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The Abbott Government

Pizza shop at Mornington paying his girls $7.00 per hour and as a side note, squalid dirty conditions.

My Grandson says they are scared to say anything because they may lose their job and not be able to get anything else.

When I was a youngster noco I could walk out of one door and straight into another.

So apart from the guvmint filling the front pages with ISIS propaganda, where are these jobs going to come from noco and when are they going to put it up in the news as our most important issues.

I've lived on a couple of very diverse and 'rich' rural areas. I've done casual agricultural work for pocket money while still at school and several years later when resettling in to a new area. Any half decent jobs in terms of continuity and income is very much about who you know. Further, a lot of the basic jobs that someone could use to get established in the first place don't exist any more because they're mechanised. And in some cases the industries have gone.

It's true there are those who don't want to work and those who 'don't try hard enough', but to say our national and individual problems will be addressed by young and not-so-young folks heading off to the fields is no more realistic in rural areas than the same masses serving each other in coffee in the cities.

Individuals dragging themselves up by the bootstraps does happen but in general most successful folk don't do it that way. Check the real bios of our pollies and others who trumpet this sort of generalist nonsense.

Nope in WA its done by Asians being ripped off by other Asians

Thanks overlap for a common sense post
What has Bill Cosby got to do with this thread ? It's about the Abbott government.

Try and stay on topic please.

My post related to TEAM work in Australia which related to all Australians irrespective of their color, creed of political views.

I read the statement by Bill Crosby which some say is false...Nevertheless, the contents I fully agree with and is related to this thread in many ways of past discussions for and against the Abbott Government and the Green/Labor Party.

It refers to :-

The spread of wealth.
Tolerance of other Cultures.
Global Warming.

So we will have to agree to disagree as to the reason why I quoted what I did.....and yes I am tired of it all too.
Syd, all your posts are completely negative about Australia. One has to wonder why you don't simply up stakes and move to one of the sources of paradise above.

Funny, all the negativity from people on this forum when Labor was in Govt and I don't seem to remember you advising them to pick up stumps and move on.

Are you saying the issues I'm highlighting are not important? At least I take the time to provide alternatives to some of the tricky issues we're facing.

I'm saying we should wish to emulate the success of some other countries rather than try to grind down working conditions till we can compete at the bottom of low wage countries.

How about you take the time to offer some insight on how you'd like to see the Govt move ahead on the competitiveness issues we're facing, or highlight some of the specific actions the Govt has taken the last year to get things moving in the right direction.

What export oriented capacity will we have in 2017? Car manufacturing gone. Most of the component manufacturers gone as well. The education immigration industry will be finding it increasingly difficult to lure overseas students willing to spend a small fortune on studying here when the standards of Australian unis are sometimes lower than their home countries. Further cuts to the CSIRO and uni funding don't leave us with the capabilities we need to compete in a world where knowledge is the key to wealth. We'll be left with an increasingly narrow resources based export sector trying to fund pretty much every physical device we use in our daily lives. That's a future I find increasingly troubling.
I would not take too much notice of Andrew Leigh......he has tried to beat up the situation for political point scoring.

Hockey is committed to the COMMON REPORT STANDARD

If he's so committed why is he dragging his feet on the issue then? Even the UK believes it's important enough to have signed up to it already.

Just to say I find your posts valuable syd.

You supply lots of supporting information, and although I may not always agree I find your points worthy of thought.

That's not to say I don't value other opinions as well.
Individuals dragging themselves up by the bootstraps does happen but in general most successful folk don't do it that way. Check the real bios of our pollies and others who trumpet this sort of generalist nonsense.

I don't agree with everything he says in his blog, but the key point here is we're being hollowed out and pollies as class don't want to say it (too loudly). This government is the latest in a conga line offering various forms of bread & circuses to keep their show on the road.


(Oz is still a pretty good place. Hopefully we won't blow it)

Edit: found the other quote I was looking for
And I clearly recall in the past thanking you for making some constructive suggestions.

But you do repeat over and over again the same stuff about Super, tax etc. even when we've all agreed there are unfair aspects to these just as there are to the Budget, particularly the harsh treatment of young people when there are simply not enough jobs for them.

It's not my responsibility to tell the government or anyone else what they should do to fix what's wrong. I don't have the qualifications or experience to so presume.

I'm happy that they've fulfilled their election promises of getting rid of the carbon tax and more or less stopping the boats so that at least we can now fulfil our humanitarian refugee program.

I've also said that there are good and bad people and policies on both sides of politics. I'm in favour of the liberal philosophy of encouraging people to do for themselves all they can rather than expect the government to do it for them. To that end, I'd like to see curtailment of some of upper end welfare, particularly the abolition of the proposed PPL. The Labor scheme, if we must have one at all, and I question that, is perfectly adequate.

We live in a free and overall well run country regardless of which party holds power, when compared to much of the rest of the world. I celebrate that and am grateful to be here.
So, although I'm interested to read various points which people raise as concerns for them, the relentless, repetitive criticism of everything to do with the present government just gets to me after a while, syd.

That said, what you don't do is make nasty personal attacks on individuals, and that's something I do appreciate.

Unemployment down...........121,000 jobs created.

More jobs are being created since removing the Carbon Dioxide tax, the Mining tax, green and red tape resulting in increased business confidence = more jobs.......Governments don't create jobs but they create an environment for private enterprise to make it worth while......I must confess though it takes a lot of savvy to understand all that......I hope you have it.
If he's so committed why is he dragging his feet on the issue then? Even the UK believes it's important enough to have signed up to it already.

Sydboy, perhaps you should wait until after the G20 finance ministers meeting in Cairns followed by the G20 meeting in Brisbane towards the end of the year before your make any more silly derogatory remarks.

From what I have observed Hockey is fully committed so I really don't know what you are going on about.
Unemployment down...........121,000 jobs created.

Governments don't create jobs but they create an environment for private enterprise to make it worth while.

There are lots of jobs that governments create that would not be done by private enterprise, so of course governments create jobs. We wouldn't want private armies would we ?

Apart from the armed forces there are those involved in public schools & hospitals, resource management, scientific research and other "public interest" areas that are not important to those only interested in making money.

You really need to take a more balanced view before you write noco.

Rumpy, there you go again...twist things around to suit yourself......121,000 did not go into public service.

The discussion related to the Federal Government.

Of course we need public school, police, ambulance, firemen, nurses in the public area but they are all run by the state Government or weren't you aware of that......I will excuse you on this occasion.

You made a blanket statement that governments don't create jobs. They do. The Federal government is most likely going to create more jobs in ASIO and the AFP to deal with the alleged increased terrorist threat.
You made a blanket statement that governments don't create jobs. They do. The Federal government is most likely going to create more jobs in ASIO and the AFP to deal with the alleged increased terrorist threat.

121,000 ???????????????? so I pray, you tell me how many jobs out of the 121,000 went into ASIO and AFP?

If the ASIO and AFP were increased it was to make up what the Green/Labor coalition neglected.....they slashed $millions from those two organizations.

I don't know. Perhaps you would like to tell us what industries the 121,000 jobs were created in, and how many jobs were lost at the same time, and whether the jobs created were full or part time, temporary, casual or permanent ?

Perhaps some were created in State governments or councils. Should they count ?
In the past Governments worked with unions and business to produce the best outcomes for the nation overall.

It put money into public (as apposed to private) research to work out better ways to make and do things. Certainly we still have subsidies to farmers but some of these need to be looked at, especially where companies working on and with our soil are taking most of their profits offshore, the Reinhardt's et al.

And I could go on and on.

But noco as the big spokesperson on this thread for the govmint how about you completing some of my lines on how they ARE SUPPOSED TO BE INVOLVED in helping the people they are supposed to represent.

Yeh, at $7 an hour. Cummorn answer it all Pal.
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