before Xmas....Morrison has proved himself to be efficient, he has the expertise to handle the media and can handle any roll he has to play.

They are all tarred with the same brush as far as I'm concerned. Whoever takes over will need to provide not just a new face but a more digestible policy set than what they have come up with so far.

Policies are generally the result of Cabinet decisions and all the current Cabinet have to take responsibility for the mess they are in.

When did the mess start and who by?...You whistle and I will point.
When did the mess start and who by?...You whistle and I will point.

When does the Abbott government have to finally start owning things? 2 years on and you still blame labor.

Tens of millions spent on various enquiries and each time the govt had stepped back and basically said this is a report for the government, not by the government.

What meaningful reform has Abbott proposed for the next 12 months? Can't change CGT, NG, super. I'm sure there's more captain picks blocking possible reform as well.

When did the mess start and who by?...You whistle and I will point.

Hockey had a lot to do with it with his hypocrisy and ill thought out Budget, Pyne with his education fiasco, Kevin Andrews who couldn't handle Health, that dill who I can't even remember his name who said that we couldn't build canoes here.

And if Morrison did such a good job in border protection, why was he moved ?

Morrison had completed his job and was moved to a more important portfolio of social security.

Andrews did not have health...Peter Dutton was health minister at the time and was then transferred to Immigration...

Don't forget, Labor had 3 Immigration Ministers during the Rudd/Gillard debacle on border protection....Burke, Bowen and and that other ex union hack.

And that dill of a shadow treasurer,Chris Bowen did not know the taxation threshold of $18,000 which the Labor set and that dill of a Premier in Queensland Palszczuk did not know what the GST % was.

Under the Green/Labor socialists we could not build a sub...overpriced....behind on schedule ......they did not work....had to spend millions on modifications...

And that dill Shoirten was asked about some legislation on IR and he was waiting to see the details before commenting, something which Labor had already approved.

Brendon O'connor was the other Labor Party immigration Minister.....I am not sure which one was the worst.
My gosh. More deals witht eh grubby greens / sarc

Maybe the Abbott Govt can only do something when pushed and shoved by anohter political party?
Whispers from Canberra are that the Abbott faction is out to eliminate the threat of the alternative leader in waiting and using the gay marriage issue to do it. I doubt the now ghostly Malcolm has the chutzpah to pop his head up.
Whispers from Canberra are that the Abbott faction is out to eliminate the threat of the alternative leader in waiting and using the gay marriage issue to do it. I doubt the now ghostly Malcolm has the chutzpah to pop his head up.

Yes, but Abbott needed the blockhead Nationals to do it.

I doubt if that strengthens his support in the Liberal party room.
Yes, but Abbott needed the blockhead Nationals to do it.

I doubt if that strengthens his support in the Liberal party room.

Both of them look like they are locked in a race to see who can look the most venerable and crusty by years end. They are both rapidly display signs of premature aging, and I don't think "Just for Men" is going to cut it anymore.
Is this a disastrous weeks for the Libs or what? As usual it is the PMs decisions - biased judges, (like the Speaker), global warming decisions, poor handling of gay marriage issue, no direction on the economy. Surely the MPs can see the writing on the wall!! If they go the next election with this guy with the capabilities of a student union politician in charge this will be the biggest drubbing in history.

Yeah even the cynical Canberra press are crystal balling dead men walking. This govt will hardly be remembered for much anything really.
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