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Swine flu pandemic fears

for those interested. there is a doctor speaking on the virus (swine flu) on alex jones.seems the virus can cross into animals because of its make up. also saying this first wave is not the deadly one....

very informative, really knows his stuff. on right now 10.46... click on the radio link on the right of the web page.
On the Flu Bug and Those Disappearing Microbiologists
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Jolly Roger
April 26, 2009

If you sell crack, join a gang, or rob the mob you can expect to die a violent death, but if you listen to your mother, eat all the right foods, and study hard in college to become a microbiologist, you should expect to live to a ripe old age and die peacefully.

People who are becoming accustomed to the practices and motives of our criminal government tried to warn you of an impending flu pandemic, but your TV training taught you to dismiss them all as "crazy conspiracy theorists," and you naturally associated all their warnings with stories of Bigfoot and UFO abductions, just as you were trained to do.

The good folks of FEMA predicted a need for a few million plastic coffins, which are now spread out across the country, but despite this revelation, most of America still thinks their biggest concern is a toss up between the Super Bowl and American Idol.

Well it seems as if the crazy conspiracy theorists were right again, because the world-wide flu pandemic they were warning you about has been unleashed, and it will dominate the headlines until millions, if not billions of people are dead. It won’t be stopped because no one with the means to stop it wants to stop it.

Wash your hands often, pull your kids out of school, avoid crowds, if not people altogether, avoid alcohol or drugs that will weaken your resistance, and stay well-nourished.

Two of the goals here are to cull the population, and to encourage general mayhem and misery that only a World Government can save you from. You’ll be so worn out and tired of death and depression that you’ll offer little resistance to the new order. The economic collapse and World War three are part of the same plan, and it’s all been tried before. It’s the same crew behind this latest attempt, and it’s not difficult to see who’s behind it all, once again.

This flu pandemic that will soon cause people to drop like flies is no mutated bird flu. It’s a genetically engineered virus designed to kill as many people as possible. And after people do start dropping like flies, political dissidents will be accused of being flu carriers and no one will object to them being hauled away. Good luck. — Jolly Roger

Here’s an interesting link:
if you start at the bottom of the page and work your way up you’ll see a nice collection of news articles that document the entire process of creating and testing a flu bug that will wipe out millions of people.
(or at least that part of the process that’s revealed to the public)
Is is mere co incidence that this should happen while Labor are in power ?
Perhaps this is what all those 'coffins' in some US state were for Metric...

You know all that conspiracy stuff, im sure you know what im talking about, cause i certainly dont

those boxes are for the wall street bankers..

one by one they will get them all..
Ahh the conspiracy theorists love it dont they. I guess they have to be right eventually...
Ahh the conspiracy theorists love it dont they. I guess they have to be right eventually...

so now prawn you are saying 'conspiracy theorists' ie; those that beleive diana was murdered, jfk was murdered by officials, 911 was an inside job, etc, etc, are happy because people are dying of a flu pandemic......

mmmmm, seems someone is always trying to destroy the image of those who dont conform to popular thinking...
No im saying they love to get a hold of any event and blow it out of proportion. IE - Bird Flu, wasnt that supposed to be the last pandemic set to wipe out the world? Or y2k etc

Im not saying they are right or wrong. I have no idea, i just think its amusing how at the slightest hint of something they all claim to be right.
On the Flu Bug and Those Disappearing Microbiologists

lol metric, I'm surprised you can even leave your house with all these parnoid conspiracy theories you sprout on about. It seems someone is out to - destroy the financial system, kill off millions of people, destroy the world, bring in a world government, destroy the universe, sabotage the mighty Hawthorn Hawks premiership defence.

Just where is Doctor Evil?

How do you sleep at night with all this rubbish running through your head?
the problem with this flu is it seems manufactured.

i sleep quite well, as i take from it only that which feels right.....

i dont believe everything in mainstream either, like the many devotees do here.....
How do you sleep at night with all this rubbish running through your head?

Or what are you actually doing about it? If it comes to Aus are you stocked up and able to live by yourself for a year or so?
Or what are you actually doing about it? If it comes to Aus are you stocked up and able to live by yourself for a year or so?

yes i have put some plans into others here have. mad if you dont.
the problem with this flu is it seems manufactured.

I heard something similar from a personal source a while back that this was a direction apparently whispered about.

Out of interest did any of the stocks that deal with influenza have a price spike last week?
also, it is things like this that cause people to did deeper, and become 'conspiracy theorists'.....and they have good reason.

Good reason? How many people have died from this outside Mexico?

I'm not so sure this flu is going to ramp up the extinction levels anticipated by networks or lunacy theorists. The sample size outside of Mexico is too low to put any hard figure on mortality rates, for the time being.

Lunacy theorists on the other hand, love to try and make people sick with worry.
This has the potential to be a massive ball of extremely hot air, imo.

There are 20 confirmed dead from what I've read. In Mexico. Where exactly, and under what circumstances? Perhaps there was no health care available to these people. Perhaps they relied on traditional medicine (read witchdoctor/shaman) to heal them?

I have a grave fear that this is going to turn into an absolute media driven scare mongering headline grabbing debarcle that will cause untold economic hardship to many indistries particularly Mexico's tourist industry. All in the name of a story.

On the other hand, we all may die.

I'll probably be first as I fly to Mexico in 4 days.
I suppose Spanish flu after WW1 was also media driven conspiracy

pandemics are inevitable from time to time best to be prudent rather than dismissive
Broady, you're comparing the media circus of 2009 to 1915 ish. OK
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