Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Swine flu pandemic fears


:banghead: I need a yawn icon.

Health Authorities in SA said a few weeks ago that the number of cases from seasonal flu v's swine flu were in the ratio of 1:3 The good news about that is that far more people die from seasonal flu, which means that this year the death rate from any influenza virus is way down!
My doc told me that the swine flu virus is less vigorous , the warmer it is.

So we should be ok now that we are heading towards summer.

The Northern hemisphere will cop it now.

And I believe the virus can change as it goes from one to another.

C'mon all you swine flu Chicken Littles ... this hit the news over 24 hours ago and there has been a distinct lack of foaming-at-the-mouth-fear-mongering from the usual suspects.

You're not wrong Tim, haven't seen metric here for a while :D ;)
You're not wrong Tim, haven't seen metric here for a while :D ;)

Ahhhh, not mentioning any names spooly - the worst of the panic merchants are the ones using fear to sell their newspapers or TV shows ...

Looks bad news indeed and the UK have seen a marked uplift in cases as well. There are very many more people in a serious condition.

Fortunately the ASF Internet Cafe is open again for this years voting. With the new virus free zone that guarantees you will not catch the disease there. And to vote in these serious times go to:

We at "ASF" are tied at the moment so we need to get some wind in our sales.
Tamiflu resistant swine flu virus spreads as fears grow, as virus mutates:

Ahhh, but I'll see your mutant swine & raise you an 'official' riposte...

SWINE flu vaccines are still effective despite reported cases of mutations in the A(H1N1) virus, health experts in Europe and the US say.

For every 'thrust' in the ongoing media war, there is a 'parry' to counter.

Love it.

BTW - Whatever happened to swine flu? I thought the dead bodies would be piled 50 deep at the morgue by now? Is this the same as Y2K? Could the same be said for Global Warming? Was the whole thing a media beat up? Anyone got any answers? :confused:
BTW - Whatever happened to swine flu? I thought the dead bodies would be piled 50 deep at the morgue by now? Is this the same as Y2K? Could the same be said for Global Warming? Was the whole thing a media beat up? Anyone got any answers? :confused:

Basically, it was a new virus, so no one knew what it was like, which meant it wasn't sure to be mild. Even after we learned it was a mild flu, being new it had a very high chance of mutating, and if it did there was the potential for it to become something which would have the bodies piled 50 high. The chance was there, but it didn't eventuate. It might look like wolf was cried, but it was a case of preparing for the very real possibility (as opposed to certainty) of a global disaster.

Y2K was an obvious load of crap long before 2000 came along. Global warming is a can of worms!
Aparently Tammiflu doesnt work on the new strain (see commercial produced virus by the drug companies that is swine flu)
Swine Flu is spreading in the UK. 39 people have died, 9 last week, and 738 people are in critical care. The number of flu cases doubled last week.
Many people from the UK are holidaying in Australia, and if you have not had an influenza jab try to avoid them.
The flu particularly attacks younger people with the under fives most at risk.
Time for another Flu pandemic panic?

Taiwan Reports First Case of H7N9 Avian Flu

This is the latest Bird flu mutation and is reported by some agency's to be the first human to human transmission, this flu has already killed 22 people in China from 108 infections.

Time to go surgical face mask shopping?
Could be the black swan event to take down global trade.

I do fear how the world will cope with the next Influenza pandemic. Economies are so interdependent these days, it doesn't take much disruption to international trade to have serious impacts.

Lets hope this new strain doesn't pick up any of the tricks the spanish flu had.
Could be the black swan event to take down global trade.

I do fear how the world will cope with the next Influenza pandemic. Economies are so interdependent these days, it doesn't take much disruption to international trade to have serious impacts.

Lets hope this new strain doesn't pick up any of the tricks the spanish flu had.

Avoid airports and gear up for buying opportunities
Avoid airports and gear up for buying opportunities

I did the opposite during SARS.

Never had such cheap travel and hotel deals.

Was weird walking past infrared scanners everywhere, but with half empty flights airports were a breeze to navigate.

Definitely wont be travelling if this bloody virus decides to learn how to do human to human transmission easily.

We might have to start watching some doomsday prepper vids to see what we need to stock up on :D.
From the WHO...

WHO does not advise special screening at points of entry with regard to this event, nor does it recommend that any travel or trade restrictions be applied.

At the invitation of the National Health and Family Planning Commission of China, WHO has convened a team of experts who will visit areas affected by avian influenza A(H7N9) in China in order to provide recommendations on the prevention and control of the disease.
