Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Abbott Government

Philosophy... I hope Abbott tells the US sorry, but you made that 'bed' we're not going to lie in it with you.
So no expectation ever that if Australia is threatened from any source our American allies will step in to help?

Oh Lord! You really believe that?

What is not obvious to Cassidy or you is that politicians entitlements are part and parcel of remuneration for their services. The argument is over the nature and scope of those entitlements.

Hockey's age of entitlement refers to welfare "entitlements".

There is a fundamental and quantum difference between the two, that the Cassidy numbskull has ignored in his rush to petty, petulant, puerile nitpicking.

Intellectual dishonesty at best and imbecilism combined with intellectual dishonesty at worst.

There is no honour is this pathetic slagging.... bad show and well beneath the purported morality of Labor.
I'm not sure that the public perceives it as nitpicking. Your average taxpayer is more likely to feel "hell, we pay them plenty with their base salaries, electorate allowances and other benefits: why on earth would they feel the need to wring from us such paltry sums, the rightness of which is questionable at best?"

I don't think it's about the money at all. It rather goes to the public perception of politicians being in it for pure self interest, even down to these shameful rip offs of their allowances. Just completely unnecessary and it further exacerbates the negative image of politicians in the collective eye of the electorate.

That motorist fanatic will no doubt go back to labor in the senate.
Who would know? He has failed to explain any policy other than an enthusiasm for tramping over the environment in oversized machines.

I note he has threatened to not pass any bills, not even abolition of the mining and carbon tax if Tony doesn't give him more resources. This is going to get nastier before it gets better.
Agree. You made this point earlier, Whiskers, and you're almost certainly correct.
It will be very interesting to see how Mr Abbott handles Mr Palmer.
Lets debate the integrity of this Coalition front bench and its Prime-minister. :rolleyes:

What as opposed to the integrity of the last government and its front bench, or should I say carousel.

Or maybe the prime ministers, 'jack the knife' or would the be jack and jackie the knife.:D
Christmas Island administrator believes Labor's PNG deal has discouraged asylum seeker boats

Christmas Island's administrator Jon Stanhope has credited Labor's Papua New Guinea deal for a dramatic reduction in asylum seeker boat arrivals, even though he is uncomfortable with the policy.

Mr Stanhope says since the policy was introduced in July, the number of boat arrivals has gone from about five a week to just one.
The PM has been doing a jolly good job since the election.

But, he's got to feed the chooks! Can't afford to let the chooks run riot for too long.

Lord knows what damage they'll end up doing.

I can detect a mood of optimism in the community.

Apparently not by the poll, gg.

I think it's still the aroma in the air of the Champaign from the fanatical far right parties you can detect. :D
Christmas Island administrator believes Labor's PNG deal has discouraged asylum seeker boats
He's really compassionate. :banghead:

He would rather see more asylum seekers as shark food in preference to stopping the boats.

But he is highly critical of his own party's handling of the issue and its current policy position, even though it appears to be working.

"Is that the indicator of success that any asylum seeker that gets to Australia is immediately deported? Or is a key performance indicator or an indicator of success that you acted with compassion, that you acted with humanity?"

Mr Stanhope says many within Labor are uncomfortable with the party's policy and he is hoping the new leader - to be announced on Sunday - will change tack.

There's also the little issue of Labor wrecking the china shop in the first place and then adopting a partial quick fix totally against their own ideology to suit them in an election campaign.
Is this the future under Abbott I hope not I think its well and truly over stepping the mark.

Queensland Government plans CMC power boost to crack organised crime gangs

The Queensland Government is under fire for introducing tough new laws that will increase the coercive powers of the state's crime watchdog.

In the wake of a very public bikie brawl on the Gold Coast, the Government has been talking tough about bikie gangs and vowing to pull out all stops to rid the state of them.

The LNP Government will introduce a raft of legislative measures to Parliament next week, including a move to beef up the powers of the Crime and Misconduct Commission's so-called star chamber.
I can detect the last desperate bleatings of the Elites and New Class removed from their top down policies and positions.

It is now time for the workers under a Workers Party , the Coalition , to again find greatness in our country.

Jobs, Housing, Infrastructure and Secure Borders are better than a cirrus of brainfarts from leftie professors parachuted in to a Labor/Green government in 2006.

I think it's still the aroma in the air of the Champaign from the fanatical far right parties you can detect. :D

Wrong again.:rolleyes:

Champaign is a city in Champaign County, Illinois, United States. The city is located 135 miles south of Chicago, 124 miles west of Indianapolis, Indiana, and 178 mi northeast of St. Louis, Missouri. Wikipedia
So no expectation ever that if Australia is threatened from any source our American allies will step in to help?

The US has got too much satellite monitoring and surveillance invested in Aus to allow us to be invaded. Tony just needs to uncross his placating and patronising wires and do a 'Yudhoyono' and she'll be sweet.

Who would know? He has failed to explain any policy other than an enthusiasm for tramping over the environment in oversized machines.

Yeah... I think this guy is literally a ring-in! Just the tonic for people to advocate electoral reform.

With any sort of bounce for Labor it will likely go to them next time... assuming someone does something about the above the line preference thing.

This guy knows he's only here for one term at most and will vote against anything that even smells like electoral reform cos he knows it could get him tossed out sooner than 6 years, esp in a DD. The irony is Tony would welcome that as part of a trigger for a DD to cleanse him and gain control the senate. The problem for Tony is the LNP only needs a swing against them of 1.8% to loose all their new house of reps seats, and maybe a senator or two back to Labor or Greens.

Abbott has to keep improving his 'popularity' to dictate terms in parliament. He can't afford to go backwards or PUP will have great joy in withholding support, fail to pass any bills, to demand more of what Palmer wants and daring him to call a DD where he'll likely give back some of the marginal seats just gained... if not loose them all if people see that he is not more credible than Labor and or can't stand up to Palmer..

Although the hope from the defeat of Labor was stable predictable government... I fear too many may be celebrating too much, too early.
Although the hope from the defeat of Labor was stable predictable government... I fear too many may be celebrating too much, too early.
What you fear is that they'll do a better job than Labor.

If the early indications on boat arrivals is any guide, they will and by a big margin.
Wrong again.:rolleyes:

Champaign is a city in Champaign County, Illinois, United States. The city is located 135 miles south of Chicago, 124 miles west of Indianapolis, Indiana, and 178 mi northeast of St. Louis, Missouri. Wikipedia

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." :xyxthumbs

“Smartass is a latent idiot.”
― Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

“When there is no distraction, there is clarity.”
― Lorii Myers



“Love shouldn’t require Windex to be clear. It either is or it isn’t.”
― Mandy Hale

What you fear is that they'll do a better job than Labor.

If the early indications on boat arrivals is any guide, they will and by a big margin.

What I fear is the electorate is saying Abbott is talking the talk, but NOT walking the walk!.. he's a bit of a bull in a china shop... and we'll still have a hell of a ba!!sed up economy as the inevitable slowdown hits us again and quite possibly sending us into recession this time with no capital or income to prop it up for awhile, and the risk of an early election and gift the government back to Shorton!

All the boat arrivals are indicative of is a significant slowing after Rudd did the deal with PNG, and the weather being rough of late as evidenced by the break up of a few boats just out of Indonesia. One needs to read between the lines a bit and give credit where credit is due. I suspect the main reason Abbott is keeping a closed door on the details of boat arrivals is he realises an aggressive approach at sea will reflect in a drop in popularity by albeit a small minority, but enough to change the tide of his poll support.

What the announcement of a once a week bit-sa briefing did is immediately sent up a red flag... 'watch this space for something we don't want you to know'.

What would be better from a public perspective popularity view is to have left the 'details of arrivals' press or web release as it happens like before and just do what they have to do at sea anyway, quietly, while everyone is absorbing the media releases. He could have done with some tactical advice from the military in how to run covert operations... but I suppose when you have a legacy of talking tough, you just can't help yourself.

I think you will find a lot of the electorate could live with the boats and carbon tax, with stable Labor leadership, if they feel the alternative is going to be worse, as in morphing into a big L Lib government again.

That's the bottom line, the electorate has never really warmed to Abbott. He got support by default, not charisma. He has to work a bit smarter in government to make peoples lives better to hold onto and gain on that support.
What I fear is the electorate is saying Abbott is talking the talk, but NOT walking the walk!.. he's a bit of a bull in a china shop... and we'll still have a hell of a ba!!sed up economy as the inevitable slowdown hits us again and quite possibly sending us into recession this time with no capital or income to prop it up for awhile, and the risk of an early election and gift the government back to Shorton!

All the boat arrivals are indicative of is a significant slowing after Rudd did the deal with PNG, and the weather being rough of late as evidenced by the break up of a few boats just out of Indonesia. One needs to read between the lines a bit and give credit where credit is due. I suspect the main reason Abbott is keeping a closed door on the details of boat arrivals is he realises an aggressive approach at sea will reflect in a drop in popularity by albeit a small minority, but enough to change the tide of his poll support.
An early election and gift the government back to Shorten ??

That is wishful thinking.

As for giving Kevin Rudd and credit in relation to asylum policy, that dances on the watery graves of the more than 1000 that drowned at sea under Labor's policies in government. While his 11th hour PNG solution started the process of reducing the boats, for Labor, it was a short term political fix designed to minimise their electoral loss that went totally against their own ideology. The Libs in office have broadened the policy mix including the essential cooperation with Indonesia to finally solve this problem created by the first Rudd administration.

I think you will find a lot of the electorate could live with the boats and carbon tax, with stable Labor leadership, if they feel the alternative is going to be worse, as in morphing into a big L Lib government again.

The above illustrates why Labor is now in opposition. Big failure, big lie, a big fear campaign and the expectation is electorate as a whole to buy all of that. It's true that the Abbott government will need to learn and grow while in office, but Labor much more so will have to do so in opposition if it is to return to government anytime soon.

One area where I feel where Tony Abbott has stumbled a little this week is the entitlements issue. While I don't agree with everything Peter Van Olsen says in the following article, the following point is valid,

Misuse of entitlements, while often technically legal, is a bipartisan cultural problem. But in government it is now Abbott's problem to fix. If he doesn't - and so far we have not heard a peep out of the minister charged with oversight of entitlements, Special Minister of State Michael Ronaldson - the new PM will have thumbed his nose at the outrage of the voting public. He will have delivered a message that while his government intends to clamp down on rorts in areas such as welfare payments, he isn't prepared to look closer to home at what is going on inside the parliament.

The political judgement will be one of its importance relative to other issues and for now at least, TA has decided it's not a priority. That though will need to change if the issue maintains a media profile.
A good mate of mine who left the ALP tells me that the new bunch of polyesters who run the party still believe that everything they espoused during the Rudd Gillard years was correct.

All the proper brainy and astute people have left the parliamentary party, he says.

It is now a sad mob composed equally of acneyed youths, time servers and tribes hoping for a seat.

So please, could we not disabuse the present ALP which now resembles the Greens of the righteousness of their claims on boat arrivals and deaths during their disasterous government. They might actually improve if we do.

The truth is Tony Abbott in opposition and now as PM has stopped the boats.

Rudd unleashed a massive influx of rich migrants to skip the queue and Gillard did nothing, just sat on her hands.

Our present PM has achieved more since elected than the other two did in 6 years.

We can now look to having secure borders again.

I think you will find a lot of the electorate could live with the boats and carbon tax, with stable Labor leadership,
And here you demonstrate what you have in common with other loyal Labor supporters: the total myth that all that was actually wrong with Labor was their internal leadership squabbling. From the moment the carbon tax was introduced, and soon after Rudd dismantled the successful Pacific Solution, the majority of the electorate was angry.

For the rest of your remarks, drsmith has already more than adequately expressed what I'd have said.
An early election and gift the government back to Shorten ??

That is wishful thinking.

Hey dr, what I said was that is what I feared (not wishful thinking)... should Abbott not do a better job of winning public support.

Are you misconstruing comments just to flood the thread with provocatively silly comments... or did you genuinely interpret that from my post? If the former you are not doing the credibility of the pro Abbott cause and good, in fact you are coming across like the dumb blonde 'jokes'... and if the latter, you need to see a psyche doc asap!

As for giving Kevin Rudd and credit in relation to asylum policy,

Again, what I said is give credit where credit is due, Rudd flipped and flopped on policy... BUT none the less he did do the deal with PNG announcing a policy change that no boat people will ever get visas. What I said in no way endorses or applauds anything else he did as you misrepresent... just that he did the deal with PNG that was similar to the LNP policy to effectively slow boat arrivals.

The higher moral and credibility ground would be for Abbot (and you) to say you got the system that Rudd back flipped too, to work better. That would help to enhance his objectiveness and trustworthiness that is a major part of his less popular support.