Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Social Engineering

The left wing push to a more tolerant, less aggressive(well passive aggressive is o.k apparently) future, where out kids can grow up to be respectful and more tolerant seems to be hitting a speed hump ATM.

Yes you just have to give them free reign, turn the other cheek and they will respond, can't wait to see how it all unfolds.
Now if a child who doesn't like school misbehaves, they get time off, that should work. :rolleyes:
Teachers should just have a group hug, you know circle the wagons, for protection.
The left wing push to a more tolerant, less aggressive(well passive aggressive is o.k apparently) future, where out kids can grow up to be respectful and more tolerant seems to be hitting a speed hump ATM.

Yes you just have to give them free reign, turn the other cheek and they will respond, can't wait to see how it all unfolds.
Now if a child who doesn't like school misbehaves, they get time off, that should work. :rolleyes:
Teachers should just have a group hug, you know circle the wagons, for protection.
Quote from the story -
Quite often the parent will come into the school and supports the indefensible behaviour of the student. There is a very, very different attitude from a large number of parents from what there was 15 years ago and certainly from when I was at school.”
End quote.

So the idiots (informal) of yesteryears have gone on to breed.
Quote from the story -
Quite often the parent will come into the school and supports the indefensible behaviour of the student. There is a very, very different attitude from a large number of parents from what there was 15 years ago and certainly from when I was at school.”
End quote.

So the idiots of yesteryears have gone on to breed.

So that is only a recent phenomena?
The quote bolded section?

Of course the parent will blame the school, they have been told endlessly, that children should be respected and only misbehave because of poor adult management.
The last thing people do these days is take responsibility, it is always someone else's fault.
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Now if a child who doesn't like school misbehaves, they get time off, that should work. :rolleyes:
Teachers should just have a group hug, you know circle the wagons, for protection.
It is happening in our workplace too. I notice attitudes have changed regarding care and respect for other people and other peoples equipment. The phrases "tell someone who gives a %^&#", "who gives a ^&%#", "I don't give a &^%#" have become more common. Equipment abuse and team work is at all time lows. It is a contagion and the supervisors turn a blind eye.
It is happening in our workplace too. I notice attitudes have changed regarding care and respect for other people and other peoples equipment. The phrases "tell someone who gives a %^&#", "who gives a ^&%#", "I don't give a &^%#" have become more common. Equipment abuse and team work is at all time lows. It is a contagion and the supervisors turn a blind eye.

Yes unfortunately, the more you allow the boundaries of society to relax, the more society pushes them.
Then you get the ones who like order, feeling their efforts are futile and they rebel in a low level manner as you describe.
IMO the political and media agenda is so dysfunctional in Australia, that there is no obvious line delineating right and wrong in society.
No matter what one party says is wrong, the other side will explain away the bad behaviour as not the perpetrators fault, it runs through all aspects of life.
I heard a comedian said, it is becoming impossible to have comedy any more, political correctness has gone mental.
It will end up badly IMO.
Yes unfortunately, the more you allow the boundaries of society to relax, the more society pushes them.
High profile people and the media mass have extended the boundaries of social communications. Trash talk is a communicable dis-ease and worse when it leads to physical expression.
Trash talk is a communicable dis-ease and worse when it leads to physical expression.

Reminds me of those "Brawl Hall" forums when the witless tries to get cute with a seasoned invariably ends up with the former foul mouthed calling out the latter for a face to face and a session of brutality.... strange given they are both avatars.
So the latest is the outrageous use of "vagina" to marginalise and discriminate against transgender people. It must now be called the "front hole" ...... true.

And they wonder why I pick on the dingbats here for encouraging this seriously stupifying nonsense upon the mentality deranged in society.....did someone make a bet sometime to prove humans truly are, by and large, rote learned walking and talking imbeciles or is this just a bad dream ?
So the latest is the outrageous use of "vagina" to marginalise and discriminate against transgender people. It must now be called the "front hole" ...... true.

And they wonder why I pick on the dingbats here for encouraging this seriously stupifying nonsense upon the mentality deranged in society.....did someone make a bet sometime to prove humans truly are, by and large, rote learned walking and talking imbeciles or is this just a bad dream ?
I did hear about this the other day.
Funniest thing I heard in a while.
To all you haters of Tisme, be on your best behaviour from now on::D

What is hate crime?
Hate crime is an incident or crime which is perceived to be motivated by prejudice or hostility (or perceived to be so) against a person’s:

  • Race – nationality, ethnicity, skin colour and heritage
  • Faith – religion, belief, non-religious belief
  • Disability – physical, hearing and visual impairments, mental ill health and learning disabilities
  • Sexual orientation - people who identify as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or heterosexual
  • Gender identity - people who identify as ‘trans’ including transgender or transsexual people
It can include things like:

  • Physical assault
  • Damage to property
  • Offensive graffiti
  • Arson
  • Inciting hatred online

Just listen to Sarah and her piano and feel the love:

We don't hate you Tis, well at least I don't. I actually find "the Tis" quite entertaining, although I doubt poor Bas would feel the same :p