Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Swine flu pandemic fears

no, I am saying one of these days Chicken Little will be right

sometimes pandemics do happen...hopefully not in our lifetime

Totally agree but lets not blow things out of proportion early.

Like the boy who cried wolf, one day they will be right
Broady, you're comparing the media circus of 2009 to 1915 ish. :confused: OK

I think back then the media used courier pigeons to carry the news stories back and forth, unfortunately they also carried the bird flu with them thus spreading the disease :p:
this is on the BBC from people affected....heres a Doctor's report
is that scary enough for you?

I'm a specialist doctor in respiratory diseases and intensive care at the Mexican National Institute of Health. There is a severe emergency over the swine flu here. More and more patients are being admitted to the intensive care unit. Despite the heroic efforts of all staff (doctors, nurses, specialists, etc) patients continue to inevitably die. The truth is that anti-viral treatments and vaccines are not expected to have any effect, even at high doses. It is a great fear among the staff. The infection risk is very high among the doctors and health staff.
Good reason? How many people have died from this outside Mexico?

I'm not so sure this flu is going to ramp up the extinction levels anticipated by networks or lunacy theorists. The sample size outside of Mexico is too low to put any hard figure on mortality rates, for the time being.

Lunacy theorists on the other hand, love to try and make people sick with worry.

the good reason i was refering to was the fema camp in the vid..


martin luther was a 'lunacy theoirist'....imagine..he believed that the catholic church was scamming people by selling tickets into heaven a few hundred years ago!! pure blasphemy!! lol lol lol
heres proof the anti virus are not working
...from the same bbc site

I work as a resident doctor in one of the biggest hospitals in Mexico City and sadly, the situation is far from "under control". As a doctor, I realise that the media does not report the truth. Authorities distributed vaccines among all the medical personnel with no results, because two of my partners who worked in this hospital (interns) were killed by this new virus in less than six days even though they were vaccinated as all of us were. The official number of deaths is 20, nevertheless, the true number of victims are more than 200. I understand that we must avoid to panic, but telling the truth it might be better now to prevent and avoid more deaths.

Swine flu: Mexico City becomes 'strange zombie city' as residents hide behind doors

The normally bustling streets of Mexico City were virtually empty yesterday, with millions preferring to stay in their houses rather than risk contagion from the killer swine flu.

By Ioan Grillo in Mexico City
Last Updated: 11:08PM BST 26 Apr 2009

A mixture of fear, suspicion and frustration set in across the country as the death toll from swine flu rose and the government took an increasingly tough position to stop it spreading.

Many of those who did venture out wore the blue face masks that were being handed out by soldiers at check points along the main avenues.

"You don't know who could be carrying this plague so it is best to just keep behind closed doors as much as possible."

A shutdown of all schools, universities, museums and theatres was extended to bars and discos, which the government decreed they could forcibly close if they did not shutter their doors voluntarily.

Sunday Masses normally celebrated by millions in this strongly Roman Catholic country were also cancelled - the first such closure since Mexico's religious wars of the 1920s.

Health workers on the ground were overwhelmed with people reporting the key symptoms of the epidemic such as coughs, aching muscles and diarrhoea - although many may have had traditional forms of flu.

In total, 1,300 people were fighting the virus in hospital beds across Mexico with as many as 81 people dying of the disease.

Feelings of anxiety also swept through the 1,000 strong British expatriate community in the city.

Bar owner Umair Khan, 35, of Wembley, London, said he was getting increasingly worried seeing how events were developing.

36 hours later, the original casualty number of 81 is still being quoted....
was there an asx listed company that was developing some sort of sensors that could detect body temperature at airports....when the bird flue thing was around ???...I know there are unlisted companies
was there an asx listed company that was developing some sort of sensors that could detect body temperature at airports....when the bird flue thing was around ???...I know there are unlisted companies

already deveveloped. i saw another article somewhere today...cant findit, but i googled this one....
Swine flu death toll in Mexico rises to 103 27 Apr 2009 03:02:47 GMT
Source: Reuters
MEXICO CITY, April 26 (Reuters) - The death toll in Mexico from an outbreak of a new type of swine flu has risen to 103 people, Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova said on Sunday.

Cordova told Mexican television that around 400 people were in hospital out of a total of around 1,600 suspected cases.
Slow shamblers from the original Dawn Of The Dead (I think).


  • Dawn%20of%20the%20Dead1_0.jpg
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Australia braces for possible 'global flu epidemic'

Posted Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:33pm AEST
Updated Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:33pm AEST

In Mexico, at least 80 people are thought to have died from the human form of swine flu (AFP: Luis Acosta )

Video: Global flu pandemic fears (ABC News) Video: Mexican flu triggers global alert (ABC News) Related Story: Swine flu declared 'public health emergency' Related Story: Swine flu fears as NZ students quarantined Health officials in Australia say they are on standby to implement procedures at the nation's borders if needed, to help guard against any outbreak of a new strain of swine flu.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is warning that an outbreak of the flu in Mexico and the United States could become a global epidemic.

But the WHO says it is still too early to say whether this is likely to happen.

So far the 11 confirmed cases in the United States have all been mild, and every person infected has recovered.

In Mexico, at least 80 people are thought to have died from the human form of swine flu.

Australian health authorities say they are contacting all GPs and hospital emergency departments warning doctors to be on the lookout for patients suspected of having swine flu.

The Health Department's chief medical officer, Professor Jim Bishop, says federal and state health officials have held talks over the weekend to look at what Australia's response should be..

He says GPs have been advised to notify authorities of any suspected cases and to monitor the patient's progress.

But he says while vigilance is needed, at this stage there is no cause for panic.

"There is obviously concern and we may need to change some of these views as more unfolds over the course of the next day or two," he said.

Australia's federal Health Department says its actively monitoring the situation overseas and stands ready to step up its response when required.

The department says unlike bird flu, strains of swine influenza do not usually cause illness in humans, and in developed countries like Australia, relatively few people are regularly exposed to pigs.

It has urged anyone who has recently returned from the US or Mexico with flu-like symptoms to see their GP.
No that’s the public servants from the ATO

jeez mate - if the pig flu doesn't get you first, you are gonna have the ATO zombies on your ass for sure.

good luck man.


(I understand they are the Slow shamblers - but very persistent)
jeez mate - if the pig flu doesn't get you first, you are gonna have the ATO zombies on your ass for sure.

good luck man.


(I understand they are the Slow shamblers - but very persistent)

Ahhem amend that to center link staff

To appease my taxation masters I shall burn a small business pty ltd company and a sole trader as an offering for forgiveness. I will also only use the requested black pen on all further BAS statements and not the blue one.

Have not read the thread but just spoke to a friend in Mexico who said the following (from Mexico City):

- Nearly all shops, restaurants, nightclubs and even zoo's are closed
- A city that took us probably 4 hours to drive across (and close to a population of 25 million people) is a ghost town with barely any traffic
- People have been told to stay indoors and have no contact with others
- She said it is literally like the city has frozen...everybody is now living in some sort of fear

Seems pretty intense...have to feel for the poor souls.

Apparently the US issued a Public Health Emergency or something of that ilk.