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Social Engineering

If theists quote ancient texts as reason to support their argument or persecute homosexuals for example, then using the same logic atheists are reasonable in "cherry picking" less flattering verses.
I find both scenarios disingenuous. As pointed out above, the new testament supercedes the old.

In fact, I think a case could be made, Via the NT, that any form of religious legalism is a crock of shyte and not supportable in the Christian context (as much as organized churches may try).
Wait, it's not the 2nd part of a trilogy.
Aren't you forgetting about the recently discovered Gospel according to Noirua which, God willing, may serve as the Newer Testament.

And failing that, the zealous efforts of antitheistic crusaders, are sure to provide us their revisionary instalment!

That is, of course, presuming they don't simply burn and delete every copy, replacing it with a manifesto of "tried before and failed, but let's pretend all that never really happened, so this can be declared as progressive" ideology.


And I would add, the more appropriation the richer the culture.
Wouldn't that depend upon what it is that is actually being appropriated, and whether or not it can readily assimilate with, (rather than assault) extant cultural values?
Wouldn't that depend upon what it is that is actually being appropriated, and whether or not it can readily assimilate with, (rather than assault) extant cultural values?

It would be if that was how it happened. But it is not something that is controlled by a committee where someone decides what is good or bad about another culture and thus determines what should be appropriated or rejected.

The reality is that for various historical and geographic reasons such as migration, war, travel, trade, refuge etc. different cultures have come in contact with each other and traits from each get absorbed into a new culture. What gets absorbed will likely be those traits that seem most beneficial to the new emerging culture or in some cases those traits that are most dominant.

The fact that this commingling has been positive in general is demonstrated by the fact that those cultures that have undergone considerable intermixing usually are regarded as more advanced in areas like science, music, medicine, literature etc.

Frank Chung
@franks_chung 1, 20182:23PM
Blackie Blackie Brown is a wild, twisted, hilarious origin story by provocative social commentator Nakkiah Lui,” the play’s synopsis reads. “Add a mystical quest, bloodcurdling vengeance and a dose of potent political venom, and a new superhero is born.”

The story follows “mild-mannered archaeologist Dr Jacqueline Black”, played by Megan Wilding, who uncovers a mass grave “somewhere in the Australian bush”.

“She picks up a skull and is overpowered by the spirit of her great-great-grandmother ... BAM! Blackie Blackie Brown has arrived and she is a cold-blooded vigilante,” the website says.

“Her mission: kill all the descendants of the men who massacred her ancestors. White people, watch out. This isn’t about forgiveness. And it’s not about reconciliation.”

The play blends “high-octane stage action” with “heart-pumping visuals”. Actor Ash Flanders plays “every single white person she needs to kill”. “You’ll be laughing out loud one second, squirming in your seat the next,” it says. “Your white meat is DONE, motherf**ker.”

Ms Wilding last month told TimeOut she “couldn’t have asked for anything better” than to have her debut in this show. “It’s right up my alley and it’s so shocking,” she said.

Ms Lui, who also created the award-winning play Black is the New White and is the co-writer and star of the ABC’s Black Comedy, tweeted earlier this month, “#BlackGirlMagic is taking over Australian entertainment and decolonising the f**k outta it!”

Writer and actress Nakkiah Lui.Source:News Corp Australia

In 2014, she told Fairfax the play grew out of a short story, based on her own great-great-grandmother, who was suspected to have been the only survivor of a massacre by English settlers. “We can’t confirm it yet but it’s a story I grew up hearing,” Ms Lui said.

“You have films like Django Unchained, which played in every Hoyts. A hugely popular movie about the way African-American people were treated in the USA through slavery. It is fascinating that they could sell their story in that way.”

Ms Lui received a $40,000 Australia Council grant for the show, produced by Redfern-based theatre company Performing Lines — which has received nearly $9 million in Australia Council grants since 2008.

The NSW government’s Create NSW chipped in nearly $27,000 in 2015, while the Victorian government’s Australian Centre for the Moving Image provided in-kind support through access to its green-screen studio.

Communications Minister Mitch Fifield said under its legislation, the Australia Council’s funding decisions were made at “arm’s length” from the government.

“The Australia Council advises the development of the work received some funding in 2014,” he said. “It is for the Australia Council to explain its processes, decisions and judgments. I haven’t seen the work, but the description of it isn’t to my taste.”

A spokesman for Create NSW said applications for annual program funding were assessed by “independent panels of peers who then make recommendations to the minister, however neither the minister [nor] Create NSW are involved in the programming decisions of recipient organisations”.

Blackie Blackie Brown received funding of $26,509 in 2015 through the then Arts NSW Arts & Cultural Projects fund for a two-week creative development of the project, having also been recommended through an independent assessment panel,” he said.

Ms Lui has been contacted for comment. Blackie Blackie Brown premieres on May 12.
I couldn't figure out what her point was.... Apart from invoking free speech for herself but making an ipso facto case for silencing others.
I couldn't figure out what her point was.... Apart from invoking free speech for herself but making an ipso facto case for silencing others.

Girls go through that argumentative phase, some earlier, some, later ... it must be a rotten feeling later on in life when it surfaces in the memory banks.
Girls go through that argumentative phase, some earlier, some, later ... it must be a rotten feeling later on in life when it surfaces in the memory banks.
The misandrous are stirring, cashed up and ready for a fight.

The experts can't figure out why residents are fleeing in record numbers.

Maybe it because of the meddling in personal freedoms, social suffocation and burial of she'll be right.
The story of Three Identical Strangers is going to be one of the big documentaries on this year. I understand it will have quite compelling observations on the nature vs nurture debate. Well worth a look when it comes out. (See it cold.. don't look for the story before the film..)
Amazing story. I remember hearing it years ago.
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