Very true, and while few people would make a career out of pumping gas or being a bus conductor, a lot of people used those types of jobs to support them while working their way through uni. What do they do now ? Some may have a partner who is working, or parents that support them but a lot of others just can't afford to go to uni and can't get a job because they have no qualifications.
We are losing generations of workers to technological change, but we still bring in people from overseas in droves. Crazy.
No doubt if innovations and new technology had not taken place as far as self service at the servo, banks and the like, cost of consumer goods may have been higher than they now.
Why are you still pushing your barrow on bringing in overseas workers.......we have been through this before as to the reasons why.....we cannot get our Aussies to leave the comfort of city life to work in remote areas...we cannot get Aussie workers to go and pick fruit because it is too hard work so we allow back packers in on working visas who are not afraid of hard work.
I do hope we don't have to go through this megalomania again Rumpy.
If we bring in un skilled people to fill temporary shortages, ok. But we also bring in highly skilled people because we couldn't be bothered training them here. That is condemning generations to the dole because of the ideology that business wants an oversupply of workers to drive down wages. Not megalomania noco, bastardry.
Why is Joe Hockey not following the 40 other countries who have signed up for Common Reporting Standard which provides for the automatic exchange of financial account information between banks in different countries. It is designed to make it easier to track how money moves around the world so that governments can ensure companies pay their fair share of tax.
Hockey endorsed the standard earlier in the year at the G20 finance ministers meeting. So why the reluctance to get on board? Surely he doesn't think Australia would be worse from cracking down on the large multinational companies from shifting profits out of the country?
It's even harder to understand his relucatnce considering an extensive period of industry consultation has been completed and he's sat on the finding for the last couple of months.
Australia is the only G20 nation to have not signed up, and we currently hold the G20 chair. What kind of message does that send tot he world?
Earlier in the month Hockey and Abbott were loudly complaining about the profit shifting that has been occuring, yet they're dragging their feet to sign up for what looks to be the best way to work with other countries to stop it from occurring. So what's going onWhy the reluctance to sign up to the Common Reporting Standard
Could it be that they remember what happened to Labor when they tried to make large companies pay a fairer share of tax in the country?
we cannot get Aussie workers to go and pick fruit because it is too hard work so we allow back packers in on working visas who are not afraid of hard work.
How did you decipher that he is crying poor?.....I did not detect any suggestion.
That is not true. Governments seem to be perpetuating that myth.
This bit - "I made a reasonable salary".
If you are worth 350 million bucks and charge $100,000 for a speaking engagement then you are a blatant liar to say you "made a reasonable salary".
sydboy, I think you may have jumped the gun about Hockey and Abbott not signing up to the COMMON REPORTING STANDARD.
According to link below, it only comes up for discussion in the G20 Finance Ministers meeting in Cairns and then taken to the G20 meeting in Brisbane later in the year.
I don't know where you received your information from but I would delighted to know.
I'm 83. Except for brief period in the 50s when I was doing my National Service, I've worked
hard since I was 17. Except for some serious health challenges, I put in 50-hour weeks, and
didn't call in sick in nearly 40 years.
I made a reasonable salary, but I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as though retirement was a bad idea, and I'm tired. Very tired.
I do believe he was referring to his first 40 years of his working life.....I would say he did not belong to a union if he was working 50 hours per week.
Do you have some proof?
Syd, all your posts are completely negative about Australia. One has to wonder why you don't simply up stakes and move to one of the sources of paradise above.So, are you saying that is the life we should aspire to? Are we mere workers here to just server the economy and elites, or are we here to have a good life? Do you begrudge all the working conditions we have compared to workers from 100 years ago?
Countries like Sweeden, Switzerland, Sweeden, Norway, Germany, Netherlands, all show you can be a high wage country and competitive. Japan should probably be in the list too.
So, are you saying that is the life we should aspire to? Are we mere workers here to just server the economy and elites, or are we here to have a good life? Do you begrudge all the working conditions we have compared to workers from 100 years ago?
Countries like Sweeden, Switzerland, Sweeden, Norway, Germany, Netherlands, all show you can be a high wage country and competitive. Japan should probably be in the list too.
I can't find it but I did respond with some information about nuances - for example labour hire companies also owning rental properties.
In August, over 40 countries joined an Early Adopters Group and committed to fast-tracking implementation of the standard from January 2016. Despite Treasurer Joe Hockey endorsing the standard after the G20 Finance Ministers meeting in February, our name was conspicuously absent from that list.
So the question is why is Hockey complaining about the siphoning of tax revenue out of Australia and not signing up to the early adopters group when 40 other countries have?
What has all that jargon got to do with Bill Crosby?...I think you have strayed a little.
So far as fruit picking etc jobs are concerned, it's very much a case of "locals need not apply" to a large extent.
Well, OK, they might agree to employ a local if you also agree to purchase your accommodation and other services from the contractor harvesting the crop. Needless to say, that doesn't really work if you already have a house with a mortgage and must then pay for duplicate accommodation that you don't need otherwise they won't employ you.
It's not a shortage of workers, it's just that they won't employ people who don't need to purchases the other services the same company is offering (ie hostel accommodation). In practice, those jobs are for backpackers etc only due to this.
It is very relevant as far I am concerned because the same thing is happening here and you really cannot deny it.
How did you decipher that he is crying poor?.....I did not detect any suggestion.
So he has talent as a Comedian...good luck to him......Are you jealous of his success?
So he demands $100,000 to speak at some special engagement......He must be highly regarded to demand that type of money...obviously someone would be making money from his appearance including his government who would most likely take 50% of his $100,000 leaving hm with $50,000.
He has stated a very valid point as to what is going on in the USA and the same thing in Australia and many in Australia think the same thing but remain silent about it for fear of being branded as a racist or a bigot.
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