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Swine flu pandemic fears

A lot of people have recovered after being infected from this new flu. Unless it mutates into something more sinister I wouldn’t be too worried just yet. Basic precautions at this stage imo.

I would like to know the stats of recovery vs death once infected.
What will happen to the Share market tomorrow? anyone can remember what was happened to the share market during SARS? Which sections will hold up well during this kind of situation?
The World Health Organization(WHO) has its Annual Health Assembly on 18-27 May, 2009. Is someone pumping the porcine flu story to attract the world's attention to that moribund Organization ?

I was living and working in Singabore when SARS broke out about 5~6 years ago.... sales of thermometers and disposable respiratory face masks through the roof!

Not sure who produces/sells these things but I suppose if you found out you could track back and see if the rapid jump in sales had any impact on their share prices.

BDM also ... illiquid , ugly , tightly held.....i keep ramping this sucka but no one listens .. i hold as a park and wait .

maybe worth a research but hey it probably wont suit many here as one needs patience and sneaky smaller accumulated entrys.

anyways DYOR blah blah blah
Cripes, 81 now dead and students from NZ having just returned from Mexico showing symptoms. Mexico City schools and universities closed. US hasn't issued any travel warnings yet, or quarantines, but looks on the cards.

Supposed to be flying into Cancun on Friday.... Long way from Mexico City, but .. Hmmm.
as reinhardt says.........FOLLOW THE MONEY...!!!! colim powel and al gore set to benefit from bird flu. al HAS been a good boy of late....


Venture capital firm set to reap rewards on swine flu


this would be an absolute rabbit warren if one bothered to do some serious research. it would be enlightening to look at board members, and other companies they are affiliated with..
I've already stocked up on masks and will be bringing a few with me when I go out, especially to work while on public transport. You never know which idiot, who after suffering from a flu like symptoms, would still head off to work on public transports because he/she might afraid of being made redundant and would rather risk the rest of the population with the virus than losing a job.

Cleaning your hand is probably the best one to avoid getting infected though. So time to get some more of those non-water based alcohol washing liquid.

Gloom and doom all the way!
it will be well spread by now. mexico got onto it very late. nz is very good on border control, and small, so i'd say its well gone by now.
maybe mexico is good, as if u get a weak version, like it seems presently, and it mutates, then u r more likely to fight off a nasty mutated version.
apparently the spanish flu of 1918 killed about 40-50 million
and thats in a time were high speed global travel was nil.

fingers crossed this isnt comparable.
Perhaps this is what all those 'coffins' in some US state were for Metric...

You know all that conspiracy stuff, im sure you know what im talking about, cause i certainly dont
And Biota up 78% so far. At least it started in relatively advanced country so the prevention side will be started immediately. If this had started in rural China, well, who knows when we would have heard about it.

Nice run today BTA!

BTA - Earnings and Dividends Forecast (cents per share)
2008 2009 2010 2011
EPS -3.6 -1.6 2.9 7.7
DPS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
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