Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The Abbott Government

Abbott didn't stand in front of those placards the placard holder positioned himself behind him.

I wish you could be transported to another place and have Gillard rule over you for the rest of your pathetic existence, you might learn then but I doubt it.

+ 1 Mr.Burns.....they make me sick when I see this crap come up on this forum....they just can't help themselves ......they have to stretch the truth.
Best post for a long time thanks 13ugs :xyxthumbs:xyxthumbs

Your welcome.

just a footnote, we all hope the fines from those that DIDN'T vote in a true & free democratic country where your not forced to do anything you don't believe or trust in -can cover payments due to the parties:

sic[At last month's federal election, each first preference vote was worth around $2.48, with a first payout totalling $56,367,240.38.]sic

The G̶e̶s̶t̶a̶p̶o̶ ̶ government is busy licking butt overseas and unavailable for comment and labor are busy licking each others to heal their wounds from shafting each other - for so many years.

All in jest of course.

+ 1 Mr.Burns.....they make me sick when I see this crap come up on this forum....they just can't help themselves ......they have to stretch the truth.

So Abbotts claim about the pensioner electricity bill being double due to the carbon tax was :confused::confused:
Abbott didn't stand in front of those placards the placard holder positioned himself behind him.

I wish you could be transported to another place and have Gillard rule over you for the rest of your pathetic existence, you might learn then but I doubt it.

Burnsie, I'm fully aware of the good and bad of the previous labor Government. The fact you can only see negatives is unfortunate.

I don't seem to remember Abbott ever condemning them, so tacit approval at the least eh.
I don't seem to remember Abbott ever condemning them, so tacit approval at the least eh.

The greatest irony about Ditch-The-Witch is that it was Labor including its own sisterhood that ultimately took it on board.

They weren't game enough to leave it to the electorate.
Nice to see the front bench sticking together

Scott Morrison repays travel entitlement after 'inadvertent claim'

Scott Morrison and Assistant Minister for Defence Stuart Robert have each repaid $354 claimed as travel allowance. It is believed they were at the wedding of WA Liberal MP Steve Irons.

Speaking to reporters this afternoon, Mr Morrison was reluctant to give details about the claim but said it was for travel in 2011 and the funds had been repaid.
Barry Cassidy points out the obvious

OK, let's accept that Barnaby Joyce, George Brandis, Philip Ruddock, Peter Reith and numerous other present and former politicians genuinely believe they are entitled to taxpayer reimbursement for the cost of attending weddings.

How does that sit with these words on the "age of entitlement" delivered by Treasurer Joe Hockey in London in 2012?

The problem arises ... when there is a belief that one person has a right to a good or service that someone else will pay for. It is this sense of entitlement that afflicts not only individuals but also entire societies. And governments are to blame for portraying taxpayer's money as something removed from the labour of another person.
Outgoing US ambassador Jeff Bleich has warned that American taxpayers may tire of footing the bill for global security in a coded plea for Tony Abbott to stick to his promise to boost defence spending.

Mr Bleich, who ends his four-year stint as Washington's man in Canberra on Thursday, said while he was not telling Australia what it should spend on defence, the US wanted all of its allies to better share the load.

It is well-known that Washington was concerned about the former Labor government's military budget cuts - which took spending down to levels not seen since 1938 - given strategic uncertainty in Asia.

Coded plea... or even a bit of an olive stick for, we're broke and you'd better lift your military spending from US... not France, Germany or elsewhere.

No matter that the US stuff is not as good as some of the rest, or that we could, or arguably should get more involved in manufacture of more of our own military needs.

But how about this...

Mr Bleich said that all of its allies, Australia included, should share the burden so that US taxpayers did not lose patience.

''Philosophically, I think the US is looking to all of our partners to share the burden with the US. Right now US taxpayers are bearing a disproportionate share of the responsibility for the world's security,'' he said

Philosophy... I hope Abbott tells the US sorry, but you made that 'bed' we're not going to lie in it with you.

My information is their new generation planes in particular are not as good as they are cracked up to be and certainly not value for money.
IFocus said:
Barry Cassidy points out the obvious

OK, let's accept that Barnaby Joyce, George Brandis, Philip Ruddock, Peter Reith and numerous other present and former politicians genuinely believe they are entitled to taxpayer reimbursement for the cost of attending weddings.

How does that sit with these words on the "age of entitlement" delivered by Treasurer Joe Hockey in London in 2012?

The problem arises ... when there is a belief that one person has a right to a good or service that someone else will pay for. It is this sense of entitlement that afflicts not only individuals but also entire societies. And governments are to blame for portraying taxpayer's money as something removed from the labour of another person.

Oh Lord! You really believe that?

What is not obvious to Cassidy or you is that politicians entitlements are part and parcel of remuneration for their services. The argument is over the nature and scope of those entitlements.

Hockey's age of entitlement refers to welfare "entitlements".

There is a fundamental and quantum difference between the two, that the Cassidy numbskull has ignored in his rush to petty, petulant, puerile nitpicking.

Intellectual dishonesty at best and imbecilism combined with intellectual dishonesty at worst.

There is no honour is this pathetic slagging.... bad show and well beneath the purported morality of Labor.
I wish real fishing was this easy LOL

Excellent Abbott has his priorities in order

We'll uphold constitution on marriage: Tony Abbott

Chief Minister Katy Gallagher says the directive to challenge the ACT's proposed same-sex marriage laws came from Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Attorney-General George Brandis confirmed the High Court challenge to the laws on Thursday, after informing the Chief Minister and ACT Attorney-General Simon Corbell in a phone call on Wednesday night.

Read more:
I wish real fishing was this easy LOL

Excellent Abbott has his priorities in order

We'll uphold constitution on marriage: Tony Abbott

Read more:

I'm looking forward to you posting something we can debate. :D

Apparently the coalition polling has fallen since the

I hope they call a double dissilution, then we will get a real snapshot.:xyxthumbs

I don't think Labor, or the minority parties, would like the outcome.:D
Oh Lord! You really believe that?

What is not obvious to Cassidy or you is that politicians entitlements are part and parcel of remuneration for their services. The argument is over the nature and scope of those entitlements.

Hockey's age of entitlement refers to welfare "entitlements".

Entitlement is nothing more than a guarantee of access to something.

Welfare, public aid... what's the difference to politicians!

There is a fundamental and quantum difference between the two, that the Cassidy numbskull has ignored in his rush to petty, petulant, puerile nitpicking.

Intellectual dishonesty at best and imbecilism combined with intellectual dishonesty at worst.

There is no honour is this pathetic slagging.... bad show and well beneath the purported morality of Labor.

Re your comments: ABC is Political

Not because it is biased the other way, but because it doesn't pretend not to be biased. It's a bit like the American commercial networks, biased as hell, but you know what flavour you're getting. They don't pretend to be anything but.

Sooo... IF is biased as hell, and you know what you get... so he deserves a dressing down of tongue twisting proportions be..cause he's (apparently) biased to Labor.

As someone else has previously noted, the wrath of the right seems quite disproportionate around here.

“The real test of good manners is to be able to put up with bad manners pleasantly.”
― Kahlil Gibran

:p: :D :p:
The greatest irony about Ditch-The-Witch is that it was Labor including its own sisterhood that ultimately took it on board.

They weren't game enough to leave it to the electorate.

I would not be surprised if the "Ditch the Witch" sign was put up by Labor just to embarrass Tony Abbott. They would be quite capable of doing it particularly after the Aboriginal riot that was proven to be engineered by Labor.
I'm looking forward to you posting something we can debate. :D

Apparently the coalition polling has fallen since the

Yeah, apparently Tony shares the honour with Julia... for the only leader (of recent times at least) to fall in the polls after winning government.

I hope they call a double dissilution, then we will get a real snapshot.:xyxthumbs

Swing away 1.4%

Hold on, Tony has lost most of his winning swing (1.9%) already. If Labor can recover 1 point with just a stand-in leader it says something for voter support for them as well as a bit of failing to live up to expectations for Abbott... or maybe they are just confused and wish they hadn't voted for the PUP... or maybe more had voted for PUP :D

Tony's support: 40% good or very good, but 19% say satisfactory... that's the price... natural justice of not keeping the chooks fed and allowing them time to wander off and scratch around for their own feed.

I don't think Labor, or the minority parties, would like the outcome.:D

Actually, I think Labor will cherish that when their new leader is installed with all the fan fare of new-found Ruddy representation of grass roots. Have to give credit where credit due... that was a Ruddy master stroke in terms of perception of stability of leadership for Labor with a bit of grass roots accountability sweetener.

Will be interesting to see the numbers when we know the new leader. My guess is if it's Shorten, probably not much difference, but Albanese likely appeal more to traditional Labor support and although to the left, likely close the gap on Abbott a bit more.

That motorist fanatic will no doubt go back to labor in the senate.

But what is support for PUP?

I note he has threatened to not pass any bills, not even abolition of the mining and carbon tax if Tony doesn't give him more resources. This is going to get nastier before it gets better.
All the above is old, old, news.

The Prime Minister has turned back the boats.

Even the Labor aligned Administrator of Christmas Island, agrees.

Let us move on and finish with the internalised ALP/Green/Shock-Jock bickering.

The PM has been doing a jolly good job since the election. I can detect a mood of optimism in the community.

Yeah, apparently Tony shares the honour with Julia... for the only leader (of recent times at least) to fall in the polls after winning government.

Swing away 1.4%

A lot of Abbotts vote came from people sick of Labors leadership in fighting and who could blame them, that would seem particularly true when the polling drops during a honeymoon period of new government when there is effectively no opposition.

Note all the conservatives outraged, excuses and shooting the messengers.
All the above is old, old, news.

The Prime Minister has turned back the boats.

Even the Labor aligned Administrator of Christmas Island, agrees.

Let us move on and finish with the internalised ALP/Green/Shock-Jock bickering.

The PM has been doing a jolly good job since the election. I can detect a mood of optimism in the community.

Where's the bloody applause icon ?

Best I can do is this :D. :bananasmi :jump:

That at least beats the monotonous squawk of that featherless parrot.